Welcome to Challenge 5! We're getting down to the wire now, so no more skipping from this point on :) Good luck to all participants!
bibliophile1887excelisdecays__rosedarkmiss_jaffacakemoonymadness - You need to be
signed up in order to participate in these challenges. Sign-ups are now closed.
- You may submit ONE icon only!
- Icons must be no larger than 40KB and must be 100 x 100 pixels or smaller.
- Please, don't post icons anywhere until voting is over. Icons must remain anonymous.
- Comments will be screened.
- Post icon entries to this post only. Please include the URL and image, as shown in the user info.
- You may not use any images other than those that are posted in the challenge, except stock images that don't include people.
- Brushes, textures, text, blending and animation are allowed for this challenge.
- Icons will be due Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 11pm EST (US).
This is a fan-art challenge! The artists are credited below each image - if you use or repost your icon elsewhere after the challenge is done, please do credit them :) And if you like their work, take a minute to let them know!
Kazzer-doom by
LadyKeane by
Jollyjack by