(no subject)

Aug 30, 2014 19:57

So after all three dogs getting very very ill within one week

And then my mother's dog getting very very ill and convulsing this week

And me saying - repeatedly - that we need to be very careful to keep them on leashes and only in our yard and fussing when my mother REPEATEDLY let them out to run around without supervision.

My mother had the most wonderful idea to take my young puppy out without a leash and with the other young puppy who plays a lot of monkey see monkey do things

And naturally the puppy finds whatever is making the others sick

He started trembling and going into convulsions this afternoon. He's currently staying overnight at the vet's to monitor in case he has any seizures. The vet is hopeful he'll be fine tomorrow but it's mainly concern for brain damage / etc.

I feel like I could shout at the top of my goddamn lungs and no one would goddamn listen to me until we have a dead animal.
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