*g* So, okay, I've ordered Psych S2, though I also streamed episode 1 (the one with the take on American Idol), I had Starbucks after work, and bought myself another film in HMV's sale. I have not, as yet, written anything. I did go to see Twilight
Edward does nothing for me, there are flaws a-plenty, but oh my God Alice. (
skin like diamonds - spoilers )
Comments 10
The books are awful, but like, hilariously so. They take themselves so seriously, but they're just so bad. IT'S AWESOME IN A HORRIBLE WAY. A while ago, I came to the conclusion that Stephenie Meyer's sort of like the Sarah Palin of the literary world. Her prose isn't exactly good, but it provides a huge (largely unintentional) lulz factor.
My housemates (1 male, 1 female) both love the books (and Edward) to terrifying extremes. So now the book is in my room, waiting for me. Looking at me. Mocking me. I'm gonna end up reading all of them within the week, I can tell.
Hee. As I said in my email to Sis last night at 2am, I swear they put actual crack in the paper that the books are written on; I went through the middle 500 pages of book 4 while at work, got home at midnight, and couldn't go to sleep until I got to the end. They are Addictive, ohyes.
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