
Aug 30, 2014 19:57

So after all three dogs getting very very ill within one week ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lady_teazle August 31 2014, 00:09:03 UTC
Oh no, oh no, oh no. :(((

Are you sure there isn't someone in your neighborhood putting out poisonous stuff of some kind? That happened recently in a nearby neighborhood.

It's hard to believe people are so sick, but there are folks who hate dogs so much that they go around doing this. I've seen it once before years ago.

Fingers crossed for your adorable little pooch. <3


blackjedii August 31 2014, 00:35:44 UTC
Well there is something in someone's yard but... like, never attribute to maliciousness what you can attribute to stupidity. And we have really, really stupid neighbors.

Which - the thing of it is it's their damn yard. I have repeatedly tried to enforce the whole leash deal, tell my parents I don't WANT my dog going out without one and really pushed that it's a bad idea for us do so. You can't control what someone else does with their yard. :/

And my mother's been like 'lol no he stays close he loves me' because she's basically lost all her common sense to the point where my sister and I are more than mildly concerned about it. She knew better.


lady_teazle August 31 2014, 01:33:34 UTC
My mother-in-law trusted my cat (a really amazing Siamese) to stay close to her, but of course kitty headed into the road and got run over. :(


blackjedii August 31 2014, 01:35:33 UTC
Oh yes. She wasn't thinking one night with flea medicine and put a boxer-size dosage on a five pound cat.

That was a lovely experience because - surprise - she wasn't listening or taking it seriously when I said the cat was shaking and something was wrong. So kitty didn't get to the vet until twelve hours later when she was paralyzed outside.

Pets, man.

I'm better off with a houseplant.


connorblond August 31 2014, 10:35:55 UTC
Oh no! Poor Fips!!

How is he doing this morning?


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