J2 panel videos

Jun 02, 2009 16:16

Even though we weren't really allowed, I just couldn't resist taking a little video, because this was Jared and Jensen sitting right in front of me! I just haaaad to!

If you watch these in HQ on youtube, the quality should be rather good. I was suprised to see my own videos and how sharp they were. :)
I'll try to zip them up and post them for download later. But I first have to convert them somehow because I think they'll be over 1,5GB in total.

1. About Jared drawing his bath and Jensen reenacting how that went, J2 asking where all the fans are from, and talking about traveling...

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2. Whether Jensen would rather do tv or movies?

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3. Where is Jared's luggage from? And in which direction are the boys going next season?

(the sound is a bit bad in this video because I accidentally had my thumb over the microphone in my camera)

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4. Who would they trade places with for a day, dead or alive? Jensen wants to answer the question directed at Jason. And Sadia, this is for you...Jensen talking about visiting Scotland. :)

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(when Jared mentions Paul McCartney, that's me going "jaaaaaa" in the video, hehe! ;) )

5. Jensen talking about Eye of the Tiger

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6. Jensen talking about playing AU!Dean in It's A Terrible Life and driving the Prius

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That's it for the J2 panel. :( I have a lot less video for the other panels, only one for Jensen's panel, one for Jared's panel and one for Misha's. I wish I had taken a lot more, especially now I see the quality is so good!

j2, youtube, convention, jared, video, supernatural, jensen, asylum

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