I'm a Triple Chin Girl in a Double Chin World

Jun 13, 2008 00:42

Every time I read my sister's MySpace tag line, I laugh. "Silve​r foxes​ looki​ng for roman​ce in the chain​smoke​ Kansa​s flash​dance​ ass pants​."
Seriously, Beck. What does that even mean? And how was I completely gypped out of the family funny gene?

insomnia again, family, yay?, one-offs, oh noes

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Comments 2

truthordara June 13 2008, 20:14:14 UTC
What does that even mean?
It's open to interpretation!

And how was I completely gypped out of the family funny gene?
Are you for realz??? You always make me laugh!


a_phoenixdragon June 14 2008, 05:45:16 UTC

Aww, you ARE funny dear - just in a way that makes more sense!



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