Title: The Sexual Escapades of Alfred F. Jones
blahblahyourmom Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, England, Russia, Japan,
Rating: M
Warnings: Underage sex, cursing, gay sex, slight dub-con? Maybe OOC-ness? IDK.
Summary: The romantic, humorous, and dramatic life of Alfred F. Jones as he navigates from high school into college and the real world.
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Comments 3
As for con-crit, I love to help but it makes me feel offensive afterwards. Here I go:
The coding you used didn't work, because technology is stupid that way.
"Alfred hadn't even iinvited/i the fake limey bastard."
"Alfred gave Arthur a look that clearly said i'Go on'/i."
"Alfred threw the rest of the burger him which caused the other boy to dive out of the way with a high pitched shriek."
Should that be "at him?"
Yeah. "at him."
Derp. I should re-read what I write more than once.
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