Um..... hi!

Sep 24, 2008 20:31

First, to those who have historically read my LJ, I've not been posting. It surprises me how easily I've gotten out of the habit. It's not that there aren't things to talk about, but I appear to be going through a change of sorts in my outlook on things.

Just FYI, my life is going spectacularly well (except for the fact that I'm still living paycheque to paycheque for now). More specifically:

1. My job is going very, very well. I just had my monthly one-on-one chat with my supervisor. She's impressed with my focus, my ability to deliver what I'm given, and my professionalism. We're both aware of her concern that I might backslide again, but I'm being vigilant.

2. I'm having a lot of fun and feel tremendously well loved. I have one major relationship. I have a submissive boy. I have fun with some other people I really like quite a bit.

3. My relationship with my mother has never been easier. She accepts me as I am, and while she doesn't want details (nor would I want to give them to her), we talk about most things in my life fairly fluidly.

4. I'm still working on sorting my place out, but I've begun to get some help. I'm enlisting the assistance of a work-mate who I've become friends with, and who has helped friends sort themselves out before. Upon seeing my apartment yesterday, she said that it's nowhere near as bad as she worried it was, and she thinks it can get me organized, getting rid of a bunch of things so I have less stuff to organize, and using my space better for storing stuff I'm keeping.

5. I'm spending a lot of time at home. I haven't been going out to events, haven't been organizing anything but BENT, and being on one committee. I've been spending a lot of downtime, relaxing with friends who visit, talking on the phone, watching TV or movies and spending time with Tippy, my baby boy, who's been very lonely since Cleo, his mama-cat passed away at the beginning of this month.

6. I've been thinking, processing, being challenged in amazingly positive ways and exploring the beauty of the relationship I've been in for just over a year. We are both constantly amazed by the raw and real honesty of our connection. I don't know when I've ever felt so loved or supported.

7. I'm becoming.... myself. I'm not sure how else to put that, but it's extremely rewarding.

As I've been saying for months and months, My life, it does not suck.

I've recently been thinking about what's changing, and what it means to me and for me...

... but that's for another post. This one was just to let you know what's up with me, since I haven't said much for a while.

I'll talk again soon... I've been missing this writing outlet.

bent, ddp, work, friends, career, family

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