LIMS R3 - Sign-up post

Jun 09, 2008 16:05

Since there seemed to be some interest, I'm going to make a sign-up post for a new round of LIMS challenges that will hopefully begin in a couple of weeks' time. I would like to get at least fifteen people signed up before we start, ideally. Please read the rules in the User Info before signing up!

If you wish to participate in the Bladdericontest LIMS challenges, please comment here with your username and you will be added to the list. (I'll delete your comment once you've been added, to keep things organized.)

Sign ups are permitted until the day the first challenge is due, then sign ups will be closed.

We welcome icon makers of every skill level, darling.

Everyone will be allowed ONE SKIP. But if you spread the word in your journal or community, you'll get an extra skip. MORE about skips here @ the SKIP POST.

If you have any questions, please ask :) I hope this will revive a bit of interest in the community!

1. rubyjewel
2. __rosedark
3. rescuedsoul
4. bibliophile1887
5. zekkass
6. excelisdecays
7. robes_of_earth
8. tuskel
9. miss_jaffacake
10. xxsoupytwistxx
11. tulimeeria
12. moonymadness

sign ups, lims round #03, lims

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