Fic-Crossover-Supernatural:Aliens-Dean,Cas,Sam - (10/?)

May 28, 2012 19:08

A day early to make up slightly for the long wait last time. And it's a pretty long chapter; hope you enjoy :)

Title: Supernatural: Aliens
Author: nicole9514
Chapter: 10/?
Rating: R
Genre: AU/horror/action/crossover - Dean/Castiel pre-slash or strong friendship depending on your preference
Characters: Dean Winchester,Castiel, Sam Winchester, and OC's
Warnings: Violence,language, gore, scary imagery, blood, death
Disclaimer: Only written for fun. I own nothing but the errors and OC's.
A/N: Goes AU after episode 5 X 18 - Team free will fic, but with a heavy focus on Dean/Cas friendship/strong bond, so if you don't like their dynamic you probably won't enjoy this fic.
Special Thanks: To my beta skylar_matthews. To jedakin for reading this fic and encouraging/motivating me to keep writing it.
Summary:Takes place after the events of Season five's Point of No return - Dean, Cas, and Sam investigate a case different than anything they've ever seen before in Gunnison, Colorado.
Wordcount: 4,591 (total so far 52,333)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9


Cas felt his heart jump as the tail flew towards Dean, stabbing him in the shoulder, pinning him to the seat.

Cas could hardly breathe, as panic and adrenaline surged, time seemed to slow down. He could see the creature’s head moving closer to Dean - its second mouth emerged, drool spilled from its jaw.

Cas reached for his shotgun, knowing firing with it this close would probably kill Dean, and at the very least injure Sam.

Dean screamed in rage and slammed on the brakes. Cas’s seatbelt held him in place; he barely noticed the pain across his chest as the belt dug into the tender flesh.

He was too focused on the monster.

The sudden stop had momentarily unbalanced the thing giving Cas a few seconds to make his shot, as it floundered on the hood.

He took it - as did Sam, and Robin.

Three shotgun blasts rang out in unison. It flew off the hood, the smell of metal burning and the ringing in Castiel‘s ears had him momentarily stunned. He focused on breathing and a few moments later the ringing quieted and he was able to hear the sizzling of the acid, and Dean cursing.

He shifted his focus to Dean. The tail was no longer embedded in his flesh. He wasn’t sure whether the force of the stop had dislodged it or if the creature had simply pulled it out on his own - either way blood was oozing from the wound, soaking Dean’s shirt.

“A little help,” Dean hissed, his voice strained and hollow. Cas absently realized it was his own ears distorting sounds - he was just grateful he could hear at all.

“Dean.” Cas set his gun down, and turned his attention to his friend.

“Get pressure on it.” Sam was yanking his jacket off. “Use this.”

Cas took it, balling the fabric up and pressing it firmly to Dean’s wound. Dean flinched, it was a barely perceptible action that others might have missed. Cas swallowed, his eyes apologetic as Dean glared at him.

He could feel wet and warmth on his fingers.

They were covered in blood - Dean’s blood.

Cas realized how close that had been, and felt his throat constrict. His eyes ached, and filled with dampness.

He would not do this, he would not cry - he would be strong. Dean would be fine, anything else was unacceptable.

Dean’s glare vanished, and he swallowed. “Hey,” he breathed, so only Cas could hear while Sam told Robin to get the first aid kit under the seat. “I’m okay; it’s okay.”

Cas nodded frantically, and struggled for control of these intense emotions.

“You did good, Cas,” Dean added softly.

“I…I,” he stuttered uncertain how to express himself. “I don’t… I would not do well if you died Dean.”

Dean smirked, but his green orbs were tender. “Well, I am awesome.”

Cas tried to smile, but he only managed to lift one corner of his mouth.

Dean started to say something else, but Robin announced that she would keep watch while they patched Dean up.

Cas watched as she stepped out of the car, and Sam opened the pack full of medical supplies. “Alright, Cas keep the pressure on, and Dean lean forward. I need to see how deep it goes.”

Dean grimaced. “Great,” he groused while leaning forwards. Cas who was sitting in the middle of the backseat, moved with him, his hand staying firmly in place.

“Didn’t go through. That’s good.”

“See how good you think it is when it’s your damn shoulder Sam.”

Sam grinned; Cas relaxed.

If Sam was able to smile, it wasn’t that bad. Cas could tell the bleeding had slowed.

Cas removed the bunched up fabric, but kept his hand resting lightly on Dean’s shoulder, a safe distance away from the injury, while Sam cleaned the wound. He started stitching - quick, efficient, and with a confidence that spoke volumes.

Sam had obviously had a lot of practice.

Dean swore off and on, but stayed still, and even shot Cas a pained smile every now and then. Cas just kept gently squeezing his shoulder, and watching - studying another skill he would make sure to learn. He needed to be ready to take care of either of his friends in this manner.

“When the shit stops hitting the fan for five seconds we’ll teach you basic first aid,” Dean murmured, as Sam cut off the end of the thread.

Cas blinked, then nodded, finally pulling his hand from Dean’s shoulder. “I would like that.”

Sam gave them both a strange, almost amused grin. One that had Dean rolling his eyes.

Sam inspected his work. “Looks good for now. Nothing was broken, but it’s going to hurt like hell and make it difficult to carry that shotgun.”

“I’ll manage; I’ve had worse.”

Sam stared him down for a second, then sighed, and put the unused medical supplies away.

“We’re going to have to walk from here,” Robin said as she leaned into the car. “Your car’s engine is pretty much liquefied.”

Dean looked murderous, but he only nodded, moving his arm gingerly, and wincing. “Wonderful, I could use the fresh air.”

“We’ve got about a ten minute walk ahead of us.” Robin added, as she grabbed a duffel full of ammo.

“Well,” Sam opened his door, “Let’s get this over with.”


Sam stepped out, took in the darkness, and took in his surroundings. Unfortunately, there were no cars sitting out for them to borrow, couldn’t have anything be easy, that wouldn’t be fair. Even a few blocks on foot with these creatures running around was insanely dangerous. Especially with Dean injured.

Could his brother handle himself?

Of course - but his wound was going to make him slower whether he would admit it or not. With these things reflexes, that could get Dean killed. Not to mention the recoil from the shotgun was going to hurt like a bitch when it jarred his shoulder. Sam nudged Cas while Dean struggled from the car.

Cas met his gaze. Sam mouthed, stay close to Dean. I will, he mouthed back, moving to hover over Dean as he shut the Impala’s door.

Dean swallowed a few ibuprofen’s, made a point of wielding his shotgun, and plastering on his ‘tough guy’ face. Sam wasn’t going to argue, it would get him nowhere. And honestly, they needed him if they had a chance in hell in pulling this off.

Due to Dean’s injury they elected to have Robin and Sam strap on the flamethrowers. Robin knew how to use them, she gave Sam a quick rundown. He’d never actually used this model before, but their dad had educated them on all forms of weaponry. It wasn’t tough to get a handle on this.

Climbing down the ladder with it on his back, now that would be interesting.

Cas and Dean took point.

They moved forward, the weight wasn’t as bad as Sam had feared, he wouldn’t want to run a marathon with this strapped to his back, but he could sprint if it came down to it.

Streetlights lit up their path. They were packing plenty of flares, flashlights, and ammo to help them when they entered the sewer. Cas had flung the pack over his back, and was bearing the load well. If they survived this night, he was going to make a hell of an addition to their team, assuming Cas wanted that.

Cas whispered something at Dean, who glanced at the former angel and smiled, then winked.

Cas grinned as if he‘d won the lottery.

Sam couldn’t stop the smile that sprang to his lips; he couldn’t imagine Cas anywhere but right here.

Sam just prayed Cas would get the chance to join them permanently.

Sam took in the homes to their left. Lights all on, curtains drawn, he could almost feel their fear. They had to stop this now, things were starting to spiral out of control.

A faint, distant scream coming from the right.

Sam spun - the woods.

They all glanced at each other, then they took off running.

The sewer would have to wait; someone needed help right now.

They tore across the road, then slowed as they reached the tree line. Dean and Cas stepped onto the grass, weapons raised, steps soft.

A pause as they listened.

Gunfire popped in the distance.

More screams.

Dean turned towards Robin. “Could that be your people?”

A tense nod.

Sam swallowed as they moved forward, hoping they could help.

The grass was knee height in places and the ground uneven. It made walking with a tank full of fuel on your back an adventure. Hell, maybe if he was really lucky he’d end up starting a forest fire tonight.

Sam shook off his bitter thoughts and focused on not tripping over any tree roots, or getting jumped by the serpents.

The sounds of gunfire were louder; they were getting close.

“Stay close, anything comes at you that’s not human don’t hesitate to fry it.”

Robin gave them a lopsided grin. “I never thought I’d actually use one of these things.”

“Life loves to toss you curveballs,” Sam whispered.

“Yes. It does,” Cas added, a knowing lilt caressed his words.

Something exploded out of a bush to their left - Sam spun as the leaves flew though the air.

Cas and Dean’s flashlight lit up the area.

A young man with deep gashes on his face, and blood smeared over his tan uniform stumbled towards them, fear flooded his movements.

He saw them, let out a choking sob, and collapsed at Sam’s feet - his head colliding with a rock.

Sam winced.

He bent over, immediately feeling for a pulse - it was weak, but present. Robin was hovering near; Dean and Cas were standing guard.

“Is he okay?” Robin asked, her eyes tight.

“He’s alive,” Sam replied, something rustled above them.

Sam’s gaze shot upward.

He saw nothing, but it was too dark to make out anything but the silhouettes of tree branches and leaves.

A few stray leaves were slowly falling to the ground; it could have been an animal. A squirrel, or even some type of bird.

Yeah, right.

Cas’s eyes had gone owlish and he was staring above them. His fingers clenching the shotgun, his breathing rapid.

“We should go,” the former angel breathed.

The forest had gone silent.

“There might be more survivors,” Robin hedged.

Dean’s gaze was flickering between Cas and the trees towering above them.

Robin’s radio crackled, startling all of them.

Sam noticed words mixed in with the static. He thought he caught a masculine voice saying ‘sanitize’ but it was so garbled there was no way to be sure.

A small branch fell down and landed with a crunch capturing Sam’s attention.

Dean and Cas were staring at each other, they seemed to do that a lot lately. An unspoken communication - Sam would tease them about it if they weren’t probably about to be ambushed.

“Cas is right. We need to get the hell out of dodge.”

The eerie blanket of silence that had descended probably meant anyone who had been fighting was either dead or taken - he hated to think that way but those were the facts. These things were killing machines. Handguns barely dented them; the deputies wouldn’t have stood a chance with their usual armament.

Sam touched Robin’s arm, her brown eyes were weary, angry, and sad all at once, but she didn’t object. She wasn’t stupid.

Dean bent down to pick up the unconscious deputy.

Another branch fell.

Sam squinted upward again.

A quick movement from halfway up the tree, something leapt from one branch to another.


“I think I just saw one above us.”

“We’re being hunted,” Cas whispered, his eyes dark, his voice calm.

Cas was right; they’d never make it out of these woods alive if they tried to run, especially with Dean carrying the injured officer.

They were going to have to make a stand, and hope they came out ahead - or at least alive.

Another noise caught the hunters attention.

Whump. Whump. Whump.

Now what?

A thumping, pulsing sound.

Robin’s radio sprang to life again, warbling and popping.

“What is that?” Cas asked, his features strained, his head darting to all sides.

“It’s a helicopter,” Robin hissed.

Sam had realized it a second before Robin announced it. It wasn’t a noise you heard daily. Sam could see tendrils of light from the chopper as they peeked through the trees - it was getting closer.

“One of your people?” Dean blurted as he stood back up.

She shook her head. “No, the sheriff’s department isn’t given those kinds of resources.”

“Shit,” Dean snarled. “It might be our mysterious company coming to crash the party.”

At this point Sam couldn’t dwell on what this might mean; he was too worried about the creatures stalking them from above.

“Ignore it for now, let’s just focus on surviving the next five minutes.”

They all nodded, and Sam could see them shifting their focus away from the helicopter that was passing above them.

Another blur of motion.

Another broken branch.

A snarl behind them.

Sam spun, not hesitating as one leapt from behind a bush. The grass parted and he saw its sharp teeth. He let loose with the flamethrower, enjoying the sound of pain and fear it made as the flames collided with its long form.

He could feel the heat as the flames poured from the nozzle - he could get used to this.

A shotgun blast rang out, and one of its legs collapsed.

Burning shrubbery and flesh filled the area. Sam barely noticed, he was already searching for his next target.


Cas took out the creatures legs, astounded by the stream of flame flowing from Sam’s weapon. It was both beautiful and humbling. Humans really were quite creative in their skill for developing new ways to wreak havoc.

“Cas!” Dean shouted and his friends body slammed into his and they both tumbled to the ground.

“Burn it,” Dean shouted.

Cas lifted his face out of the dirt; some had gotten in his mouth. He spit it out, barely registering the dank, musty taste on his tongue. Dean was still pressing against his back, holding him down.

Cas felt heat, he saw both Robin and Sam were bathing the two creatures with fire that had been trying to attack them from behind.

They were standing where he had been only seconds before.

He should have sensed them, but his abilities weren’t perfect, and they certainly weren’t precise. He had known the creatures were here, and close, but that was all he could get. Thankfully Dean’s instincts and reflexes had made up for his lapse.

Dean pulled him up.

One of the burning monster leapt towards them, a trail of flames behind it.

Dean cursed, Cas struggled to get his gun up, he heard a snarling from above.

The thin strands of moonlight that penetrated the trees outlined the creature leaping at them from a tree branch - Cas knew his chances weren’t good.

It didn’t stop him from trying - if he was going to die he would go out fighting - trying to protect those he loved.

He fired at the one charging them, he heard Dean’s own shotgun going off.

The one that was on fire made a strangled sound and fell at Cas’s feet.

He heard the other land behind him. Cas turned, ready to fire.

It also lay dead, acidic blood pooling around it.

Dean must have shot it mid-leap. How no acid had hit either of them was a miracle; one he would gladly take.

Cas glanced at Dean, he noticed his shoulder was bleeding through the bandage. He must have torn open the stitches during the fight.

“There’s more!” Robin called out.

Cas immediately looked up, another quick blur of motion jumped from tree to tree. Leaves fell, braches broke, and screeches of rage echoed around them.

As much as he hated and feared them, he had to admit their movements were graceful -right up to when they killed you.

“Me and Cas will watch the trees - you two fry the mother fuckers on the ground.”

Another charged toward them in storm of movement.

Things seemed to slow down and speed up all at once - Cas noticed one land on a sturdy branch - drool gushing from its jaw as it seemed to stare at him.

Cas didn’t hesitate, he used the creatures brief pause to his advantage, firing off a round into the branch, severing the limb.

It snarled, but plummeting to the ground, landing with a thump. Cas pumped it full of rounds.

He spun to see Robin and Sam had finished off another one; its body had gone limp as it was torched.

Dean shot it just to be sure.

They waited.

The area around them lit up with flames, the light flickering and dancing, creating the illusion of fingers stroking the ground and the bark of the various trees.

“You think we got them all?” Dean came to stand beside him.

Cas closed his eyes briefly, struggling to focus while his adrenaline coursed through his body, making it hard to concentrate. The icy cold, was much dimmer, more distant.

“I believe we are safe for the moment,” he managed, sweat dripping into his eyes.

Dean nodded.

Robin began to burn the area around the remaining fires; Cas watched in amazement as they died down. There was nothing left around the flames to feed them, so they simply went out.

Robin then made her way back to the fallen deputy; Cas felt a sick twinge of guilt as he realized in the heat of battle he’d forgotten all about the man.

She breathed a sigh of relief. “He’s still alive.”

“I’ll get him,” Dean grunted and made his way to Robin’s side.

His bandage was now soaked with blood.

“You are in no shape to carry him,” Cas said, taking a cue from Dean and not leaving his tone open for debate.

Dean glared at him, then winced as he moved his shoulder wrong. He rolled his eyes and gestured towards the man. “You want to do the honors, be my guest.”

Cas offered his shotgun to Sam, who took it. He bent down, and hefted the man up. Once again Castiel was reminded of his new limitations as his muscles burned, but he was able to stand, and he felt he could make it back to the road.

Dean watched him a moment, something akin to respect floating across his features, then Dean reloaded his shotgun, and instructed them to move out.


Dean stayed close to Cas as he carried the wounded officer over his shoulder. Protecting them both, knowing Cas was completely vulnerable and defenseless - it made him nervous but also proud to call Castiel his friend.

Cas might not be respected by his angelic brothers and sisters, but he sure as hell had Dean’s. Those arrogant dicks could shove it up their asses; Cas was better than all of them combined. He just hoped the former angel knew that.

Cas glanced at him, eyes soft, but also alert.

It was moments like that Dean wondered if the angel could actually read his mind - but he was pretty sure it didn’t work that way. It was more sensing feelings, not actual thoughts, still sometimes he wondered.

“We’re almost there,” he breathed, “You doing okay?”

“I’m fine Dean,” Cas replied. His breathing was heavy, he was sweating enough to put a marathon runner to shame, but he was moving at a good pace. “I’m more worried about your wound.”

Dean waved his good arm. “I’m good.”

“We’ll check it when we get back to the car,” Sam said, clearly siding with Cas.

Dean rolled his eyes again. “Yes mom‘s.”

Cas scrunched his face, obviously not getting his sarcasm.

“I don’t u-.”

“He’s just being a dick Cas,” Sam blurted. “He hates it when people want to look out for him.”

“Fuck off,” Dean snapped, his aching shoulder making him testier than usual.

Cas’s face went serious, then he smiled gently. “I understand. Thank you, Sam.”

Dean shot him a glare.

Cas just watched him, his blue eyes gentle. “I only want to take care of you, as you cared for me back at the hotel.”

Dean swallowed, remembering cleaning Cas’s chest wound, and the way Cas had looked at him with such open trust. The memory, and the soft look Cas was shooting his way had Dean feeling naked, exposed - but he wasn’t sure why.

“Whatever,” he sputtered, then focused straight ahead, almost hoping they’d run into trouble.

Robin chuckled. “You guys are adorable.”

“The next person that speaks gets shot,” Dean snapped as they cleared the woods and the reassuring feel of concrete under his boots helped to calm his nerves.

“Let’s get back to the car where I can check you, and our new friend out,” Sam said, apparently not bothered by Dean’s threat.

They hadn’t made it far, so the walk back only took a few minutes.

Dean helped Cas lay the still unconscious man across the backseat. Sam checked him over first, while Dean leaned against his baby’s hood, cringing at the damage.

He heard Robin offer her help, watched Sam move back as Robin leaned down. Dean handed them the first aid kit; Robin smiled her thanks.

“He gonna be okay?” Dean hedged.

“I think so,” Robin mumbled as she ripped open a bandage with her teeth. “No major blood loss, he got lucky.”

Dean nodded, then turned towards Cas. “You getting anything?”

Cas shook his head. “Nothing that feels close.”

Dean nodded, then suppressed a cringe at his throbbing shoulder.

“Hurry it up guys,” Dean barked. “We need to get moving again.”

Sam stood up, patted Robin’s shoulder, and marched over to him, clean bandages in tow.

Dean growled, but knew it was necessary. He just hated wasting time, they’d already lost enough in that little trek into the woods. Chances of finding any survivors in the nest had just went from bad to not a chance in hell.

He angled his shoulder to give Sam easy access.

Cas moved towards him as well, his gait almost uncertain. He took up a guard position on the other side of Dean, standing so close his hips kept bumping against Dean.

Dean would have moved away, but Sam was on the other side examining the damage and he didn’t want to jar him. It wasn’t that he hated being close to Cas, it was more that naked feeling rearing its head again, making him nervous.

Cas had a way of exposing him, of seeing through his bullshit. It was more than a little disconcerting, and sometimes he hated it. But other times, a small part of him liked the closeness - and right at this moment that scared him even more.

It didn’t help that his shoulder was throbbing and Cas kept sneaking glances at him, in between observing Sam, his eyes full of emotions.

“Cas, for fuck’s sake, personal space man,” he reminded the former angel, his tone much harsher than he’d intended. He hated the stab of hurt he saw there. It was his own fault, he’d been allowing Cas to break the ‘unspoken rules of proximity’ all humans had lately.


He wasn’t exactly sure, probably because he’d thought he’d never see him again, or maybe it was this weird amazing, but also terrifying link they had.

Dean chewed on his bottom lip, hating how fucked up he was, and hating that he sucked at being a friend most of the time.

Cas mumbled an apology, backed up a few steps, but continued watching Sam clean the wound. Dean could feel Sam shooting him a disapproving glare. He ignored him and focused on the fact that his injury wasn’t as bad at it could have been. He’d only torn a few of the stitches.

Sam waved Cas over to stand by him. Cas moved closer to Sam - his expression a mixture of nerves and determination. Sam explained what he was doing, his tone patient.

Cas listened, but he avoided meeting Dean’s eyes, focusing solely on the injury, and Sam.

Sam easily patched him up, yanking the bandages a little too tightly once or twice, but Dean only bitched about it half-heartedly - almost welcoming it - he deserved it.

“I’ll stay with him,” Robin said, gesturing towards her wounded deputy as Sam finished up.

Dean met her gaze while moving his shoulder, relieved when the pain was minimal. He got it, this man was her responsibility, she was going to be the one to stay behind and protect him.

“Thanks,” Dean said, hoping she understood all that he was thanking her for, without her help he might have lost Cas, or Sam.

She smiled. “Anytime. Ya’ll be careful - I’d hate to have to try and explain this cluster fuck by myself.”

Dean smirked. “We’ll do our best.”

“You do that.” She turned towards Cas and extended her hand.

He stepped over and clasped it, his eyes warm.

“I’m glad I was there to help you,” she patted his hand. “Be safe, and,” she looked down, then back up, “I’m sorry for ever misleading you - any of you. Good luck.”

Cas nodded. “You be safe as well, and,” he licked his bottom lip, “there is no need to apologize.”

She seemed ready to protest. “No, he’s right.” Dean stepped up. “Any of us might have done the same thing in your situation.”

Sam joined them, smiling at her, making his agreement known.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

They gave her some extra weapons, Cas strapped on the second flame thrower, they hefted all their supplies, then headed out towards the sewer again.

As they walked, they planned their assault. Cas and Sam would take turns burning the nest, Dean would back them up with the shotgun, and they’d do their best not to get killed.

Simple, to the point, and the best they could do.

And Cas was meeting his eyes again, it seemed he was already forgiven for being such an ass. He really didn’t deserve the ex-angel.

Dean could see the library coming into view, they were almost there.

Dean caught Cas’s gaze again, and gave him a tired, hopefully apologetic, smile. He didn’t trust himself to actually verbally apologize. He had the superhuman ability to put his foot in his mouth on a daily basis. Especially when it came to those closest to him, it was gift.

A real shitty one.

Cas stared at him for a few moments, then nodded, rewarding Dean with a brief, half-smile.

Dean gave Cas’s shoulder a quick, light, jab as they reached the grate.

The journey had been without trouble - which was always a bad sign.

The three of them stared down at the sewers entrance and took deep breaths.

“Here we go again.” Dean forced a grin.

Cas helped him lift it open; they set it quietly on the ground.

“You guys ready?”

“Yeah this should be easy,” Sam managed.

Dean smirked, suppressing the jolt of fear swimming through his veins. “Yeah, a real cake walk.”

He took a deep breath and climbed down, hoping this trip into the abyss would go more smoothly than the last one.

Next Chapter

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Comments are loved, adored, and feed my muse. If you are enjoying this, i'd love to know :)

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: aliens, genre: preslash, genre: horror, genre: au, supernatural, genre: crossover

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