Friends Caps : 6.17 : The one with Unagi

Feb 17, 2008 23:40

Of : Friends

Episode : 6.17 - The one with Unagi

Amount : 1233

Notes : As previously mentioned, these caps arent of amazing quality. That being said, they make incredible icons, or even graphics, with some curves layers and sharpening.

About this episode: Joey hires another actor to play his twin brother for medical research. Rachel and Phoebe are taking a self-defense class, but Ross feels they don't have Unagi, so he startles them in the hallway to prove his point, which sets off an on-going competition of psuedo-attacks. Chandler and Monica plan to celebrate Valentines day (late) by making gifts for each other. Chandler gives Monica a customized tape of music which actually was a previous gift from Janice; Monica give him a sock puppet that Phoebe made.


Download zip;; HERE

[x] Please credit me @ bleeding_marble [So others can find the caps!]
[x] Comment if taking.
[x] Results of graphics are so so so welcome, thats why I'm doing this!
[x] JOIN The community, I dont want to have to tell you all everytime I post caps =)

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tv: friends, graphics: caps

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