Once Upon a Time (G)

Nov 07, 2011 23:44

Title: Once Upon a Time
Author: blackpoetcat
Rating: G
Characters: James Norrington
Disclaimer: Mouse owns all, just playing with
Thanks to: dear porridgebird
Summary: For the prompt 'fairy-tale' at potc_drabbles

That is how most fairy tales begin. Especially those told to children. Then, after a lot of trouble and risk, the prince finally gets the princess. Not as in real life...

My story did not begin with the famous four words. No, and neither with the three which are spoken far too often without being true -- which, on those occasions, must be counted as within the realm of fairy tales and fables.

If you look at it objectively this means we stay in a world in which everyone creates himself his very own fairy tale. That would not necessarily be helpful for coping with what is called existence, but likely would cause no more than minor damage, if any. Unless one involves other persons without letting them know. And no matter what signs of alert the aggrieved party fails to see -- to blame him, even partly, seems extremely dubious to me. There are circumstances in which barely anyone would be able to judge if he has been pulled into a fairy tale or is still situated in reality.

The moment I became part of a fairy tale was the happiest in my life. Well, so I thought. Even if I was not certain that my dream would actually come true. Her words, her affirmation that she would have accepted my proposal even if I had not rushed to Turner's rescue, dispelled my doubts. That those were exactly the words that began her fairy tale, I never suspected.

In my dream I already saw us in the church in front of the altar, vowing eternal faithfulness. I imagined how I would carry her over the threshold of our home, and how tenderly I would later introduce her to the act of love. Carefully, because, after all, I could not estimate if she -- despite her curiosity and untamed character -- might be shy of this unknown area. To force her would be absolutely out of the question, not to mention despicable. A marriage is contracted to last a lifetime; there is no need to rush hastily into such a delicate nuptial obligation and risk turning something wonderful into something to cause fear and averseness.

I was a fool.

And still am, because nothing of my dream has changed; nothing except the certainty that it will stay a dream. She has fulfilled herself her very own fairy tale in making me believe myself to be in one. That was finally true, only it was not the right one. In this fairy tale, which has come to a happy end today, I am not the shining hero, nor the prince who is allowed to happily embrace his adored one.

He is wrapping his arms around her, he is kissing her, and he will be the one waiting for her at the altar. His fairy tale will unite with hers, two dreams will come true and the young couple will live together in joy until death will part them. He will be the one who falls asleep and awakens with her; to whom she will endow what I have wished for so much.

That is it.

In fairy tales, fairies make wishes come true. I do not know any fairy and even if did, I could not claim her assistance without getting into serious trouble with my superiors. But after all, fairies and other magical creatures do not exist, do they?

I mean, just because cursed pirates have existed...

Though Sparrow is something of a mysterious entity; matters with him are definitely strange. But I will take care of that later. Now I have to endure being chased out of my very private paradise.

Once upon a time?!

Yes, once upon a time there was an officer who was so deeply in love that he did not recognize being used by the woman of his dreams to make her fairy tale come true instead of his own. Who is now sitting alone in the house he had wanted to share with her, wanted to revive with children's laughter -- and who in a few months must think about what he will give to the young couple as a wedding gift.

As if they had not already have received the greatest gift they could ever get from me...

What is always said? 'And they lived happily ever after'?

Will they? It does not matter. I am not part of their fairy tale; unimportant on the margins, at best. Strictly speaking, I can be wiped from the next chapters; or even better, I can remove myself. At least long enough to come to terms with the fact that I am not her prince.

Well, at any rate, this will spare me obligatory dragon fights. That is, if dragons will keep out of my life. Which I strongly recommend, because I am afraid I must wreak my rage over Elizabeth's betrayal on someone, or be driven mad from pain.

Unfortunately, dragons do not exist.

But there are other despicable creatures who bring fire, smoke and destruction into the world. Sparrow is one of them. To be sure, he has a modicum of decorum and not only helped us, but saved Elizabeth's life twice. However, he is at heart a pirate who once again has a ship and a crew and will use both to raid and pillage.

Only until such time as I send him either to the bottom of the sea or back to the gallows. And when that is done, his story, too, just begins with 'Once upon a time'...

james, potc

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