[FIC] Califorina Girl

Mar 20, 2011 00:26

Title: California Girl
Pairing: Taeyang/Selena (OC)
Rating: R
Summary: Young Bae find love in a spicy Latina during his travels in the US
Note: This story came about during that interview where YB says he likes girls with Western features
This is a oneshot


Young Bae couldn’t help but laugh as Aimee comes running into his arms to hug him. He was finally visiting her in her home town instead of the other way around and he was excited. This is his first time in a long time in the US and this time he was just by himself, no one else to bug him. He has 4 days to himself before he has to meet up with Teddy in New York for some actual business and he’s beyond excited. He had beg and pleaded and finally just threatened Hyun Suk hyung to be able to come and now here he is, in southern California about to spend the next few days with his closest friends. So he hugs Aimee back fiercely. Shaun and Keone were waiting and he gives them a hug too.

He had actually planned to stay in a hotel but once Aimee had found that out she said no way, and now he was staying with Shaun at his house. With his friend’s help he took out his suitcases from the back of his taxi and into the house. Despite being really fatigued from his 20hr flight he was so happy to be here, couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

“We’re going to introduce you to the whole crew, don’t worry...” Aimee seemed almost as excited as he was to have him here and was chatting about all the stuff they were going to do which included some clubbing.

The next four days were going to be amazing.


Young Bae wakes up a few hours later. Once Shaun had shown him his room all he wanted to do was sleep a bit, the jet lag was getting to him. As he gets up off the bed and surveys the guest room around him he couldn’t stop smiling. Here he is, in the USA, just the thought of it made him want to do a happy dance. He could hear voices downstairs and thought he should freshen up before he should meet anyone.

Walking down the stairs from the bathroom later he could clearly make out Shaun, Aimee and Keone’s voices but there was a new voice there too. A girl. Suddenly he’s very nervous, his English isn’t that good and he isn’t sure how he’ll sound talking to a stranger. But a friend of Shaun and Aimee’s is a friend of his.

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs and stares out into the living room it seems as if his heart had stopped and that the world had tunneled down into just a vision of her. Young Bae wasn’t a believer in the whole “love at first sight” thing and had only ever liked a girl after getting to know her but right now, at this very moment, he was a believer. He’s never seen a more perfect, exotic looking woman in his life. They definitely didn’t have girls like this in Korea.

And so there he is frozen on the stairs, enraptured by this beauty in front of him. He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if droll was dripping down his mouth. Who is she? What was her name?

“Young Bae,” Aimee calls and all four of the people on the couches in the living room looks up at him, including the girl. Young Bae know he couldn’t stand there anymore, at least without looking like he was brain dead, so he walks over.

“Young Bae,” Aimee continues once he was in the living room with the rest. She and the girl were seated on the sofa with Shaun and Keone sitting on separate couches. “This is my friend Selena, she’s going to be staying with me for a week.”

Selena, her name is Selena. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, Young Bae thinks.

“Selena, this is my friend from Korea I was talking to you about. Young Bae.”

She looks up at him and smiles and Young Bae feels his heart about to burst in his chest. This has never happened to him before, he’s never been the type to fall so deeply so quickly. Hell, he’s only been in love once before and it wasn’t on a first sight basis.

“Hi,” her smile is glorious and her voice echoes through his mind like the bells of heaven. She’s an Angel.

“Hi,” he whispers back. He could barely stand to look at her. God damn it, why was he wearing his sweats and just a white tee-shirt? If he knew he was going to stand in the presence of queen he would have dressed the part. She reaches out her hand to shake his and he’s fearful that she would be able to tell that his palms are sweaty. But she doesn’t seem to mind and her delicate hands fit perfectly inside his and he can barely force himself to let go.

“Young Bae, sit down,” Shaun tells him from the couch, pointing to the spot right next to Selena . Young Bae shuffles his way to next to her and tries to act like her presence isn’t like a dose of opium to his brain causing him to lose all sense of self. He wants her, he wants her like he’s never wanted another woman before.

So they laugh and talk and he tries his hand at English and he feels himself shake a little whenever she throws a smile his way.

I want her, was all he could think.

I need her.


They just returned from Dinner with some of the Movement Lifestyle crew. Young Bae got the chance to meet new people, talk to them and it was great. Though honestly, he could barely keep himself from glancing Selena’s way every few minutes. He found everything she did sexy, from the way she would laugh, to the way she spoke and especially the way her lips would wrap around her fork, her tongue peeking out to lick the last drops of food and how he can easily see those exact same lips wrapping around his …and oh my god he’s become a pervert.

The rest of the Movement Lifestyle crew was planning on hitting the club tonight but honestly he was tired and he couldn’t imagine how he would survive seeing Selena in a no doubt sexy outfit twisting and gyrating her body to the beat of the music.

So as they make their way back to Shaun’s house, everyone is talking excitedly about going to the club later.

“You coming Young Bae?” Shaun asks.

“No,” Young Bae says, he pauses trying to formulate the proper words in his head. “I’m ..tired. I should sleep. OK?”

He hopes the others wouldn’t be disappointed, but he really is tired too.

“No I understand man.” Shaun claps him on the back. “It was a long flight.”

“Oh you’re not going too?”

Young Bae turns his head towards where Selena was sitting in the front seat next to Aimee. She had asked the question. She’s looking back at him, smiling and Young Bae found himself smiling back.

“No, I’m staying,” he answers. “You too?”

“Yeah, I just flew in too and kind of tired so I’m staying in as well.”

Both of them just stare for a few seconds, Young Bae not knowing what to say without sounding like an idiot.

“Hey, I have an idea.” Aimee calls out. Both Young Bae and Selena jump a little, both surprised at how caught up there were. Young Bae was happy to have something to focus on besides her.

“Why doesn’t Selena stay with you at Shaun’s?” She suggests. “I hate for both of you to spend your first night in California by yourselves, especially you Young Bae. I don’t know, watch a movie or play some board games or something.”

Young Bae is shocked. A night alone with Selena? He looks at her and she glances at him, looking a bit shock herself.

“I…I don’t want to trouble…” he starts but Selena cuts him off.

“Oh no, please. I would love to. Hate sleeping alone.”

They all stare at her and she seemed aware of what she said.

“Get your head out of the gutter, I meant I hate sleeping in an empty place. So yeah, that’s a good idea.” She turns towards him. “If that’s ok with you, Young Bae?”

“Yes, I would love to.”

She smiles at him and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling back. God, she’s beautiful.


Later that evening everyone was coming over to Shaun’s house and it was packed. It was the meet up area for everyone and people came decked out in their best to hit the clubs. Young Bae had been introduced to so many people, he could barely remember anyone’s name. Aimee and Selena had gone back to her place so that Aimee could get ready and Selena could bring back some clothes.

Young Bae himself is just sitting on the couch taking everything in but he was starting to feel the fatigue, he was considering heading back to bed but he wanted to see Selena when she got here.

His hand crept higher up her thigh, thumb caressing the cress where groin met thigh, fingers ticking the faint hairs. He could feel her other leg wrap around him as her fingers ran themselves through his hair.

“Ah, Young Bae,” she breathes into his ear and he feels himself harden even move if that was possible. He moves his lisps from her neck, suckling on her pulse point and leaving little love nips on her neck and travels down her chest. Her shirt was just an obstacle easily removed from his way and suddenly a harden nipple was under his tongue.

“Young Bae,” she moans. And he’s picking her up and drawing her closer to his lap. He doesn’t have enough of her, can’t get enough of her. Her golden cameral skin salty as he drags his lips back up to her mouth, one hand holding her close to him while that other buries itself inside her …

“Young Bae!”

And Young Bae awakens to find himself on Shaun couch and the women in his dream no longer moaning in his arms but wide awake and gazing down at him from where he’s sprawl. Her hair was up and she was wearing simple shorts and a tank top and looked radiant.

“You fell asleep on the couch,” she says as she reaches out to him. “Let me help you up.”

“No!” Young Bae shifts beneath her hand and quickly sits up and haunches over. He’s hard. Harder than he’s even been in public and the cause of it is looking at him with puzzled look on her face.

She raises her hand up in a defensive gesture.

“Oooooook,” she says. “I’m about to watch a movie, you can go upstairs and continue getting some rest or you can watch with me if you want.”

She’s already moving towards the DVD player with a movie in hand and Young Bae is captivated by the way her hips swing as she walks. To have those curves underneath his hands would be like touching heaven even for the briefest of moments. He should leave, he could barely control himself from reaching down to touch himself.

“I’ll stay,” he says.

Selena turns back to him and smiles. He couldn’t help but smile back.

“What movie?” He asks.

“Iron Man 2,” Selena says. “I’m a big action movie fan so I thought we would both enjoy this, is it ok?”

“I love Iron Man,” Young Bae says.

Soon they’re both siting on the couch, watching the movie. Young Bae couldn’t help but look at her, he’s pretty sure he spent more time watching her than watching the movie. He tries not to, not only as to not freak her out but watching her isn’t doing his erection any favors. He wants to kiss her, he wants to hold her, he wants to make love to her.

“Young Bae,” Selena calls out to him 30 minutes into the movie.

Young Bae jerks from his day dream, which was pretty much a fantasy of her, only to find out he had been staring in her direction for a few minutes. He’s embarrassed.


“You’ve been staring at me all day,” Selena says and Young Bae is mortified. So she had noticed. Oh my god, can Jesus just strike him down now. “Is there a reason?”

He doesn’t know what to say, how to respond, so he tells her the truth.

“Because….” He could barely speak and his heart is racing. “Because you are very beautiful.”

“Oh,” she says.

They sit in silence for a few minutes as Young Bae wishes the ground would open up and swallow him alive. Good god, “because you are beautiful” could he have said anything more retarded?

“Young Bae,” Selena calls him again but he could barely find it within himself to move. Why add to his embarrassment? He feels her shift closer to him and now can’t help but look over.

She’s right beside him and their eyes link. Her hazel eyes shining as she gazes at him.

“You’re rather beautiful too,” she says with a blush and a smile and before Young Bae knows what he’s doing he’s reaching out and she’s reaching forward to and they’re kissing. It’s magic. All those thing people say happens when you kiss someone, that birds sing and the ground shake and it’s all unicorns and rainbows. Well that doesn’t even compare to how kissing Selena feels.

He lips are soft and warm beneath his and when her hand reaches out to graze his face he goes in to deepen it. He reaches out a hand to run through her hair and to pull her close. The fire that her kisses ignite in him was like nothing he’s felt before. Contrary to what he tells the fans he has dated before and wasn’t exactly a virgin either but unlike some of his bandmates he’s only been with one woman and the relationship didn’t last very long. And she was never able to inflame him like this, in fact he’s never been this attracted to anyone before. It was a type of madness.

And like that, with that one kiss, it was like he wasn’t able to control himself. All the passion he’s saved up burning bright inside him. Now they were both kneeling on the couch, pressed chest to chest and their arms wrapped around each other. He burns for her.

He couldn’t stop it, his lips leaving a trail from her moist lisps to down her neck. He’s back to being hard as a rock and he’s sure as closely as they’re pressed against each other she could feel it, feel him. She’s not holding back either, her nails are digging into his back as she draws him closer, mouthing kisses on his shoulders and neck.

His hand slip under her shirt, teasing her bellybutton which makes her giggle into his neck. By the time his hand found itself softly squeezing and caressing her breast his lips had found its way back to her’s and was ravenous for a taste of her again. The real her blew his fantasies to bits and pieces.

There’s a pressure on his chest and she’s pulling away and it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to do to not pull her back to him.

“What?” he whispers, reaching out to kiss her again but she turns her head so that his kiss graces her cheek instead.

“I’m not sure if this is a good idea,” she says. But she hadn’t removed her hands from around him, in fact her left hand is under his shirt stroking the heated flesh of his abs even as the rest of her shies away.

He brings his hand up to nuzzle her cheek and to turn her gaze back towards him. God she was beautiful, lips wet and bruised from his kisses, the few freckles on her nose standing in contrast to the golden color of her skin and her hazel eyes wide and warm as they gaze at him.

“I want you,” he whispers to her. “Have never want…” here he struggles with his English but presses on “a girl like I want you.”

She looks at him for a moment and then smiles and bites her lips.

“I...we...we really shouldn't,” she whispers even as she moves in for another kiss.

“no,” he breathes against her lips as their kiss depends. His hand moves up her back and it only takes a few seconds to unhook her bra. She groans against his eye as he sucks on her neck and his hand moves around to pinch a nipple. His other hand is firmly wrapped around her.

“upstairs,” she gasps out and it takes Young Bae a moment to understand what she means but when she draws away again to get off the couch he cant stand it and just picks her up earning a slightly frightful scream from her before she wraps her legs around his waist. She’s not heavy at all and he barely avoids crashing into some of Shaun’s things as her carries her towards the stairs, mouth in constant contact with various parts of her body. He couldn’t wait to get upstairs, to have her on that bed, to be inside her. But it was so hard to get up there when this wall was a perfectly good spot.

So there they are, with her up against the wall by the stairs, her legs wrapped around him and him seriously contemplating tearing her shirt off of her and fucking her right there. She bucks into him and as the hand not supporting her goes up her thigh he could feel her juices soaking her panties. He moans, god he wants…he wants. His fingers slip under and her thighs tighten around him and she groans in his ear and pulls him in for a deeper kiss.

It takes them forever to reach the guest bedroom and at one point they had fallen on the stairs and had to just run up to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Young Bae suddenly feels shy. It seems that now, knowing that what was going to happen was going to happen, he’s finally regained some of his senses. What the fuck was he thinking? He barely knew this girl.

He turns towards Selena who’s by the bed, to tell her maybe this wasn’t such a great idea only to watch as she pulls her shirt up over her head. Her bra, unhooked and barely hanging on, was soon discarded too and Young Bae feels his throat run dry. She must have had the most perfect breast he’s ever seen, full and perky and with dark nipples like chocolate kisses begging for his tongue.

Before he could help himself he’s walking towards her and places his hand on her left breast, running his thumb across the nibble and licking his lips as she moans. God she was beautiful, every sight and every sound she made just make him want her even more.

He feels her tugging on his shirt and soon they’re both pulling it over his head as he dips down to catch her lips in another kiss. A kiss that he soon trails down from her mouth, to her neck till he is suckling on her breast hearing as she moans his names and tugs as his hair.

He pushes her back onto the bed, his hand roving her body as his lips continue their torment of her chest, her moans music to his ears. His kisses further down, tonguing her belly button and then he pulls her pants and panties down in one fall swoop. And there she was, naked in front of him, panting and sweating cause of him. Has a man’s eyes ever seen a more wonderful sight?

And he goes back to his work, drawing moans and screams from her as he goes down low, tasting what he was so hungry for earlier. And when she comes back from her high he’s already unbuckled his pants and driving in deep.

She’s an appetite he just can’t satisfy for even afterwords he reaches for her again and again and she for him. He just can’t get enough.


He wakes up late the next day, the sun filtering from the window and an ache in places he never knew existed. The room smells of sex and of her and he breathes it in deep. He reaches out for her only to find out he’s alone in the bed. What? Where was she?

Open his eyes the only thing with him on the bed are the tangled sheets. Where was Selena?

He picks up his clothes from the floor, hers wasn’t there. Was it just a dream? A vivid fantasy? No, the marks on his body says otherwise.

After he showered and changed clothes he found himself downstairs were Shaun was.

“Hey,” Shaun throws him a smile which Young Bae finds himself retuning.

“Soooo,” Shaun grin grows wider. “You and Selena, huh?”

Young Bae blushes. He still couldn’t believe it happened, last night was so unlike him. If someone told him a week ago he would be sleeping with a girl he just met he would have called them crazy. And now look at him.

“She’s nice,” he responds. “And beautiful.”

“She’s beautiful all right. Gorgeous,” Shaun says, “But I’m surprised. This isn’t like you.”

“She..” Young Bae didn’t have the words to express what Selena made him feel so he tried his best to mime it with his hands, gesturing towards his heart.

“I get it, I get it.” Shaun says, “But be careful, you guys live a world apart. Don’t get your heart involved.”

Young Bae fears that advice may be coming a little too late.

“Where is she?” He asks.

“Aimee came to pick her up,” Shaun says. “We’re actually going on a hike today if you want to come, Selena will be there.”


During the hike, Young Bae could barely take his eyes off of Selena. He couldn’t believe that just a few hours ago he had been touching her, kissing her, making love to her.  He strangely feels shy which made no sense and it seems like she feels the same way. They’ve seen each other naked, at their most intimate and yet here they were acting shy. But they also couldn’t seem to stay away from each other either and eventually they found themselves walking behind the group. Hands occasionally grazing the other’s but neither with the confidence needed to reach out to grab the other’s hand.

Young Bae didn’t know what to say, what he could say. “I had a great time last night” didn’t seem to cut it. “Last night was the best night of my life,” seems to be coming on too strong.

“Last night..” he hears her say and he’s happy one of them was strong enough to say something.


“Last night was wonderful,” she smiles at him and blushes and he does too. And with that confession he feels brave enough to take her hand and she lets him.

“Tell me about you,” he says and that was all she needed and then she’s talking and he’s responding when he can and there’s laughter, and warmth and even with the language barrier and the fact he only understands 60 percent of what she says she makes him feel good, so fucking good. And the feeling of being able to pull her close to him and having her wrap her arm around his waist, well that had him feeling like Superman and her, the wind beneath his wings.


Later that night they hit the club, both him and Selena had begged to stay home but their friends weren’t having it and they were cajoled to going out too.

And so here he was, in an LA club sipping a mixed drink in the VIP section and watching as Selena moved and shimmied around on the dance floor, her body gyrating to the beat. She wasn’t really doing any dance moves, just grinding her hips and dancing sexy with her best girlfriends. And he couldn’t stop watching her.

The club is dark, with flashing lights everywhere and bodies pressed tight against each other but even in the darkness he could tell that she saw him as she throws him a smirk. She keeps her eyes on him as she swings her hips back and forth, taking it down low and then swinging it back up again. The way she could move her hips wasn’t something he’s ever seen before, it was like they were moving on their own.

Her eyes are focus on his, as she lets a hand wander down her chest, grazing her breast all the while licking her lips. She points a finger at him and beckons him to come just as a slow jam comes on (Neighbors Know My Name by Trey Songz) and he couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to.

They’re moving to the beat, her hips on his and arms around each other and they’re lost. He knows he’s not supposed to be kissing in public but that doesn’t stop his hand from wondering up her thigh, or from laying light kisses down her neck. He wants her so bad.

After the song end they go back to the VIP section and sit in a dark corner where they make out to their hearts content. He can’t seem to get enough of her, her kisses, the taste of her skin, the feel of her body.


Young Bae looks over at the girl in his arm. Her caramel skin shinning as she lay against his chest, the covers low on her back. They had come back from the club and had gone immediately upstairs to his room. He kind of felt bad for using Shaun’s guest bedroom like this but he couldn’t help himself. And he’ll pay for new sheets later.

They’re naked underneath the sheets, tangled around each other after a night of making love. Young Bae feels Selena stirring in his arms and suddenly there were licks and kisses being left on his chest.

“You leave tomorrow?” She asks in between kisses.

“Yes,” he runs a hand through her hair as she reaches up to kiss his lips, they kiss long and slow and he already feels parts of him stirring. He can’t ever get enough of her. She pulls back a bit but keeps her head resting against his.

“I’ll miss you.”

“no goodbye,” he says and he reaches out to kiss her again and it seems that the thought of him leaving has inflamed her because she more aggressive than usual and they all but attack each other in their passion. Three seconds later he’s in her and is pounding into her hard. Thank goodness there’s an office between the guest bedroom and Shaun’s but the thought to worry about disturbing his roommate doesn’t even cross his mind. In this moment, he loves her more than he’s ever loved anyone before and he wants her to feel it.


Later that night they head to Vegas, it’s the last night he’s going to be with his friends, with Selena and they wanted to make the most of it. Besides his flight is leaving from Vegas anyway.

So they travel around and he sees the shiny city lights, the crazy people and they take a nice trip to the desert all with Selena’s hand in his. They snuck off to fuck one last time, in restaurant’s bathroom and the idea of getting caught was half the fun -he’s honestly surprised at how he’s been behaving in the US but the things Selena does to him, it’s as if he’s lost all reason when he’s with her. They had one more night dancing together at a club and then it was time for him to catch his flight to New York.

At the airport Young Bae half wanted to say fuck it all and stay here, with her. But he knew he had responsibilities and one of them was to go and meet up with Teddy in New York and the rest await him in Korea. The past four days had been the best days of his life and the woman in front of him an angel. The rest of the crew had given them some privacy as they said their goodbyes but he could barely hold himself from crying. Selena already had tears in her eyes and it broke his heart to see her so upset.

“I guess this is goodbye,” she whispers her eyes on the ground. Young Bae grabbed her hands and brought them to his lips.

“No,” he whispers back. “This is, I’ll see you again.”

And they kiss and her lips were the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.

Now he’s walking towards the gates waving goodbye to all his friends and to the most wonderful woman he’s ever met.

“Call me,” Selena shouts at him.

“I will,” he calls back.

And then he’s gone.

fanfiction, oneshot, big bang, california girls

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