the soul society wrap comes in three new flavors!

Sep 24, 2006 22:02

Name/Nickname: Sierra / Sie-chan, Sei-chan, Sie-Sie
Age: 19

Likes: Novels, manga, anime, rock and Japanese and other foreign music, Spring and Autumn, sleep, really nice people who don't shove food in my face or help me solve the correct amount of cash when I ruin the cash register's brain, Metric, and pumpkin related breads and pies.
Dislikes: Staying awake too late and forgetting that I have class and/or work the next day so I'm positively tired during both, nasty rich people who shove tomatoes in my face, annoying little kids, bad music, people who think everything's my fault when it's got nothing to do with me, people who stereotype (especially the people who think that emo kids are goth posers and that posers even exist), and my shoes.

Strong points: I'm honest. Ask me a question at any time, unless it has to do with me getting into trouble, and I'll tell the god-honest truth. Perhaps that is a weak point though? I get into trouble with people for telling secrets when I'm not careful. Anyway~
If I'm given a job, I like to finish it. Give me a topic, I can do the best I can. Oh, and most recently, I've had a lot of followers.
Weaker points: Very brain dead when I haven't slept enough, kinda airheaded. I also tend to get get stressed out and anxious easily, almost to the point of making myself sick. I'm also very greedy, and like to make myself and other people happy. This might not seem so bad, but I spend a lot of money in doing so. Oh, right; most times, I'm moody and lonely. I always feel like I'm missing out on something,

Hobbies &/or Talents: Singing, writing... Can kinda play the guitar.

Favorite color: Purple. White and blue. Browns and forest green and... Don't make me choose, please.
Favorite animal: I've had a thing for birds, mainly hawks, ever since Animorphs. Sigh. Wish I could fly.
Favorite season: Spring! Haha. Coming out of winter, I love the warmth and being able to wear T-shirts once again. When the buds turn to leaves and the flowers sprout from the ground and the grass, once more, is a velvet green...

Mature or Immature: Both... kinda. I'm more immature than mature. Anyone who met me would be shocked that I'm 19 and not 15 like originally thought.
Leader or Follower: Both. It depends on who my followers are.
Outgoing or Shy: Well, I couldn't really answer this. I guess I'm shy but not terribly so. I'd say outgoing but I'm really not.
Confident or Modest: Modest. That's easy.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Gao. Pessimist. I've been and optimist here and there but every time that I say yeah, things are going to turn out all right, things go horribly wrong.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium. Wait, can I say all three? When I'm awake or stressed, my energy level is very high. When I'm tired or depressed, my energy level is low. But when I feel just "there," my energy level is medium.

Goals in life: I want to publish a collection of strange short stories, visit Italy and Japan, and move to Ireland. Though moving isn't really a goal... So yeah. Be an author. Which I am, but a published one. And if I could, I'd love to turn my inter-brain novel, Hate's Story, into a movie. But that's a long shot and a few years dead.

Favorite quote & why: "Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know know you in a thousand years." - Richard Bach
I have a knack for making friends and acquaintances. On the outside I'm a nice, kind, and/or crazy person. I seem to hit it off right. The only difference is that those whom become my greatest friends and I hit it off right off the bat. We talk about everything in that first minute between our first handshake, our first eye contact, or the first time we laugh together. It's not even a matter of basing my life off this quote, rather, this quote is more of my life than I could have imagined.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Loyal, independent, emotional.

Favorite character & why: Ishida Uryu. Despite his independent, albeit dorky, lifestyle, Ishida pushed away his lonely tendencies to help the guys during the fight to retrieve Rukia, whom he really didn't know, during the Soul Society Arc. After loosing his powers and his pride, Ishida disappeared to regain his strength from his (*^&^%&^ -and hot) father. In the past few chapters, after Ishida found out that *&&^^%%^*& was kidnapped by (*&^%%^%^, he left the training instantly to go help.
Ishida has a tendency to fight for what he believes in -his Quincy powers. But underneath of this facade is a possible guy who just wants friends and would do anything to save them, how deeply he knows these people or not. He's amazing and strong for a "dorky" character.
Least favorite character & why: Eh? I really have to pick someone? Gao. Kubo Tite Honsho Chizuru, I guess. I don't really dislike her, but her attempts at Orihime became annoying after the what, fifth time? She seems to be a fairly comic insert, like Keigo, but doesn't seem to have much depth aside from the "OMG INOUE'S BOOBS!"
Sigh. Boobs...

Anything else: I... am a fangirl. I may deny this all I wish, and I may not be a rabid fangirl like I was in the early 00s, but I am still a fangirl. I deny it. Really. I do. But there's no fact that a person may state about fangirls that I can deny, anymore.
Except for yaoi/slash. Sorry, the only slash pairing I stick to is Balmung/Reki from .hack. Heeeee.
How did you find this community: I've been looking for it for a while.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: Hai!
Menague a Twoix

stamped, renji

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