i just don't even

Aug 31, 2014 18:50

I shouldn't have to feel like shit because I asked for my dog to be kept on leash and to stick to a specific diet.

I shouldn't hear that they don't "want to deal with the attitude" when the whole time I'VE been the one guilt-tripped because I make my mother feel bad for something she had total control over and decided it was too much bother to use common sense and be careful two nights after her dog had severe seizures

Like all it damn well took to avoid this was for her to put a leash on. ALL IT TOOK. I am not asking the world - I am not asking her to bend over backwards. I suggested we put leashes on our dogs because we can't control what our neighbors do but we can sure as hell control where our dogs go.

MY SISTER even took my side. Which is rare as she's the main mediator and the only one my mother will accept criticism from.

But no - I have an attitude and am mean and nasty and hateful.

And right now I feel fully justified.
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