Title: Quiet Glory
Artist: Immediate Music
Vidder: Nicole
Genre: Romance
Fandom: CROSSOVER Star Wars and Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Vala Mal Doran/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: PG-13 (mild non graphic love making)
Summary: An accident sends Vala to a galaxy far far away. She wakes up, tries to dial home, but discovers she's stuck. She's lonely and miserable, until one day she sees a good looking Jedi. They become friends. She pursues him, he keeps politely rejecting her even though he is falling in love with her since he's a jedi and they aren't allowed to do those sorts of things. How will things end up? If you're curious watch the vid :)
Size: 16.86 MB
Vidders Notes: This is my first attempt at any type of crossover vid. I don't think it turned out too bad and it was fun and a challenge. If you're wondering where the heck this idea came from you can blame a crossover challenge at
stargateland. If this pairing interests you at all feel free to check out my previous post which inspired this one
HERE. You'll find a fic and icons/wallpapers there.
01/20/2011 : EDIT ADDED NEW DOWNLOAD LINK AND STREAMING WITH A FEW CHANGES. Upon rewatching I tweaked a few things that I think makes it a bit better.
click to download or watch it below
Password is: obi
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
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Comments are loved :) If you enjoyed this i'd love to know.