One of my lj friends is a book keeper at a health food co-op. I asked her how many times she has heard 'bean counter' jokes and she said I was the first. Can you imagine? I mean, jokes like that just write themselves!
Also: It is so cold in here that I have goose bumps on my legs. I usually only get them on my arms, but I have them everywhere
Hey, did someone from lj send 2 Neurotic Outsiders videos to my gmail address? The main suspects are semibold & slayerscreamer. Sadly there is no indication of who sent them & i can't play them until i'm near an actual computer.
I'd like to send my sympathies and some e-yogurt out to everyone who's dealing with bad teeth this week. There seems to be something going on with teeth lately-all over the globe.
A few people on my flist & one of my coworkers are currently riding the vicodin train straight to icecreamville.
Hey, I've been on a friend-adding spree lately, so if you're not sure who I am and I've friended you lately I probably met you at Nats or I've met you before and someone has recently told me you're on LJ
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