Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: And He Haunts My Dreams [4/5]

Nov 18, 2012 15:55

Title: And He Haunts My Dreams (4/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, sex
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Castiel and Dean follow a lead in hopes of preventing Alastair from killing again.
Word Count: 3,754

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

A/N: Sorry this one took longer to get posted guys, the holiday season is rough at work - but at least it's a longer part this time :)

Alastair had only stayed on Tatooine long enough to grab what he needed. He’d left not long after slaughtering those poor souls that had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Where he had gone was another matter entirely. They had located footage of him entering the dockyard - but there was no record of what vessel he had boarded.

Someone had erased it.

Alastair definitely had help.

They’d tried Bela - but unfortunately she had nothing else for them at the moment. She had promised to try and catch a whiff of his scent again, but Cas didn’t have time to wait.

He’d thanked her, and told her to contact him if she came up with anything else.

Her last words before they’d disconnected, refused to fade away.

Castiel, when you find him, make sure you don’t hesitate - because he won’t.

Cas knew she was right - but he couldn’t stop himself from worrying that he would fail, that he wouldn’t be good enough or fast enough.

Once again, he was grateful Dean was here.

“I think we should contact Sam Wesson.” Cas found himself saying, finding Dean’s eyes, gauging his reaction.

Dean sighed, rubbed at the back of his neck, then nodded once. “Yeah. You’re probably right.”

“I don’t like it either - we barely know him.” Cas stepped closer, capturing Dean’s eyes with his. “But I don’t know who else to call, Dean. Every second he’s out there…,” Cas closed his eyes, and swallowed.

Dean stroked his cheek. “I know. Call him.”


Cas stared at Sam’s holo-image - it wavered periodically.

“I’m not one-hundred percent on this guys.” Sam told him for the fifth time.

“We know, Sam. But it’s better than the nothing we had before.”

“There’s something else you should know,” Sam ran a hand through his hair. “A friend who’s in a position to overhear information about the inner workings of the senate caught scent of something fishy.”

Cas suppressed a sigh. He did not need more bad news right now.

“You waiting for an invitation,” Dean blurted, his hand drumming on his thighs.

Sam rolled his eyes, a gesture Cas had seen Dean do on several occasions. “The Chancellor left not long after you two vanished from the temple - my source doesn’t know where he went - but it was kept very quiet. More so than normal.”

“And?” Dean pressed.

“Don’t you think it’s curious the moment you two leave to chase after a dangerous escaped convict, who most likely had help breaking out, the very man who you were beginning to help us investigate vanishes?”

Cas felt a headache coming on.

“You believe he realized we were onto him - and did this as a distraction?” Cas found himself whispering. Horror making his stomach clench.

Sam sighed. “I’m probably just being paranoid - comes with the territory.”

“Perhaps,” Cas added, “but I think a little paranoia is healthy at this point.”

Sam chuckled. “True. I’ll have my contact see if they can find out anything else about what he might be up to.”

Dean was rubbing his face. “ Let us know if you come up with anything. Once we take care of this little problem - we’ll redouble our efforts to expose Roman.”

Sam nodded. “Be careful, both of you.”

“Thank you, Sam,” Cas said sincerely.

The image vanished.

“So,” Dean put his feet up on the controls of the cockpit of the ship they had borrowed. “Mustafar it is then?”

“Yes. Let’s hope he really is there.”

Cas entered the coordinates, not allowing himself to think.

He activated the hyperdrive, and watched the stars turn into a blur.

“You want to talk about this whole “distraction” thing?”

Cas shook his head. “No - if it’s true there is nothing we can do until this is resolved.”

Dean nodded, leaned in, and kissed him softly on the forehead. “Agreed.”

Cas blinked. “It’ll be awhile before we arrive - I’m going to prepare myself.”

Dean nodded, he was trying to be calm, but Cas could see the worry flickering in his green orbs.

“I’ll man the controls,” Dean gave him a convincing devil may care smile, but Cas saw right through it.

Castiel didn’t know when it had happened, but stating that he had developed an attachment to Dean wasn’t enough. He wasn’t just attached to Dean, he would die for him, and when he thought of his future, Dean was always in it.

It was terrifying, and he couldn’t say those things out loud. He knew Dean cared for him, he showed it in his actions, and Cas felt it when he touched him.

They hadn’t been romantically involved for that long; Dean might not be ready to here those words. They might push him away.

So instead Cas leaned in and kissed Dean, trying to tell him without words how much his presence meant to him, how much he needed him, and how much he loved him.

Dean kissed him back, cupping his face, licking into his mouth.

They pulled apart; Cas interlaced their fingers watching Dean for a moment. Wishing life were simpler, that they weren’t on a journey to hell.

He wanted to tell him everything would be okay, but the truth was, he couldn’t promise that.

He had no idea what was going to happen when they reached Mustafar.

Cas pulled his gaze away, and stared at their hands, liking how at ease Dean seemed with the gesture.

He squeezed Dean’s fingers, and leaned in for one last soft, kiss on the lips before he stood. “I’ll be in the back.” He headed to the rear of the small, vessel.

He opened the door, and took a seat on the floor of the cabin, and pulled out his saber.

He examined it, focusing completely on the task, making sure it was ready.

He thought of nothing but peace, and calm.

After he was finished, he holstered his weapon, and began to meditate, pushing through any fear, any doubt - he couldn’t afford a moment’s weakness.

Alastair would exploit it.


Dean watched Cas leave - wanting to stop him - wishing he was better at offering words of comfort.

When Cas vanished into the other room, Dean tried to relax, but he could feel Cas, knew how much he was struggling.

Dean managed to give Cas some space for about twenty minutes before he found himself standing.

The ship was on autopilot. There was nothing for him to do up here anyway.

He opened the door and found Cas with his eyes closed, his saber hovering, his forehead scrunched in concentration.

He didn’t react when Dean entered.

Dean sat on the floor next to him, and watched.

He found himself remembering that night in the temple when he’d walked in on Cas balancing on one arm, while his lightsaber hovered over the ground.

They had come so far since then.

Dean felt his throat constrict as he realized how quickly he could lose Cas to the monster they were chasing.

He’d never been in love before - but as he thought about his life without the Jedi Master in it, he wondered if that’s what this was -if this might be his last night with Cas.

His heart clenched - he promised himself that wouldn’t happen. They would fight Alastair together; they could do this.

Cas was inhaling through his nose, and exhaling through his mouth, his lips were parted.

Dean felt an overpowering need to touch him, to know he was there, and safe in his arms.

It was scary - primal, and Dean was kissing Cas before he’d realized he was moving.

Cas sucked in a breath, momentarily caught off guard, but within seconds his fingers were carding through Dean’s hair, his nails digging into his scalp, as his tongue flicked daringly into Dean’s open mouth.

All thoughts of fear - worry - and traitors receded temporarily and Dean’s brain was only on Castiel.

The smell of him, the taste of him, the scratch of his day old stubble against Dean’s chin.

He lost himself in it.

He pulled at Cas‘s shirt, craving more contact.

The other man helped him remove it, and tossed it against the wall, yanking Dean’s own top off as well.

Dean pushed Cas down onto his back, and laid on top of him, their stomachs pressing together, as Dean began to suck on Cas’s collarbone, hard enough he knew it would leave a mark.

He didn’t care.

Judging by the sounds Cas was making, he didn’t either.

His hands roamed as he tenderly kissed the red mark he’d left.

Cas’s leg wrapped around his hip, and he thrust upward at the same time, grinding his very hard cock into Dean’s.

Dean groaned.

Cas fingers teased the tip of his pants, his lips closed around Dean’s nipple as he rutted into him, biting just enough to sting.

Dean felt a whimper escape, as he met Cas thrust for thrust.

The Jedi Master’s fingers caressed his ass, brushing against his entrance.

Dean sucked in a breath, and moaned.

Cas’s blue eyes widened in surprise.

Dean was surprised at himself.

He’d topped a few guys before, but he’d never trusted any of his former bedmates enough to even consider allowing them inside of him.

The thought had unnerved him - made him feel too vulnerable.

The revelation that he trusted Cas enough caught him off guard. That he even liked the thought of having Cas filling him up was a wake-up call.

He had to face the fact that somewhere along the line Cas has gotten a piece of his heart, and he was never going to get it back.

It both comforted him and terrified him.

Cas ran his finger over the spot again, stroking timidly. His eyes curious.

Dean groaned, and devoured his mouth with renewed vigor, before scooting back.

It seemed it was time to teach Cas a few new things.

He tenderly removed Cas’s pants, sucking his firm thighs as he eased them down, exposing Cas’s gorgeous cock.

It was leaking precum from the tip, and Dean licked it, wanting to taste the other man on his lips.

Cas shuddered, and he let out a small puff of breath.

Dean reached into his pack, and pulled out some lube.

He coated his fingers, then met Cas’s trusting, hooding gaze.

Dean smiled, lifting Cas’s legs, and placing them on his shoulders, giving him easy access to Cas’s entrance.

He placed one finger on his opening, and teased the area, lubing it up, showing Cas why he’d enjoyed being touched there. He knew it could be strange at first, it wasn’t an area that was used to contact.

He wanted to ease him into this, how far things went would be up to the other man.

Cas froze at first, his expression said ‘that’s interesting.’

Dean grinned. “This okay?”

Cas swallowed, and nodded, his eyes fluttering as Dean eased one finger inside him, slowly, and gently.

Cas inhaled, and tensed.

“It’s okay baby, relax. I won’t hurt you.”

It took him a few moments, but he felt Cas’s muscles unclench.

Dean ran his free hand soothingly over Cas’s thigh.

He eased in, crooking his finger, probing deeper.

Cas shuddered this time, his breathing deep.

He inserted a second finger, staying still, allowing Cas to adjust to the sensation.


Cas nodded, his eyes darker than normal, his lips parted.

Dean scissored his fingers, found the right angle, and knew he’d hit the spot he’d been searching for as Cas’s eyes widened, and he made a sound of surprise, and pleasure.

Dean smiled, feeling his own arousal growing as Cas moaned.

Dean brushed his prostate again, loving the shudder, and gasp his lover made.

“More,” Cas panted.

Dean felt his dick get even harder, he moaned, and slid a third finger in.

Cas had a sheen of sweat on his chest, and upper lip, his breathing was labored, his eyes blown black, his cock dripping precum, his legs bearing down on Dean’s shoulders, his fingers kept clenching, and unclenching.

“Baby, you have no idea how hot you look right now.”

Dean wanted him - he wanted to be inside him - he wanted Cas inside of him - he just wanted - no needed this.

“Dean,” Cas panted, as Dean continued to work him open, his fingers stroking his prostate. He almost sobbed when Dean licked the tip of penis. “Make love to me,” Cas whispered.

“Force,” Dean moaned, and slid his fingers out.

“You sure?”

Cas nodded rapidly, his hands undoing Dean’s pants, and yanking at them almost desperately.

Dean didn’t need any other encouragement as he kicked out of his clothes, and spread Cas’s legs gently.

Cas grabbed the lube, squeezed out a generous amount, and gave Dean a look that had him moaning, and his cock throbbing.

He ran his hands over Dean’s aching sex and covered him generously, his gaze locked with Dean’s.

“I want this,” he said, no doubt in his tone.

Dean leaned down, kissing Cas possessively, his tongue dancing with the other man’s.

He sat back, his heart racing, and pressed himself against Cas’s entrance, shuddering from the barest contact, knowing it was going to be a struggle to last.

Cas’s head was thrown back, his body trembling, his breathing rapid.

Dean eased into him a few inches, groaned. He was so warm, tight, and perfect.

Dean almost came right there.

He forced himself to hold it together.

He wasn’t going to spill in seconds like some teenage boy.

He wanted this time with Cas, and he wanted it to last.

Dean pushed in further, his arousal was boiling, his nerves on fire.

Cas was whimpering.

“You okay, Cas?” he managed.

“Yes - don‘t stop,” Cas half panted, half demanded.

Dean growled, and obliged, pushing inside until he bottomed out in Cas, their balls smacking together.

“Force,” Dean gasped.

Cas moaned, his arms writhing above his head.

He held still a few moments, wanting to give Cas time to allow his body to adjust to him inside of him - not wanting to cause pain.

He only wanted Cas to feel good - to feel loved.

He stroked Cas’s hip gently.

“Dean,” Cas licked his bottom lip. “Please,” he whispered.

Dean understood, and he braced himself, and thrust into Cas, his lover’s leaking cock pressed into his stomach, as he filled Cas up. He shifted his angle, and when he hit his target, Cas almost screamed. His eyes went wild, and his body was undulating underneath Dean.

The noises Cas made as Dean hit his prostate again, and again had Dean a panting mess. He could feel Cas everywhere, touching his back, his nails digging into his shoulder, his breath, warm, and sweet on his face.

Dean was fighting his own orgasm, as his body buzzed with pleasure, his cock was begging for release, but he held on - knowing Cas was close.

Wanting to give him this.

Cas was babbling, his legs, wrapped around Dean’s waist, and he bucked upward, his moans almost constant.

Dean thrust into him one more time, and he felt warm, cum cover his chest, and Dean let go.

He almost saw stars as he came, his body shaking and vibrating with pleasure, as fell on top of Cas.

He tried not to allow himself to think that if this mission went badly, this might be the last time he had this.

Dean buried his face into Cas’s chest, and pushed those thoughts away, focusing only on the man underneath him.


As they left the ship, and stepped out onto the harsh, dangerous landscape of Mustafar, Castiel didn’t allow himself to be afraid.

He basked in the sense of peace he’d found since making love to Dean hours before.

It was hot, and streams of lava could be seen weaving in and out of the landscape.

He didn’t know why Alastair was here - but the planet seemed a fitting place.

It suited the man they were chasing.

Harsh, brutal, and without compassion.

The planet’s deadly lava was mined. It was incredibly difficult and many lost their lives extracting the minerals from the destructive substance. But it kept this planet’s economy alive.

They had landed at the main facility owned by the Techno Union. A Republic commerce guild.

Lava boiled, and flowed underneath the land mass they had built it upon.

Sam had a friend here who they were to meet - both he and Dean hadn’t discussed the implications of a Separatist working for the Techno Union. It showed how far their reach was, and that they most likely had people in places the Republic considered secure.

It should have bothered Cas more than it did, but he had other concerns, and in all honesty, he was glad they had someone to turn to for help.

They walked up to the main doors, in casual attire. Dean wore a deep green tunic, and tan pants, his tunic was blue. Their weapons were concealed - they did not want anyone knowing they were Jedi.

A man came up to greet them, he seemed nervous.

He gave them the prearranged signal Sam had shown them, a series of gestures.

They returned with the proper response.

The man swallowed, he was wearing brown pants, and a light red top. He had some facial hair, and short brown hair, and he kept fidgeting.

“I take it you’re Chuck.” Dean seemed amused.

Chuck nodded rapidly. “Umm, yeah, I mean yes. Sorry guys, I’m just not used to this cloak and dagger stuff. My work is normally more to do with writing reports.”

“Not a problem. We appreciate the help,” Cas said, hoping to calm him.

Chuck guided them to small room, Cas assumed it was his office, and sat down.

Neither he nor Dean sat. They waited while Chuck rummaged through his desk, and finally produced a data pad.

“That’s where you’ll want to check - it’s a company called Damask Holding‘s. A man fitting your friends description was seen heading there.”

Cas looked it over. “What is this place?”

Chuck swallowed. “Supposedly, a private mining facility.”

“But?” Dean prodded.

“They are very secretive - and for a mining facility they don’t send out many shipments.” Chuck added, he shrugged. “I’ve tried to find out who funds it, but I haven’t been able to even come close.”

“So, we could be walking into anything?” Dean huffed.

“I’m sorry. It’s all I was able to get.”

“It’s enough.” Cas stated. “This looks secluded.”

“It is,” Chuck nodded. “You’ll have to land close, there’s no other way to get there. The ground is too unstable, and there are practically oceans of lava in that area.”

“Wonderful.” Dean growled.

“Did you find any images of the man?” Cas asked, hoping for confirmation.

Chuck shook his head. “No, whoever it was, knew how to avoid detection. Any time a camera did catch sight of him, all you could see was his back, and he was wearing a cloak.”


“You think it’s him?” Dean asked as they approached the site, both pausing as the ground shook beneath them.

“I’ve felt a disturbance in the force since we arrived,” Cas admitted. “It could just be me…but I believe he’s here.”

“I’ve caught a whiff of something here and there myself.” Dean touched his back. “I think you’re right.”

Cas nodded, his eyes scanning, and his other senses reached out - not wanting to be caught off guard.

He didn’t like this planet.

It was angry, and cruel.

A large, black, C-shaped building with no windows stood before them.

Damask Holding’s seemed barren.

No sign of life.

The front entrance was wide open.

They shared a glance, and turned on their sabers in unison.

Cas entered first, Dean covering him.

His eyes swept over the deserted room.

People had been here recently.

Uneaten food sat on the a table, and a few books lay scattered atop them.

No sign of violence, or distress.

It was as if, they had simply left.

They continued deeper into the facility.

It became very clear that this was not a mining operation.

People had lived here.

Trained here.

Mats lined the floor in a room to their right. Training droids with burns on them, cut in half.

Lightsaber training.

By the force.

He stared at Dean.

And saw Dean’s confusion reflecting his own.

What had they been doing here?

Sam’s words about the Chancellor building an army in secret echoed in the back of his mind.

The lights kept flickering on and off as they proceeded forward.

The light from their blades guided them, and kept Cas from tripping over various debris.

They found a large room, that was lined with computers.

Cas moved towards an active screen.

His heart almost stopped as he read the file.

This place had been designed to train force-sensitive children - he pulled up a video.

Dean was hovering behind him, a comforting presence.

He watched as men and women dueled each other with considerable skill. One woman with long blonde hair, lifted her hand and force-choked her opponent. He saw the hate, and rage in her eyes that fueled her. The boy in her grasp kicked and struggled to get free - she laughed, there was no humor in it.

The video abruptly ended.

Cas felt queasy - the implications of an army of dark Jedi - the havoc they could wreak.

Is this where Alastair had been trained?

Was this part of Roman’s plan?

He turned, and saw the same questions and worry on Dean’s face.

A sound down the hallway had them both spinning toward the noise.

Cas caught sight of a movement and darted off down the hall.

Dean was hot on his heels.

A door swooshed shut ahead of them.

They pulled out their sabers and cut a large hole into it, their sabers sparking as they carved, metal melting from the heat of their blades.

They emerged outside - Alastair stood a few meters away, and he was smiling. His thin face, and physique were framed by a dark cloak.

Cas felt his stomach clench, and memories of pain crawled up, picking at his insides.

Dean touched his arm briefly, a signal that he had his back.

Cas took a deep breath, and felt his mask slip into place.

There is only peace.

He could do this.

Part 5

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is still enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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