5.14 My Bloody Valentine, Part 2/3

Apr 10, 2010 14:49

Nobody likes being attacked by a giant teddy bear. Especially when it's naked. Giant. Naked. Teddy Bear.


COME HERE SAM LET ME LOVE YOU because we love love

OH, WAIT. Were we talking about NOW, or earlier? I'm confused.

LOVE?! ACK. NO. GET IT AWAY. Love ends badly around these two. No, not THESE two. THOSE TWO. "WHAT CAN I DO... FER YEW."
Every time I hear Cupid's response to, "Why are you doing this,"
I fall over in hysterics.
An odd time perhaps, considering they all just got manhandled by a naked angel shooting people with love darts (not poison, Dean) so that they will all get along and not hate each other anymore and fall in love and sing kumbaya and make babies, because that's not strange at all, that's how the world keeps turning, but I fall over because
And by the way, no.

Dear Cas,
Don't make the teddy bear suicidal. That never ends well.

Dean and Sam are not getting within ten feet of Mr. Lovejoy over there because they might

Also, it's just a LOVE handshake and it's tough LOVE and NO ONE LIKES IT.

"LOVE is more than a WORD to me, you know... I LOVE LOVE, I LOVE it, and if that's wrong, then I don't wanna be right!"
Dear Casanova,
I keep rewatching the part where you let out that squeak noise, because THAT'S WHAT I'm TALKIN BOUT.

I thought it was interesting that despite all the animosity, he picks up right where he left off, loving everybody and telling them what they want to know but not what they want to hear. THAT'S TOUGH. He's like a Trojan... and I don't mean the condoms. Also interesting that he mentions HEAVEN and not ANGELS. Important distinction, that.

Dear Dean,
I feel for you. I really do. If even your own parents didn't fall in love and get married all on their own, you're starting to see no way around this Destiny thing. Something as safe as love is now poisoned to you because who knows why you really want it, right?
You know how you prayed those times out in the parking lots for God to help you and that's when Cas showed up? How long did you look that particular gift angel in the mouth before you realized he was honestly trying to help you? Is that because you think you don't deserve help and so you can't possibly recognize or accept that other people want or get assistance, too? Did it ever occur to you that suicidal teddy bears kinda fall into the same pool around here as guys with a little too much war in their background and with no future prospects who pray to God for things? like the girl who can't stand him and treats him like he doesn't exist to at least ease up and maybe even love him? BECAUSE THAT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE YOUR DAD FAMILIAR. 
P.S. *shmack*

Heaven, I'm in Heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak. ...
*PUNCH*  HEY! I like that song... Alastair didn't ruin it for me yet.

"You just punched a Cupid."  |  "I punched a DICK."

Best scene summation EVER.

I love that Sam turns and looks at Cas for confirmation, like, "Are we seeing the same thing?", and Cas is like, "Are we to be believing this?", and it says so much about how far they've come with being friends and trying to keep things from falling apart as Dean gets more and more ... dark.

Each of the boys is doing more research on their own, which means that their experiences and views are diverging again, and when they do work together, Cas is backing up Sam's point of view lately... and that is probably bothering Dean like a LOT because HEY, isn't he supposed to be MY ANGEL? *sigh*

Dean can't see the forest with all of these trees in the way.


First, the good doctor can't wait to leave the office for happy hour and now he's not even bothering to hide from the security cameras. ... Weird. Also, there's a guy who eats himself to death with candy bars... and a toilet brush. Why a toilet brush? Couldn't we go without the imagery of what comes out must go back in? Guess not.

We watch Sam and Dean going about their business like good businessmen do in their business socks and I'm wondering why I FEEL LIKE SUCH A VOYEUR. Remember how this episode started? It's not a being hunted kinda vibe... it's like being watched over. IDEK.
More people are offing themselves in the bad way and they don't have Sweetheart sayings stamped on their inside parts and anyway, so they figure out
WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO, GOT TO DO WITH IT, WHAT'S LOVE BUT A SECOND HAND EMOTION... *ahem* and they start looking for other possiBIL-I-TEES.


Sam notices a funky smell and wants to investigate. With knives.

Dear Sam,
I'm thinking it might be tactical bacon.

P.S. Tactical bacon comes in a can and you pop the lid and you eat the bacon. Also, it is used to hunt zombies. You know, people who have come back to life and think that drinking blood is a power source and not a recreational activity.
*whistles absently*

I can't get rid of this cap. It's too awesome. It's Sam's eyes in the blade of the knife and they're not yellow-ish at all. Mostly, they are freaked right the hell out. I LOVE THE FX TEAM. I LOVE IT. LOVE LOVE.

Dear Sam,
Some of that rainwater over there fainted onto your shoulder a little bit. *brushes it off*
Let's count sheep or something, okay?

Dear Dean,
P.S. I am distracted by the wall partition's double diamond pattern with the gold one over it and my sycophant brain tells me that this is going to be very symbolic of something later. 
*looks up how supermassive black holes are made*

Here's another cap I can't stop shaking my head over. The sigils on the padlocks are so awesome.

It also proves that you don't have to read the language to know how to break open a lock.


Cas: "It's all starting to make teh sense." *OM NOM NOM*
Wow... they open the box... Castiel pops up and can haz cheezburger. We've totally crossed over.
YES. Angels are not obi wans. They are lawl kitteh. I KNEW IT. *victory arms*

Dean: "Wait a minute. Why would a soul be IN A BOX?"
Lid: *blinks* "YER A.... BOX."

Cas: "Somebowdee putted it inna bucket but haz not eated it. Den comez Famine ridin on black sted.
*om nom nom*

Jimmy is hungry. Which mean's he's alive? Or it's just because it's his body and it's still alive?
... I am going with the opinion that Jimmy isn't in there, which is sad but also means that, out of this whole mess, SOMEBODY got to go to the White Castle in the sky.

If there is a soul in a box and a demon had it and it was related to Famine, does that mean Famine is pulling the souls of encouraged suicides and eating them?
... Is it only suicides? Do they taste better? Is this a bottomless pit?

Oh. No. It's only Big Gerson's ALL YOU CAN EAT from Bad Day At Black Rock. Which was the last time that Sam spontaneously combusted when he was tied down and bored... Oh no.

Lots of peeps saw Lady Gaga's Paparazzi in this scene. I FOLLOW YOU UNTIL YOU LOVE ME OM NOM NOM.
I kept seeing that... and the old gods of American Gods, pimpin around in their Escalades.


"Lucifer has sent his demons to care for Sam Famine I mean Sam IMEANFAMINE, feed him, make certain that he'll be ready."
"Ready for what?"
"To march across the land."

"Sorry Famine, I accidentallied your briefcase with Twinky Dude's soul in an alley because Winchester had THE knife.
Yeah. THE knife."

"But he gave me his motel key and said I smelled good and I can totally drop by later to get it back."

I was wondering at this point whether Famine ate the souls of every person in that restaurant and was still hungry, and I wondered why he wanted the Twinkie dude specifically, or if he could distinguish between feeding on pre-digested souls and whether he thought that maybe Sam wanted the Twinkie dude soul for himself for some reason? EW...

...and then he clenches Briefcase dude's throat strong enough to cause a power surge and eateth him as a replacement. (Briefcase dude was awfully humanistic and I kinda felt bad for him. Who knows what sort of raw deal HE was getting.) I also wonder if demons actually DO still have souls, if they're just black and empty and just a little dry and might go better with some ketchup.


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"Guess what?! I got a fever, and the only prescription... is more cowbell!"


Dear Dean,
Hate to break it to you, but your companion cubes are compromised.


"The Enrichment Center regrets to inform you that this next test is impossible. Make no attempt to solve it."

"The Enrichment Center apologizes for this clearly broken test chamber."
"Once again, the Enrichment Center offers it's most sincere apologies on the occasion of this unsolvable test environment."
"No one will blame you for giving up. In fact, quitting at this point is a perfectly reasonable response."
"Frankly, this chamber was a mistake. If we were you, we would quit now."
"Quit now and cake will be served immediately."

"Spectacular. You appear to understand how a portal affects forward momentum, or to be more precise, how it does not."

War got his mojo from his ring of pwner? You cut it off with THE knife and he tucked tail and ran? It was like everyone woke up out of a dream? Famine has one? This is too easy. 
Oh, hey guys! I have a plan! It's the perfect plan. We know Famine is surrounded by demons, right? So, Sam and Cas can hold them off and Dean can use THE knife on Famine and cut his pointer off because he's too bored with life to care about anything and he'll be the most immune! See? Perfect.
My logic is undeniable.

Except for the part where Sam is too scared to walk out of the bathroom Frying Pan Phone Booth and into the Fire Portal.

Sam is SO scared of doing it wrong that he wants Dean to cuff him to the sink?

Is it just me, or was anyone else hoping he'd have cuffed him to the toilet so we could have a Boondock Saints-esque scene that involved toilet flinging? Because we all know that it could so happen. Sam KNOWS he is strong enough to move large wardrobes away from locked doors with his MIND. But he thinks he can't overpower HUNGER with his MIND. ...

Dear Sam,
You're silly.

I liked this effect and it also told me that Dean never told Cas about that time that Sam moved a very large wardrobe away from a door WITH HIS MIND so as least SOMETHING between them is still sacred. But honestly, he also took out several executive gold card carrying demons that way, too, so this is just a token of resistance but resistance is futile BUT LET'S FORGET ABOUT ALL OF THAT BECAUSE, YAY, COOL EFFECTS. Also, Misha is very tiny.

ALSO, I love the camera work here, that we've come out of the phone booth portal bathroom but we are still seeing everything outside at Sam's eye level, which means that Someone Else is staying in the room with him  Sam can see through walls I am supposed to stay here emotionally and wait with Sam, right? ...
My life is so hard.
*cuddles up and listens to Sam's heartbeats, even though he's all sweaty; at least he's not sticking someone else's appendages in his face...yet*

Awwww, MAN. I LIKED this guy. He drank himself to death? Was it just like the priest friend of Constantine's? Shoot. He was trusting and easy to talk to and... why are we here? I thought we were going to go finger chomping... chopping.

Dean: "Crap. I really kinda liked this guy."
Lid: *hands* "That's... what I said."

OHHH. It's so we can see Cas do this... and tell Dean that they haven't harvested his soul yet.
There's still a little white glowy thing inside there.

Which doesn't in ANY WAY have anything to do with--hm.

But they're not going to tell us what Cas saw in Dean when he dragged him out of the test environment called Hell. Because we don't need to know something we already know, right? If Dean was broken or in some way incapable of completing the test, the companion cube would have informed the Enrichment Center. SO PLEASE STOP WORRYING, PEOPLE.

"Momentum; A function of mass and velocity; is conserved between portals. In layman's terms: Speedy-thing goes in, Speedy-thing comes out."

"All subjects intending to handle high-energy gamma-leaking portal technology must be informed that they may be informed of applicable regulatory compliance issues. No further compliance information is required or wfill be provided, and you are an excellent test subject."

"The Enrichment Center is committed to the well-being of all participants. Cake and Grief Counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all."

"Through no fault of the enrichment center, you have managed to trap yourself in this room. An escape hatch will open in three, two, one..."

PART 3 ... as soon as I can figure out how to get out of here.

sam!, epic show pwns everything, wat, thinky thoughts, angels are not so obi wan, review

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