J2 panel videos

Jun 02, 2009 16:16

Even though we weren't really allowed, I just couldn't resist taking a little video, because this was Jared and Jensen sitting right in front of me! I just haaaad to!

If you watch these in HQ on youtube, the quality should be rather good. I was suprised to see my own videos and how sharp they were. :)
I'll try to zip them up and post them for ( Read more... )

j2, youtube, convention, jared, video, supernatural, jensen, asylum

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Comments 43

ckll June 2 2009, 14:52:45 UTC
You had some good seat there :D
(Would you like to share your links in the comm? Pics and vids?)


blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 14:58:25 UTC
Yes I was going to post to the comm right now! :) Just a sec ;)


ckll June 2 2009, 15:01:03 UTC
Thank you hun ♥


kros_21 June 2 2009, 15:00:42 UTC
OMG love thank you so much for this!!!!
you videos are awesome!
so even if I have already watched other versions of these, I'll watch them again. ;)

thank you!

*hugs tight*


blackbirdj2 June 3 2009, 13:36:08 UTC
Yay, you're welcome! I hope you enjoy them hun! :D


(The comment has been removed)

blackbirdj2 June 3 2009, 13:36:48 UTC
You're welcome! :D I always appreciate it too when people post vids of a US con and I can't go. :) Vids of the panels are so great! :D


demon_snfan June 2 2009, 15:59:38 UTC
Well that just made my day, it was well worth waiting up for (its 2am here). I love them so much. They are so in sync its the weirdest thing sometimes to look at. They just have to look at each other an know where the other is heading with the conversation. And they support each other with what the other ones is saying. They have probably missed each other for the past couple of weeks, and really just want to catch up. Because seriously it was like they had things they want to say to each other. It was interesting watching Jareds face when all the booing started, he just did not take his eyes of Jensen, like was he pissed or shocked or going to laugh or what. Very protective.

anyway I ramble, thanks and look forward to the other vids. Your a legend.


blackbirdj2 June 3 2009, 13:37:17 UTC
Haha, don't worry about rambling. Rambling is good. :P

Glad you like the vids. ;)


jaylan121 June 2 2009, 16:23:04 UTC
Thank you so much
Very high quality vids
Yum Jensen & Jared


blackbirdj2 June 3 2009, 13:37:45 UTC
Yum indeed! That's a good word for it. :D


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