Drabbles that should have been posted a long time ago

May 26, 2008 07:39

Straight up: I totally didn't get any sleep last night, so if I typo majorly or just start rambling about something that is utterly and completely incomprehensible... I'm sorry!

School is almost out, and in the past week I lost everything on my jump drive and recovered it just yesterday. I thought I had lost.. literally thousands of words of Bogtastic drabbles and ficlets and something about zombies the MIB doesn't want me to tell you about... Most of these drabbles were written months ago, and it's mainly been school that's eaten any joy left in my brain. I decided after the jump drive fiasco, I should just post this stupid stuff so I won't have a week of freak-outage ever again. There has also been a distinct lack of BoG in my life, so that is something I aim to fix. Eventually. With less school and more free time. -_-;;

Without further ado... a bunch of drabbles!

Rating: PG with some hints that stuff might happen later. :3
References: In here I got a Dr. McNinja reference, and extra special bonus points to anyone who can pull out the correct issue I quote from. And.. I think that's the only quote in here. I may be stupidly wrong.


Jimmy reads the note that fell out of his pack, then reads it again to make sure he's getting it straight. No name, although that sloppy handwriting is unmistakable:

You + Me = Movies this Friday?
    ___Yes       ___No

Jimmy grins, wonders when Chazz will ever get the stones to ask him out on a date to his face, and checks the first little blank.


To his great delight and Jimmy's great dismay, Chazz discovers that his partner is ticklish.

"I can't breathe!" Jimmy barely manages to gasp out, face red and nearly split with a grin.

"Breathing is for wimps Jimmy!" Chazz cackles as he pulls Jimmy's shirt off. Jimmy squeals and tries to break away, but it is too late! Chazz grabs him tight and proceeds to molest his belly with evil fingers. "Nice skin," he murmurs in his ear, fingers trailing all across his taut stomach.

"S-stop," Jimmy says breathlessly, clinging to Chazz. Of course, that's exactly where Chazz wants him.


"You didn't," Jimmy says, eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

"I did," Chazz says smugly, shaking his literal mane back from his face to display two studs of metal currently occupying his left ear. "Take a closer look, if you'd like."

Jimmy leans in to peer at the studs, wanting to reach out and touch them, but… "Did they hurt going in?"

"Nah, they didn't hurt. Felt kinda like this." Chazz turns his head and nips Jimmy's earlobe sharply, making him gasp. The older man pulls back with a smirk while the younger flushes and makes a hasty excuse to leave.

"Hey," Chazz says before Jimmy can escape, "maybe we could get your ears done, too."

"M-maybe," Jimmy stammers and leaves with the vain hope his mind won't be on piercings all day.

[Miss You]

"Hey, this is Chazz, just callin' again to see how you're doing, how many girls you've scored [little laugh]. Um, yeah, so… nothing exciting's going on, just me and Katie and Coach being all mopey and bored without you to keep us straight. Hope all the stupid legal shit's not bringin' you down. Wish you would have let us come. [Pause.] Oh yeah, Katie wants to talk to you, hang on a second."

"Hey Jimmy, it's me. I miss you baby, come home soon! It's really hard trying to keep Chazz out of trouble like you asked- oh don't make that face, you big baby. Good luck, we'll throw you a party when you get back. Here's Chazz."

"One second, here's Coach."

"If you get Darren alone, kick him in the balls for me."

"Katie and me both second that dude. Get some video of it if you can, okay? [Long pause.] Um, look… we all really miss you, and this place isn't the same without you, and… I just really want you back here, okay? [Another pause.] Oh for- Katie says I have to say we all loooove you. [Snorts.] Get your ass back here soon so I have a partner again. Bye."

"Bye Jimmy!"




"Your mom!"

"Your face!"

"Your mom's face!"

"That's stupid!"

"You're stupid!"

"You're an immature retard!"

"Am not! You are just the baby school, and I am the big league chew!"

"…that doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh yeah? That's what your mom said in bed!"

In the other room, Robert moans into his phone, "Jesse, I just wanted to call you so if the papers report a double homicide tomorrow, you'd know what'd happened…"

lellenator, pg, fic

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