Fic-Crossover-Supernatural:Aliens-Dean,Cas,Sam - (9/?)

May 22, 2012 12:51

A/N: Sorry this one took awhile longer to post, I was debating adding something to the plot, and was waiting to hear back from a friend on her thoughts. Sadly her internet has been wonky and she wasn't ever able to get back with me, so I made the decision on my own - and two days ago I wrote an additional chapter that occurs later in this fic - so the good news is while I kept you waiting, this story got longer. Hopefully you guys will enjoy the rest of this fic.

Title: Supernatural: Aliens
Author: nicole9514
Chapter: 9/?
Rating: R
Genre: AU/horror/action/crossover - Dean/Castiel pre-slash or strong friendship depending on your preference
Characters: Dean Winchester,Castiel, Sam Winchester, and OC's
Warnings: Violence,language, gore, scary imagery, blood, death
Disclaimer: Only written for fun. I own nothing but the errors and OC's.
A/N: Goes AU after episode 5 X 18 - Team free will fic, but with a heavy focus on Dean/Cas friendship/strong bond, so if you don't like their dynamic you probably won't enjoy this fic.
Special Thanks: To my beta skylar_matthews. To jedakin for reading this fic and encouraging/motivating me to keep writing it.
Summary:Takes place after the events of Season five's Point of No return - Dean, Cas, and Sam investigate a case different than anything they've ever seen before in Gunnison, Colorado.
Wordcount: 2,790 (total so far 52,333)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Dean paused at the door, his hand hovering over the knob, his ear almost pressed against the wood. His gaze flickered to the Sheriff again, he’d made the choice to arm her, to add to their numbers. With the amount of whatsits running around, they needed an extra pair of hands, someone who could keep a cool head on their side.

He still had his doubts, but Cas trusted her, and Sam was leaning that way as well. It was hard depending on an outsider to protect those he cared for most in the world, but he had to trust his family‘s judgment.

Robin’s brown eyes were clear, her hands steady - she met his stare head on and didn’t even flinch when he gave her his best “if you screw us, I will end you” glare. He almost smiled.

Maybe she wasn’t so bad.

Dean opened the door quietly, Sam stepped up, shotgun ready to let loose and waited.

Nothing came at them.

Most people would take that as a good sign, but not Dean. He hated the waiting. He’d been at this long enough to know something besides cops were running around stalking them in the shadows. He’d rather the fucks just charged them now.

The power was still on, at least that was one cliché they might avoid today. He moved in several steps, eyes sweeping over the area. A desk, with several chairs along the walls near it. A single hallway was visible, it led away from the main lobby. Offices lined it.

Quite cute and cozy for a police station, but unfortunately the papers strewn across the floor, and the blood streaked across the white, tiled floor leading down the hallway kind of ruined the image.

They fanned out, doing a search of the front.

Dean checked behind the desk, a chair was knocked over. Other than that, it was clear. They met back by the door. All nodding in silent agreement that the front was secure.

Robin gestured towards the hallway, her eyes asking if she could lead.

Dean had to bite back the reflexive 'no way in hell' that almost spilled from his lips. He knew he should let Robin take point, she knew this place, knew its layout, and she knew where the weapons were stored. But fuck, that was a hard pill to swallow. He grimaced, noticed his handprint tingling, nudging him and before he realized what was happening, his gaze had wandered to Cas.

The former angel seemed calm, his posture straight, his blue eyes were somehow serene and piercing all at once as they bored into Dean’s skull, seeing right through him - like always.

Cas nodded once.

Dean sighed, then nodded back, waving Robin forward.

Her lips twitched into a semblance of a smile, then weapon raised, she entered the hallway. They followed a few paces behind.

There had been no noises since they’d entered - the quiet was deafening.

They approached the first office, the door was ajar. It was clear.

Their group moved further down the hall, the next office door was closed, a bloody handprint marred the floor in front of it.


Robin waved them to the sides; they covered while she gently nudged the knob with a push of her fingers. In the silence the creaking the old wood door made as it opened might as well have been a nuke going off, alerting the freaks to their presence.

Dean clenched his teeth, they all glanced around.

It stayed still.

The office was clear, not even a folder was out of place.

Three more steps towards the final office.

A bang, and a scream from deeper in the station.

Robin’s already fair skin went ashen, her eyes became a mixture of rage and desperation. She picked up their pace, moving as fast as possible down the hall while still checking every corner, every blind spot.

He knew how much she wanted to race to that person’s aid, but carelessness right now would get them killed.

His respect for her went up another notch as she held her emotions in check, and stayed smart.

It only took them thirty seconds to clear the corridor, the room opened up. Dean didn’t have time to notice much of anything except that cells lined the back wall - his gaze was focused upward.

A man dangled from the ceiling, his legs kicking, muffled cries, as one of the huge, dragon like monsters held him up. For one second he thought the fucking thing was flying. As he tried to find a shot, Dean realized it was hanging out of an air vent, clinging to the ceiling.

The man was flailing so much Dean couldn’t get a clear shot. He moved right, then left, searching, knowing the cop was already dead. He just hadn’t stopped breathing yet.

Dean prepared to fire at the creatures head, his gaze focused on it - he watched as it lifted the man up higher, drooling. Its mouth opened, and another, smaller one thrust out, directly into the man’s skull. Bone, blood, and bits of brain rained down on them.

Robin screamed in rage, firing.

The blasts from the shotgun assaulted the creature, the man’s limp body fell to the ground and the monster dangled from the vent, splatters of acid following the dead officer.

Sam kept his weapon trained on the vent, Cas was scanning the area around them, keeping an eye out for anymore surprises.

Dean watched Robin as she stared down at the body, her eyes bright with tears and hate.

It was hard to tell with all the blood and damage to the skull, but he recognized the officer. It was the young man that had been in the hospital room when they’d witnessed the birth of one of these dicks. The one that had been scared, and out of his element. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-two or three. A rookie most likely.

Sheriff Blalock licked her lips and took deep breaths - definitely a rookie. One she felt responsible for - Dean stepped closer to her.

Sometimes he hated that he always had to be the hard ass, but there wasn’t time to grieve now. It was horrible, but the longer they stood here doing nothing, the more would die.

“Sheriff, we n-”

“I know.” She pulled her gaze away. “Let’s search for the other two officers, then we’ll get those flame throwers and send every last one of these mother fuckers back to hell where they belong,” she snarled and took point. Every step she took forward punctuated with anger; Dean could relate.

He followed, glancing back to make sure Cas and Sam were close. They were both near, ready to bash some heads in - he couldn’t ask for a better team.

Together they would survive this newest threat to the world, and then they were taking a day off. Fuck the damn apocalypse, it would have to wait.

They reached the end of the room and found nothing. No more blood, no more officers, and no more freaks.

“They must have taken them to the sewer,” Robin whispered.

“Yep.” Dean agreed. He couldn’t stop himself from wondering if this was somehow their fault. They had killed a good chunk of them, maybe they’d made them desperate for more numbers. “We must have really pissed them off.” Dean attempted to joke, it fell flat even to his own ears.

A hand rested on his shoulder. Dean didn’t jump, he’d sensed Cas step closer. Dean felt something ripple through their bond starting where Cas’s hand was touching him and spreading outward from there.

Cas cared about him; considering the former angel had been willing to die for him several times over, he’d known this already on some level. But to actually feel that affection, to know without a doubt that someone cared, it both scared Dean, and made him feel…safe.

He wasn’t stupid, he knew he had issues - judging by life experience he pretty much assumed everyone would leave him in the end. Most days he shoved those insecurities down, but sometimes they escaped the cage he kept them locked in - today because of this terrifying and amazing connection he had with Cas those insecurities faded slightly.

They didn’t go away, probably never would - but they weren’t nearly as loud, and Dean considered that a victory over the scars his shitty life had left him with.

He breathed in deeply, turned his head, stopping when their eyes locked. “This is no ones fault but those things,” Cas stated, his tone final, certain. He moved his gaze to Robin, then Sam, then back to Dean squeezing his shoulder.

“These creatures want nothing but to kill and reproduce. This is the path they would have followed no matter what we did.”

Dean wanted to argue, tell Cas there was no way he could know that - only maybe he could. Cas could feel them in a way that they couldn’t , if he believed that, Dean had to try and trust Cas’s instincts. It’s not like he’d seen these things do anything that would contradict that theory.

“He’s right Dean.” Sam spoke up. “They were most likely building their numbers, preparing for this. If we hadn’t taken out the ones we did, the situation might be even worse.”

Dean nodded, Cas let his hand fall away, but Dean could still feel him. When they weren’t about to die, he really did need to know what the hell this link between them was - because it sure as hell wasn’t normal.

Cas was looking down at the hand that had been touching Dean, waggling his fingers, surprise fluttering across his features briefly before he rested them back on his shotgun.

Sam was watching them, curiosity and fondness making him look younger than normal. He gave Dean a quick smile when their eyes met.

Dean shook his head, shaking off anything except this moment, and their mission. “Let’s get those flame throwers,” he said.

Robin nodded and headed towards a room in the rear, right hand corner.

They followed. She pulled out a set of keys from her pocket, and unlocked the door.

“Sweet.” Dean blurted. Sam made an appreciative noise, and Cas tilted his head, blue eyes darting all over the small space.

“We do have quite the weapons locker,” she replied, moving inside, and heading to the back of the square room

It was lined with shotguns, various handguns, bulletproof vests, and lots of other goodies. “Grab whatever you need.” She gestured towards the shelves loaded with boxes of ammo.

“Sam,” was all Dean needed to say and his brother shifted his position, covering them.

Cas opened his pack, and Dean filled it with enough ammo to take down an army. He only hoped it would be enough. He and Sam had always thought they were well stocked, but after tonight, he had his doubts. Salt rounds weren’t going to do shit against those creatures, a shotgun shell to the face seemed to work best.

“Help me with this,” Robin said as she lifted one. Dean zipped the bag, and Cas hefted it onto his shoulder.

Dean headed to Robin’s side, and ran his eyes over the homemade flame units. Two gas tanks made up the back of it, a strap so you could attach it to your back, and waist, and a long tube, with a nozzle. It seemed simple enough to use.

“You strap this on,” Robin waved at the harness, “then once it’s in place, all you have to do is press this, and fire will launch out of this nozzle here.”

Dean nodded. Definitely simple enough.

“It’s heavy, and has a longer range than you might expect.”

“Good. I really wasn’t looking forward to getting any closer to these freaks than I had to.”

She almost smiled. “Let’s get these loaded in the car.”


Cas sat in the back while Dean drove towards the creatures nesting grounds. Robin was sitting next to him in the backseat, her fingers clenching and unclenching, her back ramrod straight. Cas wanted to tell her they’d rescue the abducted deputies, but he didn’t want to lie.

There was a good chance they were already infected - Cas swallowed as a horrible thought occurred to him. He leaned forward, and tapped Sam on the shoulder who was seated in the passenger seat in front of him.

“Sam, if we go down there and burn everything, won’t we run the risk of killing victims who might have been recently taken.”

Sam turned, eyes wide, skin blanched.

Cas could sense Dean tensing, his eyes slanted towards him and he noticed that his knuckles shone white as they clutched the wheel.

“Godfuckingdammit,” Dean part growled, part hissed.

“He’s right.” Robin was leaning forward now as well. “They’ve been taking people left and right over the past hour, some might not be infected. We can’t leave them down there.”

“Look,” Dean sighed, glanced at Sam, “if we don’t kill these things this entire town is fucked. If that were me down there strung up,” Dean licked his bottom lip, “I’d rather die any other way than have one of those bitches tearing my chest to shreds.”

“Dean,” Sam whispered, “I’m not saying I don’t agree with that sentiment, but there might be some that aren’t infected.”

“No,” Dean spat, and with that one word a choice hovered over them all, like a fog.

Cas knew Dean hated himself right now for the path he was suggesting, but he was so very scared. He didn’t need their bond to tell him that, although it was a nice confirmation. He’d just recently almost lost Sam to these things, Adam had been stolen from them, and Castiel himself had been believed dead for several days. Dean had come so close to losing everything the past few days - he was understandably extra protective, and allowing fear to guide his words.

But Castiel knew Dean, better than he’d realized, and over the past day he felt closer to the hunter than he’d ever thought possible. And he knew that deep down, no one in this car would be able to live with themselves if they didn’t at least try and rescue anyone trapped down there. The End Justified The Means was not a code the Winchester’s lived by - they went out of their way, took insane risks, and went up against Lucifer himself to save people. And judging by the way Cas’s blood had gone cold, and his stomach was churning at the very thought of trying to sleep at night after burning innocent people alive - he knew he would rather die than leave those people to their fate.

“Dean,” Cas said, his tone calm.

“Don‘t Cas,” Dean snarled.

Cas ignored him, and continued speaking as if Dean hadn‘t interrupted. “I know you, and I know Sam - neither of you would be able to look yourselves in the mirror if you do this.”

“Watch me!” Dean got louder, Cas barely heard him, he was too distracted by the turmoil and pain he could feel coming off of the hunter.

“And,” Cas leaned closer, not stopping until his chin was almost resting on Dean’s shoulder, “neither could I.”

Dean was breathing hard, his jaw clenched.

“It would eat me alive, Dean,” Cas paused. “And I know it would do the same to you.”

“He’s right,” Sam said, “It’s not us.”

Robin had been quiet, but now she took a deep breath. “I think the answer is simple. Dean if that were Cas down there, or Sam, would you still play it safe?”

Dean stiffened, his eyes fuming in the rearview mirror.

“Because I know if my sister had been taken, I’d go down there, and try to rescue her - why are any of those people life’s less valuable? They are all someone’s brother or sister? They all matter to someone.”

Dean slammed his fist repeatedly into the wheel, cursing, then he took ten deep breaths.

They were all quiet - giving him a moment to calm down.

Cas was staring at Dean’s face in the mirror - Dean rolled his eyes, and sighed.

Cas almost smiled, but froze as he was assaulted by cold and darkness. A sensation he’d come to associate with the creatures.

“Cas,” all Dean's anger was gone, replaced by worry.

Something drew Castiel’s gaze straight ahead, in the headlights of the car he saw a blur of movement. He managed a quick, “Dean, lo-”

The car shuddered, glass shattered inward, as one of the creatures leapt onto the hood of the Impala.

Next Chapter

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Comments are loved, adored, and feed my muse. If you are enjoying this, i'd love to know :)

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: aliens, genre: preslash, genre: horror, genre: au, supernatural, genre: crossover

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