
Apr 03, 2008 09:26

I am depressed. BEYOND depressed. Why can't anything go as it should?

Jared cancelled for Asylum. I just came online this morning and read the news.

I'm really not happy at the moment. It just plain sucks, if you ask me.

The only thing that could cheer me up right now is if they could somehow convince Jensen to come again.  But I don't dare to dream because I'm so afraid of my hopes getting crushed again.

*drowns herself*

ETA...I just want to add that this is in no way a Jared wank post, because I still love him very much and I understand his career comes first! I'm just disappointed, you know.

darvynia, please tell me you guys aren't going to cancel!!! :o I still want to meet you guys so much!

convention, jared, asylum, rant

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