Yes. I went looking for the full version and then spent the rest of the afternoon watching Divorce Court clips and lmao. Can't wait for the episode with the Armenian couple to come online.
I have a friend who does this and like this chick, she has a great voice, but that humming thing is annoying as hell. It is ridiculously passive aggressive.
haha I dunno. I think there might be a bit of merit to the "channel your anger" methods, but from what I observe it's only minimal. But if someone's anger is truly out of control (leading them to fight and explode all the time) maybe even minimal results are beneficial. Like if they are obligated to be around the source of the anger and can use the methods to stave off acting on it until they are away and can calm down. In the end I think what's really helpful is when folks can accept the anger. If anything maybe impulse control (versus anger management) seems to be better suited. But these anger management programs seem to be popular, especially with judges/courts.
Comments 6
He didn't lie.
Sorry psych rant.
In either case, this was funny as hell.
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