Title: Fool's Paradise
Characters: Jessica Adams, Foreman, Wilson; gen
Spoilers: Not really, just speculation
Warnings: none
Length: ~1,030 words
Summary: She's just been handed the glass slipper, but she's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
A fool's paradise, it's said, is a wise man's hell. )
Comments 15
But it's interesting to me to contemplate what happens to people when they walk into House's world. They stay very long, they're going to be changed, for better or worse or -- this being House -- both. It's inevitable and it's permanent, even for the ones who eventually walk away. And both Wilson and Foreman know this very, very well.
Gosh, this is perfect. Always fascinating to get an outsider's view of the madness that is PPTH. I love the little details of characterisation (Wilson apologising to Adams because she steps on his foot is perfectly him)
Foreman warning her off Wilson is great, and speaks volumes for his knowledge of both Wilson and House. I'm hoping we get some great Foreman/Wilson/House interaction this year. And of course Wilson's palable sadness and attempt to save her from what is to come, but already knowing it is too late.
I love her admiration of the hospital's apparent beauty, a contrast to the darkness that we, the reader, knows lurks beneath
the surface. And the Hotel California reference is very apt, leaving House is very very difficult (I'm suprised he's left Cameron alone...)
That's the thing, though: I couldn't resist her outsiders' point of view. And yes, Wilson would apologize for not having seen where she was going and gotten out of the way.
I'm glad you got the Hotel California reference. :-D
I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of Foreman in stories this season, now that he has some interesting stuff to do on the show. I write him so rarely that he's a good challenge, trying to get his presence, which doesn't come naturally to me.
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