5.06 The Children Are Our Future, part 2/2

Oct 31, 2009 01:18

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Long and weary my road has been
I was lost in the cities
Alone in the hills
No sorrow or pity for leaving I feel

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky

Oh, jeez, more flags! *ignores*
Jesse Turner is a B student and won last year's Pinewood Derby. Yes, Nebraska is flat. As a pancake. So how do you HAVE a pinewood derby, you ask? Like this. Hot Wheels on crack.

and... hnnmmm? what? oh, yeah. I was sayinnnnmmmmsommmm ... *cuddles*

So they go around to the back of the house, where Jesse's birth mother lives on the other side of the state... of awareness.

This is how you make really big guys fit in really tiny holes and GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER.
*headdesk* GAWD. You sick, people...

Miss Wright doesn't seem to be looking for any company right now, thanks though. She's got her Secret Garden right there and it's all she needs...

And she thinks they're demons? And they're double-teaming and can I stop with the innuendo now?

This. Is Not. A Wedding. 

They're what?

NOT. DEMONS. OR DAEMONS. OR WHATEVER. And they are not here to get you drunk.

They're hot German Poles from Texarkansas, fer gawd. Quit seasonin' 'em. They're already spice-say.

This is super creepy because her kitchen is decorated like my bedroom was when I was a teenager in the claustrophobic Bible Belt where you only know what they tell you. *hides under the doily tablecloth and waits for my breath to freeze*

*Squeeks* AND THE FREAKING FLY ON THE TABLE IN HER KITCHEN EGADS ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT WAS THAT MOVIE GRACE. I'm not telling you anymore than that because my eyes were falling out, but holy crap, WATCH IT.

I like this shot, Show, but it doesn't tell me how in the hell she knew how and why to draw salt lines. I just keep getting the feeling that there's more here than she's telling them.

I have too many questions. If you were possessed, did you also become asexually reproductive? How can a regular hootnanny demon impregnate a woman with the AntiChrist -- unless it's not a hootnanny demon? Why couldn't it have been like Alien where it just busted out of her gut and then we'd have a cold trail of lineage to follow and not this long expo scene where she talks to total strangers about something that she would have kept a cold, dark secret for what looks like... oh, about 12 years? Did this Julia woman do something dealsy and desperate? Is this Show's way around explaining how Mary never cheated? Is Sam actually a prawn?

You know what other silly thing I did, fandom? I Googled "masturbation causes pregnancy" because believe it or not, some conservative yahoo tried to tell me that once to scare me into "being good". And just because I can, I'm gonna quote a Joe Six-Pack who responded to that query recently:
I saw it on [the political debate TV show] Crossfire. They want to force abstinence only programs and think it is great to tell kids a bunch of absolutely frightening lies. One of the other lies was that half of all condoms break. I already can see boys saying "why use a condom if they'll break anyway". --Source

Call Maury Povich! Cuz srsly, dis shit is whack.

Part of her wanted to kill it... but how strange that she would use the phrase, "but God help me", when explaining how she couldn't do it and instead put him up for adoption? ...Bzuh? Considering she might be wanted for murder in two different counties, that seems like the thoughtful course of action, but one has to wonder... if she hadn't given up Jesse and raised him herself, how much more he would know be prepared for the challenge. What would have happened to Sam if John had given up the boys instead of sticking it out the way he did... realizing early on that: what he didn't know, he'd better learn pretty damn quick. Unlike Julia, who chose to stay in the dark and not learn anything more about what had happened. Those people she'd killed, she felt guilty, sure, but she didn't know them and as far as she was concerned, it would only be over if she turned her back on the whole thing and forgot about it.

How very different it might have been. Name-dropping God doesn't make her decision look any less fearful -- not to me, anyway.

On the other hand, would simply knowing have saved Adam from his fate? Some might argue yes, but I'd say no. I think the key to surviving as long as Sam and Dean have is having someone else to lean on who knows. They'd be dead ten times over themselves or would have been, more permanently.

So, I'm going to suggest that Jesse wasn't necessarily doomed from birth; he was doomed the minute his little family of two dissolved with fear of the future. No one else would know what she knew and be able to tell him when the time was right. No angel is watching over him in a protective manner, it seems. Now that's alone.

Back at the Stars and Bars with the Red and Blue and White all over the walls and the freedom cake fourth of July picnic table atmosphere because guess what, guys? We're gonna roast us a leetle kid because dey be an evil plan in dat baby daddy.

Is it going to be like that movie Lost Souls where the guy loses his trust in the human race and grows up not believing in anything and studying serial murderers to find out what made them care enough to actually kill someone? That guy was whacked.

Kidz, dis teh end of da urfs. U heerz taht teh anti-Jebus iz comin? Srsly, now there bez lotsa dem anti-Jebuses. Taht how u know dis be teh end of da urfs. Srsly. -- I John 2:18

How do you hunt an evil kid who doesn't know - wouldn't believe - that he's "evil"? That an evil may or may not be inside you from the get go, but it comes for you anyway... chases after you... makes you wish you could just defeat it once and for all by doing something so good that they would leave you alone forever...


You would think that Sam would get a light bulb of hope for himself right about now... hoping that he's not a literal Demon!Prawn because his Scooby Doo powers wax and wane... and it's there in the angsty expression for just a second that he kinda does start hoping. But, alas, then he we be gettin' hit in the face with the concept that Jesse's a cambion  (human male to succubus to incubus to human female) -- of mixed blood in practically the same sense as Sam -- and that Jesse's power isn't missing, it's just dormant. The only reason that he can't use it is because he doesn't believe that he has it. ... OH, SAAAAM. *tinkles a tiny bell*

No, Sam, that's true. We're not the kind of people who kill little kids to save other lives. *ahem* That's what the other side does - it's what makes you morally superior. Right?

Our Bible says one thing. Castiel's Bible says something else. It's like dealing with two different political views religions here, and I'm not sure which is the conservative viewpoint anymore... or the most merciful.

We take Jesse to Bobby's and convince him to stay, is what. Castiel immediately assuming that Jesse would leave and continue down a path to destruction once he's been told of other's plans for him... reeks.

The way Misha said that line, "We cannot allow that to happen", and leans back like that... smacked of every Secretary of War in every movie I've ever seen and I kinda loved it rather a lot. *hearts Misha*

Things change. Just because the good side sees an easy out in killing him doesn't mean they should. And Castiel should know by now that being a soldier and following orders doesn't get you off the hook anymore than giving the order in the first place when it's the wrong thing to do. I mean, comon, hasn't he ever seen A Few Good Men?

Dean! Stands up with Sam! And they brainstorm! Together! And stand up for each other's points of view instead of getting sidetracked in bandying up to protect or attack the other's honor like they used to! And I AM HAPPY.
*points with finger at the glee*

Sam has a point. No, he does. He really does. His point is... the point he's THROWING in Castiel's face right here and Castiel ignores it... is that Sam didn't HAVE all the information. He just had a "don't do that, because it's wrong". If you're an adult, you need the why. If you don't get provided with the MEANS to believe what you should, then you're so much more likely to make the mistake you've been warned of... you won't understand it and you won't see it coming. Castiel could have done that for Sam. But he didn't -- he followed orders -- and not only that but he FACILITATED the whole dadgummed thing when he let Sam out of the panic room. But let's just forget about that...


So, Cas saying, "You didn't"...

...and taking his fluttery pansyass leave in the middle of a discussion... just....


It's ultimately not ABOUT whether Sam did it wrong or not -- it was about him having the liberty to choose and learn for himself, with guidance, what the right path was. His potential for discernment failed him in a big way and yet they continue to blame him solely. He's taking it like a man and I love that about him, but it's not entirely his doing... and that much guilt on one person is bound to be damaging. That's a lot to live down. Dean's admission about his part in the apocalypse to try to put them on the same level again made me all glowy and warm - I only wish I'd seen it in an episode.

No matter what though, you gotta hand it to Sam that he was also trying to insure against his own potentially wrong choices when he made Dean promise to kill him so long ago. However empty that promise may have seemed, I know that Dean wouldn't let Sam down as long as it's within his power to uphold it.


And, all of a sudden, the Bald Eagle -- the ancient symbol of the gods of storms and supremacy and war -- shows up on the back wall. Coincidence? Sure, okay. I'll leave that where it is.

I know. I keep expecting Cas to act like a human being. He isn't and he won't be. After 5.04, it's difficult to remember sometimes -- maybe Dean has had the same problem and that's why he keeps trying to convince Cas instead of just telling him... but then again, that all just plays back into the Great Riddle in this case doesn't it? If Dean did that, it would make him the same as Cas was with Sam last year and he's not gonna do that.


Castle Anthrax, hand-delivered to your door by the US Postal Service.

We're going to infest!
Infest, the theory of my first manifesto
Push ya wig back with my lyrical pistol
Blow, now Papa Roach is on your mental
Banging like your head piece it's just that simple
Cock back and unleash with my physical
Wrap you in my thoughts and become indivisable
Centrifugal, forces individuals into my mind as we rock into ritual

You better do just what I say
And if you don't then you will pay....INFEST!

We're going to infest
We're getting in your head
What is wrong with the world today
The government the media or your family

Good God, Jesse, when am I ever going to shut up?

Wait... how did he get... would Dean have given the DK knife to him? ... Nahhhh. NO WAY.  

Dear Castigatoriel,
At least you have the decency to look slightly concerned that you're about to sacrifice an innocent child. OH HAI, Jus In Bello reference on the flipside, I see u thar. But the first thing you say is, "Don't be afraid -- I won't hurt you"? 
-Lid, who is giving you the ORLY OWL eyes of doom

*catwise* Actually, Jesse's ORLY OWL ANIME EYES are better than mine... oh look, pretty lights... they're back behind all the actors now, like normal... who, me? Worried?

No, I'm not-- *grimaces*

Dear Sam and Dean,
You know how Castiel said that Jesse would only make action figures come alive if he was happy and what would he do if he was angry? I'm not sure that you can relate, but if someone was trying to kill me, I'd be pretty freakin' peeved. So before you see Cas, just remember, this is the WORST THING THE ANTICHRIST COULD COME UP WITH.


Dean: "An ACTION figure?"
Jesse: "More like a Trojan horse... or a pillar of salt, only reversible."
Dean: "Awesome, cuz it just so happens that we need more action figures. My partner and I were missing an angel with stiff appendages for our shoebox collection. There's loosy goosey ones all over the place. We could offer a trade. We have the old guy in the wheelchair."
Jesse: "You have Xavier?!"
Dean: "The Original."

(We pause in this overly long review for Tahiri and me to dance naked in the street over the X-Men reference... \0/... okay, I'm dancing naked, she's just dancing.)

TexDemon: THWACK!

SimmonsSam & ChurchDean: Ow, the back of my lower legs!

TexDemon: THWACK!
ChurchDean: Ow, the side of my head!

TexDemon: THWACK!
ChurchDean: Ow, the back of my face!

Hootnanny Demon:"And Now We're More Like Fadin' Pink / We Use To Be Bright Red / And Now We Ain't / And I Ain't Trippin'  / I Ain't Even Trippin' / I Aint Even Mad At Ya. Come be my boo-boo. Jesse... you're the baaanaaaanaaa king."

Jesse:"AW, HALE NO."

These guys are so big, just squeezin' 'em made a butt crack in the wall.

Sam didn't make the play of trying to gussy things up and make things look better than they are... and it kinda reminds me of Peter in Finding Neverland when Mr. Barrie got the proverbial adolescent book of angst thrown at him before he knew what to say about Peter's mother's illness... because you know, just telling stories isn't enough.

Yes, the jolly green giant has some knowledge to proffer. Let my people go.

"I can teach you the real banana dance. Rule number one: cardio."

image Click to view

"It causes demons to shrivel up and die."

"Rule number two: use portion control and never haxxor with more than 45% of your normal power."

"I believe you because you're the only one who hasn't tried to order me around... or shut someone else up... and you didn't track mud on the floor."

"How did you DO that?"

"IDK, my BFF?"

"Well, put me in your speed dial."

Dean's been eating a little crow, here, to make up for his approach earlier. Still, I'm not sure I'd start in with the whole, "the guy who tried to kill you is my buddy."

But as soon as Sam steps forward, Dean defers. He knows he used the wrong tack earlier, but he can't seem to use the same rose-colored glasses with Jesse -- or anybody for that matter -- as he does with Sam. Since Dean doesn't really think that Sam is special and refuses to acknowledge destiny, I think it's simply blind, brotherly love that keeps him from seeing the parallel. *melts*

Sam's probably the only other person in the world who could make Jesse feel less alone in this moment, and his tenderness is so palpable...  *melts again*

Tucker: Why do you want my kid?
Wyoming: Because he's very special.
Tucker: Yeah, I guess I should've read to him more.
Wyoming: Not that kind of special, you half wit!

awwww *wants to give him a hug... even if he is the antiChrist, it doesn't mean I am*

Jesse goes up the Stairway to Heaven to wish his parents goodbye and grab his Yu-Gi-Oh cards and write himself a note to buy a few more monsters for his rock drain deck... because just inventing them out of thin air would be cheating.

The glass on the door is the same glass that was in the cafe' in All Hell Breaks Loose. Huh. /random

He could have woken them up to take them with him. God help him, he really wanted to. But, he knows that they will be safer where they are now -- safer not knowing. But unlike being in his shoes, there will never be a day planned for them for all the secrets to be revealed ... it's infinitely sadder.

It's like that movie Sunshine, where Ralph Fiennes' character says, "People don't want freedom, they want security." He's not entirely correct, but I understand the sentiment.

Goodnight, sweet Prince. The horses are dragging you away.

Empty room. People returned to normal... how he knew what to do, I guess we'll never know... unless... it's because now Jesse believes that everything he believed was a lie and that would automagically have fixed everyone who was still alive without him even knowing it... and now he's on a quest to start over and only believe what he can see for himself out in the world and oh hai, unexpected Dean parallel, you almost snuck by me.

I dunno, would you even call it a runaway note? It seemed like so much more than that.

Dean: You know, I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. I mean, you want 'em to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing pop rocks and Coke. Protect them from the real evil. You want 'em goin' to bed feelin' safe? If that means lyin' to 'em, so be it. ... The more I think about it, the more I wish Dad had lied to us.
Sam: Yeah, me too.

pretentious fan is pretentious, because it's wrong, meta, review, sam and dean own my soul

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