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Comments 8

pinkoceantides October 1 2008, 23:18:02 UTC
Have fun :) and get better!


tahirire October 2 2008, 00:03:12 UTC
I'll be around if ya need me, babe. ;-)

Laura and I are sick, too, and so is Vikki, lol. Cons = tough on immune systems, apparently. If you find that miracle stop-while-you're-ahead stuff, lemme know, will ya? *smish*


blackcat333_99 October 2 2008, 00:25:40 UTC
Well, I do hope to see you around a bit, if only to spazz about new eps or the Js. But I understand about sometimes needing to dial back on fandom in general. And hey, RL is important too, so having a life? Is totally a good thing.


felonytexas October 2 2008, 04:37:03 UTC
Sounds like you need a little vacation from all this a while. Take your time, pretty sure we'll be here when you're ready to flatter me---err ya know interact with people again. :D


a_phoenixdragon October 4 2008, 04:37:14 UTC

Good for you, darling!! And just know that we are here if you need us!! I'm not here for the fannish, darling - I'm here for YOU - and if YOU need time off from everything online and fandom - by all means, do what you hafta!

*Sends love and good thoughts*


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