Drabbles that should have been posted a long time ago

May 26, 2008 07:39

Straight up: I totally didn't get any sleep last night, so if I typo majorly or just start rambling about something that is utterly and completely incomprehensible... I'm sorry!

School is almost out, and in the past week I lost everything on my jump drive and recovered it just yesterday. I thought I had lost.. literally thousands of words of ( Read more... )

lellenator, pg, fic

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Comments 38

tripperfunster May 26 2008, 13:48:38 UTC
Man alive, girl, you write the best drabbles! I usually like something with a bit more meat to sink my teeth into, but your tiny stories deliver big time. (I esp. like the Belly one!) *drools*


lellenator May 26 2008, 13:54:56 UTC
:D *does a stupid little dance* Thanks muchly! I am probably going to get something a little longer in the next week or so (along with more drabbles). Anything you want to read in particular? I should just post a general looking-for-prompts post, heh.

Belly was originally going to be a longer ficlet, but I.. forgot what I was going to write, and I suck at actual smut-smut *queen of curtain flutters!* so I guess it turned out okay.

Thanks again! <3


tripperfunster May 26 2008, 18:31:03 UTC
I love full on smut, but I also love full on smushy UST type stories. Actually, in the HP fandom, I read some stories that I *remembered* as very smutty, but when I went back to re-read them, they were much more implied than I had thought.

You could write a longer fic based on that tickling one, I'd quite enjoy it. I am also a never ending sucker for first-time fics, and BELIEVABLE ones where someone is questioning their sexuality/feelings for the other.


lellenator May 26 2008, 20:16:40 UTC
Daaaw, first time as in cherry-popping or first time with a certain person? (Although in Jimmy's case, a lot of people would take it to be both. ^^;) I've got a soft spot for those fics too, though so many of them seem contrived. On the one hand, I get that a lot of issues are universal and must be dealt with, but on the other... augh, okay, just freakin' admit that you like boys and get onto the kissing already! (I was in the HP fandom too, and I swear if I accidentally stumble upon another wangsty Ron/Harry, I will take away all of Jimmy's teddy bears.)

I'ma gonna be a lazy person and avoid the Google machine (because it's alll the way on a separate page and I don't wanna move my cursor that far..)- what's UST?

You've given me some ideas! If I don't go on with the tickling drabble, I'll definitely try to get something else up. (Ten more days of school, we graduate on the seventh, freedom is so very, very close!)


violetjimjams May 26 2008, 17:33:10 UTC
"Your mom!"
"Your face!"
"Your mom's face!"

XDXDXD I have got to use that sometime.

I love the Tickling one, and the one where Chazz gets his ears pierced. Very cute and IC.

And I LOVE the two parts with Coach. *Coachy fangirl* Kick him in the balls, indeed.


lellenator May 26 2008, 17:36:15 UTC
Thanks so much! :D Coach definitely needs some more lovin's from this comm.


violetjimjams May 26 2008, 17:58:05 UTC

Maybe I should write some of those Coach/Jesse drabbles I've been trying to outsource. ^^;;


tripperfunster May 26 2008, 18:31:47 UTC
Yes! I often end up writing/drawing things that I'm tired of begging other people for!



sakurita May 27 2008, 03:32:15 UTC

I like your drabbles! All are fun and sweet! =)


lellenator May 27 2008, 11:03:40 UTC
Thanks a bunch! :) *hugs*


xenafox May 27 2008, 07:33:27 UTC

I'be had a bit to drink and maybe I've been up too long and OKAY so I totally cannot stop singing "El Dorado" but these made me happyyyyyyyyyy. I dunno which one is my favorite..leaning toward the first just cause I can totally picture it and D'aawwwwwww but they's all cute. Tee hee.

MOAR MOAR MOAR hey here's hoping I can write some tomorrow actually.. *Hasn't drabbled in a bit*

But omg,please tell me it's not you playing WoW x.x *Hates that game with the passion of 1000 angry sumo wrestlers*


lellenator May 27 2008, 11:06:31 UTC
Amusingly enough, I was punchdrunk- a term that my friend informs me means "sleep deprived enough to basically make you drunk"- when I wrote this post, so your reply is funny. :D Except friends should not let friends post drunk. B| B| B| (Is that why you weren't on last night? You sacrificed me for alcomahol? ;___;)

Thank you for the high praise. <3

YES I WAS PLAYING WOW. I only play it when I'm at my friends cause I have a character on her account, and I'm not hardcore, I just wander around and look at the pretty stuff and beat up monsters with my big stick. :D Also I can turn into a wolf now! Arooooooooo.


lorelei_lee1968 May 27 2008, 07:47:27 UTC
Really nice and sweet and funny!


lellenator May 27 2008, 11:06:59 UTC
Thanks so much! Expect more soon. :)


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