
Apr 03, 2008 09:26

I am depressed. BEYOND depressed. Why can't anything go as it should?

Jared cancelled for Asylum. I just came online this morning and read the news.

I'm really not happy at the moment. It just plain sucks, if you ask me.

The only thing that could cheer me up right now is if they could somehow convince Jensen to come again.  But I don't dare to ( Read more... )

convention, jared, asylum, rant

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Comments 19

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blackbirdj2 April 3 2008, 14:46:34 UTC
I'm so glad you're still going! *yay*


jessm78 April 3 2008, 16:05:11 UTC
*huggles* I know how you feel, hon. :(

I've yet to see either of them at a con. There was a slight chance some months back that they'd make it to the Fangoria con this June in New Jersey but of course now it's extremely unlikely. Soooo disappointing. *sigh*


blackbirdj2 April 3 2008, 17:27:47 UTC
It's just...US cons are so expensive for me so Asylum was probably my only chance this year to see one of them and now with Jared cancelling I won't, so I was very disappointed.
But I'm positive we'll both get to see them one day. I guess we just need to have patience, huh?


tweety_be April 3 2008, 16:15:27 UTC
*hugz* Totally know the feeling...

But of course, I'm still going! We are gonna make the best of it and I'm sure we'll have a good time, even without Jared. Tho Jared could have made heat things up a little bit more whaha ;)

I don't see why people blame Jared for this? It's not his fault is it? It never even occured to me to blame him! I'm sure he feels bad about it himself!


blackbirdj2 April 3 2008, 17:29:10 UTC
Yeah, I never blamed Jared either. It's just very unfortunate for us. I do think he's feeling very bad about it himself, since it's the second time in two years he's cancelled! :o Maybe we'll get him next year, lol? Third time's a charm!


alexa_paris April 3 2008, 16:44:29 UTC
I'm definitely still going! And we're going to have an awesome time!

I don't blame Jared either. I love that big goofball to bits. I'm sure he feels really bad about having to cancel again, but as you said: his career comes first!

And Jensen sure is doing his best to cheer us all up too. I'm guessing you've probably seen the heart attack-inducing promo pics by now, right?


blackbirdj2 April 3 2008, 17:30:10 UTC
I have most definitely seen the new promo pics. Hard to miss, they were all over my flist! :) Jensen sure is one person who can cheer me up any time! :)


butterfly8772 April 3 2008, 16:47:43 UTC
Zucht & baal ....
Vind het vooral zonde om zoveel geld uit te geven voor een Con waar geen van de 2 hoofdrolspelers komt .... voor die vriendin die met mee mee komt is het de eerste Con ooit en dat dan dit gebeurt is natuurlijk gewoon *bleep*.
En om eerlijk te zijn er is in mijn optiek niemand die ze extra kunnen uitnodigen die dat kan invullen (ja behalve Jensen dan maar die kans is natuurlijk ook niet groot)


blackbirdj2 April 3 2008, 17:31:31 UTC
Het is voor mij ook mijn eerste conventie dus ja...dan kan je je wel voorstellen hoe teleurgesteld ik was/ben.
Ik weet het, de enige die dit nog goed kan maken is Jensen maar daar moeten we zeker niet al te veel op hopen, jammer genoeg. :(


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