Fic-Crossover-Supernatural:Aliens-Dean,Cas,Sam - (11/?)

Jun 10, 2012 16:33

Late again, I know, i'm a terrible updater lately. I blame it on my birthday (it was my 30th), it distracted me in good ways. Oh that and going to see Prometheus :P

Title: Supernatural: Aliens
Author: nicole9514
Chapter: 11/?
Rating: R
Genre: AU/horror/action/crossover - Dean/Castiel pre-slash or strong friendship depending on your preference
Characters: Dean Winchester,Castiel, Sam Winchester, and OC's
Warnings: Violence,language, gore, scary imagery, blood, death
Disclaimer: Only written for fun. I own nothing but the errors and OC's.
A/N: Goes AU after episode 5 X 18 - Team free will fic, but with a heavy focus on Dean/Cas friendship/strong bond, so if you don't like their dynamic you probably won't enjoy this fic.
Special Thanks: To my beta skylar_matthews. To jedakin for reading this fic and encouraging/motivating me to keep writing it.
Summary:Takes place after the events of Season five's Point of No return - Dean, Cas, and Sam investigate a case different than anything they've ever seen before in Gunnison, Colorado.
Wordcount: 2,981 (total so far 52,333)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Cas felt the walls close in on him as they stepped forward, the air felt thicker. Each step he took seemed to echo all around; a blaring signal to lead the creatures right to them. He hated it down here, he didn’t want to be in this place, but he wanted to allow these things to flourish even less.

Cas squeezed his hands tightly around the trigger of the flame thrower, he could feel the added weight of his shotgun, a back-up for if he ran out of fuel. He would not be caught unarmed; he would not die giving birth to one of those abominations.

Sam was also carrying the flame unit, his eyes tight, his jaw clenched. Cas could only imagine the memories and fear this place must be bringing back for him. Sam had more reason than any of them to be afraid, but Cas knew he wouldn’t let it stop him from doing his job.

Our job, a voice that sounded a lot like his own brushed across the back of Castiel’s mind. Cas swallowed, and took a few more steps towards the threshold of the aliens nest. He was mostly human now, this was the kind of battlefield he would spend the rest of his life on. Using human weapons, and suffering from human frailty.

It didn’t bother him so much anymore.

As much as he was terrified right now, as much as his heart was pounding and his skin crawling, he felt as if he belonged here, fighting alongside Dean and Sam.

It was the only place he had ever truly felt that, not even in heaven fighting battles humans had known nothing of - had he felt this right.

As long as the two brothers wanted him along for the ride he would choose to stay with them, hunting.

He glanced back at Dean, who gave him a sharp nod, his green eyes sparkling from the light of the flare he’d tossed ahead of them.

Dean had taken position behind them as the corridor narrowed, his shotgun ready to blast any monsters that might charge them through the flames.

“Search and destroy,” Dean whispered. “If there’s no one strung up in the area, you both fry it.”

Cas nodded, he felt Sam doing the same. They would each take turns burning sections of the nest. This way their fuel would last longer and they’d have a better chance of taking out the entire area.

“You want to do the honors?” Sam asked him quietly.

Cas raised an eyebrow, but nodded. He appreciated Sam’s show of confidence in him.

Dean smirked. “Whatever makes you happy.”

First they had to make sure there were no survivors in the area left alive.

Dean tossed several flares ahead of them, and shined a large, powerful flashlight he’d removed from the Impala’s trunk.

No one wanted to call out, so they did all the searching with their eyes and ears. Cas saw nothing but the walls. Last time most of the victims had been deeper into the nest, he reassured himself with that as Dean told him to roast it.

Cas pressed the trigger and a stream of flames leapt forward; he’d witnessed its power in the woods but it was nothing compared to actually wielding the weapon.

He could feel the heat lick at his skin, not enough to be painful, but enough to give him a good idea of what being burned alive might feel like.

The yellow, and orange flames attacked the walls, melting the resin and heating up the area. Cas was sweating buckets within moments. He didn’t mind the heat, if it was that unpleasant to him, he relished in the idea of what the actual fire would feel like to those creatures.

“That’s good Cas,” Dean said from his position at Cas’s side, covering him with the shotgun.

Cas took his finger off the trigger and admired his handiwork.

He could see the walls, dirty and stained, charred sections of graffiti exposed where the creatures secretions had been burned off.

It was a welcomed site, perhaps they could pull this off.

No black serpents had charged them, all was quiet.

So far, so good.

Dean gave him an appreciated glance. “Nice job feathers.”

Cas gave him a small smile as they started moving slowly forward again. The stream of flames had shot out further than Cas had expected, frying a good section, as far as they could see with the flashlight.

They moved forward, breathing quietly, alert, twitching at every sound.

Their trio reached the end of the destroyed section and turned a corner. Dean hugged the wall and tossed a few flares ahead of them, then they waited.

Sam watched their rear, ready to fry anything that they might have missed.


Cas squinted ahead of them, he thought he saw a flicker of movement on the wall to the right. He reached out with whatever he had left of his angelic talents and couldn’t pinpoint anything.

Being down here was smothering his senses. It was too much all at once. He knew they were down here, the very air around him sizzled with their aura’s.

Icicles of darkness drilled into his being when he tried to focus on them. He didn’t know if they were fifty meters ahead of them or waiting inches away, about to strike.

He bit back a growl of frustration.

“I thought I saw something,” he whispered, pointing ahead, hating that he couldn’t offer more.

Dean tensed, watching.

Sam who was anxious to take his turn, stepped forward slowly.

More nothing.

His anxiety was probably making him imagine movement where there was none.

“Sam, time for some payback,” Dean murmured.

Sam didn’t need to be told twice, with Dean shadowing him he let loose, bathing a good thirty meters in front of them with fire.

Something screeched, and through the flames one of the dragons charged, the pain as its skin cracked and burned making it insane with anger.

It raced towards them, even as its hard, skin was melting off.

Dean took his shot, taking out a leg, it crashed to the floor and Sam showered it in flames.

It wailed, then fell silent.

They all fell still, waiting.

The corridor stayed empty.

“Let’s keep going,” Dean hissed, wiping at his brow.

Cas’s shirt was soaked with sweat, and his heart was thumping in overdrive. He forced his breathing to come out slow and steady, calming his body and mind.

These monsters truly had no sense of self preservation. They wanted to kill you and wouldn’t let anything get in the way. Not even being burned alive.

Cas started counting their steps as they moved ahead. It helped to keep him from thinking, to keep him calm.

He’d reached forty-five by the time they reached the intersection near where they’d found Sam. Still no sign of any survivors, they’d found no new bodies or eggs. Maybe they really had diminished their numbers considerably the last time they’d been down here.

One could hope.

The room was a dead end, but it needed to be destroyed.

Sam was so stiff when they entered, his shoulders bunched, his hands white knuckled near the trigger.

The bodies of dead victims still hung from the walls, empty eggs lay as a reminder of what had almost been Sam’s fate.

“I’ve got this one,” Sam grit out.

Cas and Dean both nodded.

Cas watched as Sam torched the room that had held him at its mercy.

He hoped it helped Sam to sleep at night, watching this place go up in flames.

Cas felt a small glimmer of satisfaction watching it die.

Sam turned when he’d finished, gave them both a weak, but almost relieved grin, and moved out.

No one said anything; nothing needed to be said.

They backtracked to the intersection and met each other’s eyes. Now they were entering uncharted waters, they’d never been any deeper than this.

“We’ve got this,” Sam said, his voice confident, his expression sincere.

Dean grinned. “Fuck yeah we do, right Cas,” his friend held his stare.

Cas felt a warmth that Dean’s friendship always seemed to bring, and managed an almost genuine smile. “A cake walk,” he echoed Dean’s earlier expression.

Dean beamed, then reloaded his shotgun.

He tossed a flare ahead and they scanned the area. The path widened enough for two people to easily walk side-by-side. Three would be pushing it.

There was a railing on each side, covered in that sticky resin. Thick and thin strands dangled from it, some connected with the walkway, causing it to resemble a spider’s web in areas.

A very large, very scary spider’s web.

Four eggs lay in their way about ten yards in front of them, essentially blocking their path.

They hadn’t hatched yet.

Cas could make out movement in them, he wondered if the things inside could someone detect their presence.

It didn’t matter, in moments they would be dead, unable to harm anyone.

“Your turn,” Sam said, moving aside.

Cas moved into position, and lit the place up.

He enjoyed watching the eggs crumple, took solace in the fact that they had prevented those creatures from infecting anyone.

They started to move forward again, past the burned section, taking careful step around chunks of melted secretions. Cas avoided touching the railing, keeping as far from the walls as possible.

Another turn came into view as Dean tossed another flare.

Cas almost froze, something twitching in his senses. Something different than the cold, sick energy he’d grown used to feeling in boatloads down here.

It drew his gaze downward as they took the corner, and he blinked.

His stomach churned, as he stared at the strange, small, object, with a blinking red light nestled into a chunk of resin. Clear tubes protruded from each visible side, they were filled with an opaque fluid.

“Dean, what is that?”

Dean‘s gaze slanted down to where Cas was staring. He made a small, distressed sound in this throat. “Holy shit, Sam, is that…”

“A bomb,” Sam finished, his eyes wide.

A bomb? Cas hadn’t thought this day could get much worse, but he had just been proven wrong.

Sam bent down. “Cover me,” he whispered.

“Don’t fucking touch it!” Dean barked, then flinched at the loudness of his own voice.

Sam glared at him, then examined the device. “I don’t recognize the design, it looks…advanced. And there‘s no timer,” he looked grave. “Which means someone’s probably planning to blow it from a remote trigger.”

“Fucking perfect.”

“Could it be someone from the company?” Cas asked, his eyes searching, his senses blaring warnings from everywhere as he felt panic struggling to overwhelm him.

No one said anything as the ramifications of how far these people were willing to go hung in the air.

“Son of a bitch,” Dean murmured, his eyes searching for danger, his feet shifting on the floor. “Can we stop it?”

“Dean, we have no idea how to diffuse this. Dad’s training didn’t exactly cover this - it’s not exactly your standard C-4.” He flung his hands helplessly in the air. “I’d probably end up setting it off.”

Dean’s face had almost turned purple from rage.

It seemed the company was cleaning up its own mess - at the expense of anyone who might get caught in the crossfire of this explosion.

Movement from up ahead.

Cas heard a horrible, ragged coughing sound.

Someone was about to die badly, he started to move forward, when the ceiling moved and three serpents dropped down.

Cas acted on reflex, his fear didn’t have time to register as he roasted them.

Sam joined in.

Dean was shouting something, Cas heard him firing.

Two of the creatures fell from the flames, but one leapt back onto the ceiling, its skin distorted and burned. Its movements fast as it moved towards them. Cas grabbed his shotgun, and fired, letting the flame thrower’s nozzle hang.

He hit it in the face, and it collapsed.

Sam was cursing, and yelling at Dean to get out of the way.

Dean flung himself sideways, crashing into the railing as three more came at them from further down the corridor.

One was crawling at speed that would put a cheetah to shame along the wall. Cas only noticed it because the sound of someone screaming drew his attention that way.

As he fired at thing, he couldn’t block out the sounds of people dying in the distance. Bones breaking, their bodies being ravaged from the inside out. It seemed they’d found the abducted town members, and they were too late.

It hit the ground, acid sizzling. He turned to see Dean taking one out that had been crawling along the opposite wall. These things were trying to outflank them.

Sam had burned another few, their bodies lying in a pool of yellowish blood as Sam torched the room, Cas noticed he kept his spray of flames in front of the explosive device, never coming near it.

Cas swallowed realizing if they weren’t careful they might set off the bomb with their fire.


The last creature fell, snarling, then falling silent.

Cas moved ahead, wanting to at least check for survivors further ahead where he’d heard the sounds of suffering.

No one argued as they moved ahead and into the next room.

Cas felt his heart break, and his guts seize. At least twenty bodies lined the walls ahead of them and they were all dead. Their guts and bones exposed, faces dead, pale, and eyes unseeing.

Fresh blood dripped from a young man, with sandy colored short hair, his fingers were still twitching, and his t-shirt was covered in red stains. He had only died moments before - he might have been the person Cas had heard screaming.

Another innocent person dead; another monster running loose.

“Shit,” Sam hissed.

Cas jumped and was aiming his shotgun without thinking, ignoring the burning in his eyes.

Sam was staring at another bomb attached to the wall.

All Cas could think as he stared at it was someone had been down here recently. Someone had set those bombs and hadn’t bothered to help that young man. They had left him there to die.

Cas had wanted to find one person alive, just one, then maybe this wouldn’t have all felt so senseless.

Dean was staring at him, his eyes tight, his lips pressed into a thin line.

“We need to get out of here,” Dean whispered. “Now.”

They couldn’t risk setting off the explosives, and they couldn’t disarm them. They had to go back to street level and make sure people were clear of the area. Or a lot of people would die when these went off - including them.

Cas nodded, hating whomever had done this with every ounce of his being.

They back tracked, moving faster than was safe, but not knowing how much time they had left.

They moved through the burned sections, at least they’d taken out a lot of the nest, he just hoped all of this wouldn’t end up being for nothing.

If those explosives went off while they were down here, chances of them surviving probably weren’t good.

Cas froze as they neared the ladder.

Dean stopped as well. “Wha…shit.”

Another bomb was attached to the wall near the ladder. That had not been there when they had descended; Cas was certain of it. Which meant someone had been here not long ago, perhaps even using them as a distraction.

“What the hell?” Sam stammered.

Dean was fuming; Cas could feel it.

“Move out,” Dean barked.


Dean hauled Sam out first, then reached for Cas. The former angel clasped his hand, they were sweaty, but his grip was firm and sure. When they touched Dean knew one thing, Cas was just as pissed as he was - it was comforting.

Apparently anger loved company just as much as misery.

They had to warn Robin, if they busted their asses they might be able to get anyone living near the blast radiance to safety.

Yeah, because you really have a freaking clue how big the explosion will be.

Those ‘bombs’ were strange looking to say the least. It seemed these people had technology that was more advanced that normal -judging by Sam‘s research on their interests that shouldn‘t have been surprising.

But reading about it on paper and actually seeing a device that was unfamiliar to two hunters who had been trained in pretty much every form of weaponry, that included explosives packed more punch.

Not to mention, according to Cas, the creatures shouldn’t even exist. These fucks were bad news all around, he’d worry about the logistics of it all later, right now they had to try and save who they could.

That was all they had left now.

They stood, sealing the grate.

His cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

Dean jumped, and ignored the small smile Sam was managing to sport. No matter how dire things got, little brothers were still little brothers.

He recognized Robin’s number, fear chased away his annoyance at allowing a cell phone to scare him.

Weird. She must have been psychic.

“Robin, we‘ve got a big problem. Someone planted at least three explosive devices in the sewer,” he barked into the phone.

“Dean. Listen to me- it‘s worse than that.” She was almost panting, her voice shaking. “You have to leave now - my radio,” more panting, “intercepted a radio transmission. I think it was coming from the chopper we saw - I recognized the voice,” rage and fear bled into her words. “It was him, my contact.”

Dean knew this day was about to go from bad to worse.

“They are planning on destroying the entire town. ”


He really hated being right all the time.

Next Chapter

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Comments are loved, adored, and feed my muse. If you are enjoying this, i'd love to know :)

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: aliens, genre: preslash, genre: horror, genre: au, supernatural, genre: crossover

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