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Comments 37

tahirire February 26 2011, 15:44:14 UTC
Also also, yet MORE proof that Azazel was a fallen angel. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP MY DREAM, NEVER!!!!


blacklid February 26 2011, 15:47:33 UTC
INORITE! They keep making SO OBVIOUS and I'm all like WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? Oh, right, that would make it ANGEL BLOOD... D:


tahirire February 26 2011, 15:51:04 UTC

... )


blacklid February 26 2011, 17:13:59 UTC

... )


(The comment has been removed)

blacklid February 26 2011, 17:08:05 UTC

... )


cece_away February 26 2011, 17:57:45 UTC
Blood seems to be at the heart of everything, be it demon, angel, or human. One thing I could never figure out is how a human who is occupied by a demon all of a sudden has demon blood. Wouldn't it still be human blood or does the demon inside all of a sudden change it? And if so, wouldn't someone once possessed still have demon blood properties or only if you are a pyshic kid like Sam who has to drink it? Cuz he didn't get addicted when Meg possessed him, yet he would have had demon blood in him--kinda. As did Dean and John at one time.

Then in this alternative reality door spell, didn't Balthazar go after Lamb's blood, which is always in reference to purity and sacrifice. Ugh.
Okay, shutting my brain off. Too much for me.


blacklid February 26 2011, 19:46:26 UTC
... Dean had demon blood in him? I do not remember this! When was this?

But yes, you have picked up on why the vampires, they are so very important. *wink*


cece_away February 26 2011, 22:20:35 UTC
Well, Dean didn't drink demon blood. My point of rambling was that if someone is possessed, do they then have demon blood? However, now that you point it out, Dean wasn't ever possessed on Show. I just confused reality, er, show reality, with fan fiction. Which I now must rec to you where Dean gets possessed. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6020595/1/Fault_Lines Geez, my mind is slipping.


blacklid February 27 2011, 17:43:15 UTC
Oh, I've done that before! *hugs* Thanks for the rec. Are you doing SPNGen Big Bang this year?

My point of rambling was that if someone is possessed, do they then have demon blood?That seems to confuse a lot of us. My take is that there are both metaphysical and material ramifications to being possessed. We know that demons can have any body of their choosing and they invite themselves. They then have some physical advantages that they did not have before - that they can be seen and treated as human unless they cop to their true identity. They also have super strength and the teleportation ability of their spirit self. Crowley's demise showed us that he was still subject to the same laws as a vengeful spirit, even though he was wearing a tailor ( ... )


feliciakw February 26 2011, 20:53:26 UTC
I didn't really pick up on the theme of blood running through the ep. Because, really, when is blood not running through this show.

Rather what I picked upon was in conjunction with the closing conversation of last week's ep, and Dean wondering why they do what they do, what's the point, and Sam being cheerleader. This week they got tossed into a world with no supernatural and (if Virgil is to be believed) no hope, so what they do actually doesn't mean much because there's nothing else. And as crummy and messed up as their home universe is, and the fact that no one knows who they are, it's preferable to this AU because even though home is worse in circumstances and people don't know who they are, what they do there is important, makes a difference, means something.

And Dean pointing out that Sam has it better in the fake!universe, and Sam countering with "You were right. We don't mean the same thing here as we do at home."

Ooohhh . . . mirror images? Of course.


blacklid February 27 2011, 16:53:54 UTC
Totally! I did like that after all that "But What Does It Mean"ness, he got to tell Director Bob Singer that he quit because he was going back, with his BROTHER, to a job that MEANS something to him.

What I also imagine is that Jensen in the story when he comes back, has a lot of confusion and explaining to do because in his universe, being Dean Winchester MEANS something to him, too!

We all find our purpose and our true place in the world in different ways, you know? I don't want to be a vendor on a New York City street corner, but some people live for it.

It may look greener on the other side, but all the meaning changes. There, they weren't even BROTHERS. Weird, how every time they get zapped somewhere, they aren't even RELATED. HmmMmmm, mirrors are yummy. LOL

I clearly have too much thinky brain this morning! Poor commenters...


feliciakw February 27 2011, 21:59:17 UTC
Jensen in the story when he comes back, has a lot of confusion and explaining to do because in his universe, being Dean Winchester MEANS something to him, too!

Well, if it actually was an alternate reality and not simply something Balthazar created to keep them busy, ala "Changing Channels" and (possibly) "The End."

I'll stop before my brain starts to hurt.


blacklid February 28 2011, 16:11:15 UTC
Well, yes, there's that, too. I was sort of talking about OUR dimension in a "what if" way. *mind games*


etoile444 February 26 2011, 23:12:08 UTC
I figure, if you need to talk to someone from another dimension you will need a blood phone. So that's what Meg was up to in S1 and Azazel in S4 when he killed all the nuns so he could talk to Lucifer. Finally, that was AU Misha's sacrifice to Virgil.

So you know, they could chat with Lu and Mike if they bled out a bunch of humans! Just saying! I mean would Raphaella really care if she/he killed a bunch o mud monkeys to be able to chat with her/his brothers? Then again, what would they say!?

Cas used Dean's blood in 6.03. He specifically said he could not use his own and needed human blood (and excluded Sam please note). Baltezar's host has angel blood as long as Balty is in residence, not human blood.


blacklid February 27 2011, 16:33:45 UTC
I mean would Raphaella really care if she/he killed a bunch o mud monkeys to be able to chat with her/his brothers? I see your point about Balty. There could very well have been other blood spilled during that fight, but it was all likely host blood. To say that angel blood wouldn't work is a bit too broad and here's why ( ... )


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