Title: Fool's Paradise
Characters: Jessica Adams, Foreman, Wilson; gen
Spoilers: Not really, just speculation
Warnings: none
Length: ~1,030 words
Summary: She's just been handed the glass slipper, but she's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
A fool's paradise, it's said, is a wise man's hell. )
Comments 15
I remember comparing working/being with House to being in the mafia.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."
Once you're sucked into House's vortex, there's no escape. :)
Wish I could get sucked in. LOL
There's a somewhat archaic term for a person like House: "firebrand." While it generally means a hot and obdurate temperament, I think it would be appropriate for him in particular. Because anyone he takes into his world, he marks -- permanently, and with some scarring involved -- as his own.
I also chuckled at this line - "He's probably not." Foreman says. Tact is evidently not his strong suit. "He is into Wilson, though."
I just hope they don't make Dr. Adams too naive. I am getting tired of the naive, pretty girl routine.
I'm also hoping we'll see more of Foreman's weird sense of humor, which I always enjoy when it does show up. It makes the character more accessible to me.
Poor Wilson; he seems defeated.
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