
Jul 08, 2014 22:46

I checked the scoreline a little after 4 to see a Muller goal which - okay, statistically speaking Germany has a very good record that when they score first they tend to win ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

lady_teazle July 9 2014, 03:23:52 UTC
I had no doubt we'd win. I didn't think Brazil was as good as advertized, and sans Neymar & Silva they would be weaker. But I wasn't quite expecting a 7-1 blow-out.

The final won't be like that, but today was just sublime. I was very annoyed after a while at the endless shots of crying Brazilians and the ESPN coverage which mostly seemed to be "oh gosh poor Brazil" and not much about how glorious Germany was. Brazil brought some of their problems on themselves, and I don't feel sorry for them.


connorblond July 9 2014, 05:57:45 UTC
It was their own damn fault that they lost. And Thiago Silva was an idiot for doing something as stupid as he did in the quarter final.


blackjedii July 9 2014, 12:21:54 UTC
Ah well... there is very little you can say about Germany beyond "....germany" but tears make for good airtime.

I wasn't so sure just because I am a pessimist and thought Brazil would press as they did against Colombia. Germany doesn't handle physical games very well. But apparently no one really wanted to get some fouls?

srsly though why are people still playing Luiz as a CB? push him to an attacking midfielder! Problem solved!!


connorblond July 9 2014, 05:55:54 UTC
Yes, they thought Brazil were favorites. In Germany, too.

But that's football for you.

I'm still trying to recover from this. It's ... I'm still waiting for someone to tell me I was simply dreaming. But then - Brazil had a day they could happily throw in the rubbish bin.


blackjedii July 9 2014, 12:22:39 UTC
Yeah. I will be disbelieving for weeks. That scoreline just doesn't happen at a WC!! Especially between two so-called powerhouses!


lady_teazle July 9 2014, 17:38:45 UTC
I'm just enjoying. Blissfully. This will probably not happen again - or anything nearly as amazing - so let's just lap it up. 2018 may be a very different story.


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