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Comments 49

fourtenpm October 30 2010, 03:10:52 UTC
yeah, they are soulmates, how can they be that when one of them is missing a soul?


blacklid October 30 2010, 03:13:25 UTC
I refer to no. 13


fourtenpm October 30 2010, 03:18:37 UTC
u think that's why Dean is angsting for the both of them?


blacklid October 30 2010, 03:33:41 UTC
I think it's hard to see something crumbling beneath you from which you cannot escape, yeah. That would make anyone angry.


monicawoe October 30 2010, 03:12:49 UTC
So you are super-smart. Help me with this: on the show haven't they established that the soul is all that inhabits a body? They haven't ever distinguished between the mind and the soul before , have they? Is this something entirely new?

I am very glad Sam isn't human, and I believe there is more to it than just his soul missing.

Love my show!


blacklid October 30 2010, 03:26:39 UTC
on the show haven't they established that the soul is all that inhabits a body? Mmmm, no. If that were the case, Jimmy would have been toast a long time ago. Cas is not a soul. He's a wavelength of celestial intent. In a physical body that can vanish into thin air. Same with any other soulless demon who possesses a body. We've just never been confronted with it in this way before.

They haven't ever distinguished between the mind and the soul before, have they? I think that they have, in a way, every time that reapers have appeared... but never to this extent, you're right. Not this explicitly, when it comes to the separate origins and motivations of living a human life. Knowing what each aspect of us lives where. Knowing that a physical tongue has the power to destroy a person's soul.

I'm going to love where they are going with this and they are doing a fantastic job of it! *loves*


kimmer1227 October 30 2010, 03:19:11 UTC
#6 is veeeeeery interesting...


blacklid October 30 2010, 03:37:43 UTC
Cas told Dean that if Sam was Lucifer, THEY would know it. And I don't think he meant THEY his angel buddies. He was looking at DEAN. AND... how many drinks had Dean had by that point and it was taking an entire liquor store to have any effect? Just leads one to wonder, doesn't it? But all the attention's on Sam and how Sam isn't right... because that's what Dean worries about and that's where they want our attention to be while they spin Dean's side of it right in front of our faces and nobody says a word.


percysowner October 30 2010, 18:43:48 UTC
I agree there is some misdirection going on. Dean's drinking is the first tipoff, the second was the brutal beat down that Dean gave Sam. Dean has hit Sam before, but never repeatedly and viciously. I have heard the argument that Sam deserved the beating and more for not telling Dean at once, for leaving Dean alone for a year, for allowing Dean to be turned, but Dean has always reached out to help his brother, not to react with rage ( ... )


blacklid October 30 2010, 21:44:13 UTC
I have heard the argument that Sam deserved the beating and more ... but Dean has always reached out to help his brother, not to react with rage.
Perhaps the question should be, did Sam think he deserved that beating? Yes. He's taken beatings from others when there was even an inkling of a chance that he was culpable even if he was only trying to help. Sam has always thought of himself that way. It's only been lately that he has directed that hardness outward instead of inwardly, like Dean used to do. They really have just traded places.

During season 4 and 5 we were told by Dean that he felt he left something back in Hell.And Famine could not find anything inside Dean to cause him to worry about him dis-railing the master plan. Which is exactly why I want Cas to do the same experiment on Dean that he did on Aaron. I don't think he's as badly off as Sam is right now, but there's definitely something wrong. And no one is telling. Not Sam. Not Bobby. And Dean is only now starting to question them -- it's only a matter of time before ( ... )


mimblexwimble October 30 2010, 03:24:44 UTC
Does Sam feel? YES. He feels things. He feels emotions: fear, pain, sadness, happiness, confusion, all of it. But he feels them differently. It was explained to me this way: put a bag of ice on your hand - solid ice - for three days. Then take it off and hold a flaming match to it. Will you feel it? No. Will you confused why it doesn't hurt? Yes. Will you remember that it should hurt and still react to it? Yes. And do you keep expecting the numbness to wear off? Yes. But does it? No.

I love this analogy. It's perfect.


blacklid October 30 2010, 21:47:05 UTC
I think so, too. It explains everything he's done with Sam so far, every nuance. They both invest so much of themselves into this story; it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen.


cece_away October 30 2010, 03:27:28 UTC
Um, yes. Yes I do believe I need a flow chart. Kidding.

Nice analogy of the ice and the soul. Makes total sense.


blacklid October 30 2010, 21:50:18 UTC
*facepalms and hides* I don't know if I'm up to doing another flowchart, but here's an old one!

... )


cece_away October 30 2010, 21:52:29 UTC
Oh, man.


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