Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: And He Haunts My Dreams [5/5]

Nov 23, 2012 19:31

Title: And He Haunts My Dreams (5/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, violence, death
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Castiel and Dean face Alastair.
Word Count: 1,878

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

“Castiel, it’s been far too long.”

His voice was something you never forgot.

There was an odd lilt to it, a breathy quality that sent chills down Cas’s spine.

“Not long enough - I assure you,” Cas replied calmly, not allowing his former tormentor to see any signs of weakness.

“Oh come now - we had some good times together.” He was smirking, his insane eyes wild - the saber enclosed in his hand activated, two red blades erupted from either end.

Just perfect.

Cas said nothing, just stared him down, he could feel Dean next to him, ready to strike.

“Nothing to say? A pity - can I interest you in a dance instead?”

Dean threw back his head and laughed.

Alastair glared at him as if he were a stain on his favorite suit.

“Is this guy for real?” Dean smirked, his tone taunting.

Cas wasn’t certain where his lover was going with this, but he trusted Dean - so he played along. “Sadly, yes. I think he is?”

“Let me ask you something Al.” Dean stepped forward, his saber at the ready. “How’s it being Dick Roman’s lapdog?”

Alastair became eerily still, his cold eyes, zeroed in on Dean.

“I mean, he left you locked up for what, over a year. Only springs you when he needs you to run an errand for him.” Dean shrugged. “Seems like your getting the shit end of the stick if you ask me.”

“I am no one’s lapdog,” he snarled.

It wasn’t a flat-out denial. And Cas could see how Dean’s words had affected the man.


Roman was behind his escape.

Dean glanced at Cas. “Let’s show this scum how wrong he is.” Dean smiled, his eyes alive.

Cas nodded, readying his weapon. “Whatever you were doing here Alastair - it ends now.”

Alastair laughed, his voice came out in a high pitched sing-song taunt. “Castiel - still pretending you’re the hero I see. Too bad you’ve already lost.”

He leapt towards them, Cas had been waiting for him to make the first move.

The Jedi Master flipped out of the way while Dean moved in from behind, his blade sweeping toward their opponent.

Alastair spun, and blocked Dean’s blade.

Cas attacked from the other side, both of them working in tandem.

Alastair was better than he’d expected. He wielded both sides of his saber with ease, blocking, and countering each of their blows.

This was a side of the man, Cas had never seen.

Alastair had shown him violence through electric shocks, whips, broken bones, and fists. He’d never known he was capable with a lightsaber.

There had been no sign of lightsaber training.

Perhaps Alastair was smarter than he’d realized - or just very good at following his Master’s orders.

They fought him, their weapons spinning, and striking from both sides. Together they were holding him off, and driving him backwards, but they couldn’t break through his defense.

Their blades became a blur as they circled each other.

Suddenly Alastair's arms shot out to the sides - and Cas felt himself flying backwards. The sickly, heavy feeling of the dark side of the force flowed around him.

Alastair was drawing on it.

Cas used the force to flip, and managed to land on his feet.

Dean wasn’t so lucky, he hit hard, rolling across the ground a few times.

Cas flew at his opponent before he could attack Dean while he was down.

Alastair’s eyes were laughing at him as he blocked the blow that Cas had been trying to land on his head.

Cas felt a pressure constrict around his throat, and his feet lifted off the ground as Alastair smiled, his arm outstretched, hate swirling around him, fueling his power.

Cas clawed at the unseen force around his neck, as he struggled to breathe. His vision began to narrow.

Alastair spun, his hold on Cas slipped, and the Jedi master hit the ground in time to see Dean and Alastair’s blades lock.

Alastair swept out with his bottom blade, Dean leapt, the red blur narrowly missed his ankles.

Cas was on his feet in seconds, ignoring the burn in his throat; he’d feel it later.

Cas drew their opponents attention back to him, almost landing a blow to his shoulder, but Alastair twisted away, his own weapon connecting with Cas’s.

Dean attacked again - Alastair swirled his blades in a long, arching motion - Dean hissed in pain as the Dark Jedi connected with his left arm.

Cas’s heart lurched as he surged forward - the smell of charred flesh flooding his nostrils. He drew on the force, increasing his speed, and landed a blow with the heel of his foot to the back of Alastair’s knee, causing him to fall forward.

His opponent tried to counter, but Cas was too fast, his blade came sweeping down in a trajectory that would end Alastair‘s life.

An explosion from behind caused Castiel to stumble as the ground shook, he didn’t fall, but it did cause him to miss.

Alastair leapt away landing out of reach.

Cas glanced back to see the building containing the only proof of what had transpired on this planet was in ruins.

Alastair must have set explosive charges in it - that son-of-a-hutt.

Dean was back on his feet, his face paler than normal, and his tunic blackened around his bicep. His eyes found Cas’s then quickly jerked back towards the cliff a few meters away.

At the bottom was a river of lava.

Cas felt his lips twitch and he gave a quick nod.

Alastair charged towards them.

They both leapt backwards away from their opponent at once, and flung their hands forward - slamming into him with their combined wills.

His eyes widened, and filled with hate, as he went flying backwards and toppled off the edge.

They both darted forward - Cas felt his heart rate spike as he noticed Alastair had managed to land on a mining platform down below.

He looked up at them, and gave a wave.

Cas glanced at Dean - his eyes asking if he was okay to do this.

Dean grinned. “Just a flesh wound babe.”

Cas managed a quick smile, before bounding off the edge, and landing on a platform across from Alastair.

The heat was intense - the lava burbled and hissed as it moved around them. It was harder to breathe - but Alastair was still smiling.

“It’s a shame you escaped when you did, Castiel,” he taunted, “I was so close to watching all the pieces of you shatter before me - it would have been glorious.”

“It bothers you that you never were able to destroy me doesn’t it?” Cas said calmly, surprised at how at peace he still felt despite the other man‘s words. “You take pride in how well you are able to inflict pain, and use it to control others.”

Alastair’s eyes narrowed as they watched each other.

“You tried so hard to break me, and yet,” Cas smiled, making sure Alastair was focused entirely on him, “Here I am.”

Alastair snarled and raised his weapon, preparing to leap towards Cas’s position. His eyes widened in surprise as two bolt’s from Dean’s blaster hit him square in the back.

He screamed in rage, and fell to his knees, his arm reaching outwards, preparing another attack fueled by the dark side of the force.

Cas didn’t hesitate, he threw his saber, and kept one hand raised, fingertips outstretched as he controlled its path with the force. It spun through the air, cutting Alastair’s head off in seconds.

The blade clattered onto the platform, and Cas watched, as his body crumpled. Alastair’s head, mouth open in surprise, eyes somehow still twisted with hate, rolled off the side, and disappeared into the lava with nothing more than a small ‘plop.’

He exhaled, and wiped sweat from his brow, his hands were trembling slightly as he lowered them to his sides.

“That was freaking amazing, Cas.”

Dean’s voice calmed his nerves, and slowed his racing pulse.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.“ Cas said, his lips cracked from the heat as he smiled at Dean who was standing on a small metal, platform behind where Alastair had been standing.

The malevolent man had never even noticed Dean - arrogance, insanity, and his sick fixation on continuing to torment Castiel had made him blind to much around him.

Dean blew on the tip of his blaster, and flashed Cas a thumbs up sign.

It was finally over.


Dean had been lucky, his wound could have been much worse. He was doing well, and was resting comfortably next to Castiel.

They were on their way back to Coruscant to ‘face the music’ as Dean had so eloquently put it. Castiel had informed them that Alastair was no longer a threat. They hadn’t seemed nearly as overjoyed with the news as he‘d hoped they‘d be. Instead he’d heard the barely contained disappointment in most of the Council’s words as they’d told him he was to report immediately to them upon his arrival.

He and Dean.

“We’ll get through this together babe, whatever happens, I’ve got your back.”

Cas allowed Dean’s earlier words to flow through him, to offer comfort.

He was relieved Alastair was gone, and that he had felt nothing but a sense of purpose when he’d ended his life.

There had been no anger - no desire for revenge. In some ways he’d even pitied Alastair.

Sadly, Alastair had only been the beginning, and despite what they’d discovered - once again they had no proof.

The bomb had done its job well.

Nothing had been left to recover.

And the council itself was corrupt -tainted - Cas had reservations about returning.

But it was his duty, so he would go.

He and Dean had brought Sam up to speed on what they’d uncovered, and thanked him for his help once again.

The younger man had taken it in stride - calling it a win. At least now they knew of the threat, it was a start.

Cas was trying to share his optimism.

However, simply knowing about a Dark Jedi army wasn’t of much use unless you knew where they were, exactly how many there were, and had proof to convince the council it was a real threat.

Cas had so many thoughts running through his mind, they were making his head spin as he lay on the small cot.

He felt Dean shift next to him, his arm pulling him closer, Cas burrowed into him, trying to still his thoughts.

Dean’s eyes fluttered open, he scrutinized Cas’s face, and whatever he saw there seemed to worry him. “You okay - nightmare?” He asked.

Cas shook his head. “No.” Cas touched his face. “Nothing like that - hopefully never again.” The Jedi Master kissed him gently. “Just thinking.”

“Well stop.” Dean carded a hand through his hair, Cas melted into the touch. “It’s keeping me awake.”

Cas chuckled. “Sorry.”

They had some time before they would arrive, he pushed his thoughts down, burying them, they would keep.

For now he would just be content in the safe harbor that was Dean Winchester’s arms.

A/N: I hope everyone who celebrates had a great Thanksgiving :)

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is still enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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