"Yes. No. To get to the other side. 1.77245... "

Jan 05, 2009 21:09

*g* So, okay, I've ordered Psych S2, though I also streamed episode 1 (the one with the take on American Idol), I had Starbucks after work, and bought myself another film in HMV's sale. I have not, as yet, written anything. I did go to see Twilight


Edward does nothing for me, there are flaws a-plenty, but oh my God Alice.

Pitching in the now infamous baseball scene:

image Click to view

Alice is the little dark-haired one in the middle. Surrounding her are the non-Edward young(er) Cullens.

Now, bad points of the film:
- so. much. voiceover.
- however Robert Pattinson was told to act in about the first third of the film
- Robert Pattinson's make-up in any of the well-lit scenes. I get the corpse intentions, but he's not meant to be creepy looking.
- way too much discussion of smell.
- sparkling. I'm sorry, I can tolerate quite a high degree of reinterpretation of vampire lore, but you need to pick some kind of weakness SMeyer. Being super-strong, super-fast and craving blood does not a vampire make. Well, okay, it does, but you gotta give me something! And even if you couldn't give me combustion, was the sparkling really necessary?
- writing 16yo characters does not mean you need the prose of a 16yo. Or the adjective/adverb spam.
- most of the vampire special effects.
- any time Bella and Edward attempted serious discussion of their relationship. Wherein it all becomes "you can never leave me!" "omg destiny" "smell!" "Heroin!" None of this was unexpected, of course.

Good things:
+ The direction is actually really good. Apart from the special effects, it's all pretty beautifully shot, and makes the scenery look lovely. So naturally they got rid of the director for the next movie.
+ Kristen Stewart as Bella does better than I could have imagined with what she's given. Except for the abovementioned serious discussion scenes (in the forest, in the hospital, at the dance) she's pretty good. Pretty girl, convincing in the role, draws more agency than the plot really gives her.
+ When Robert Pattinson decided to forgo whatever he was told and behaved like a teenage boy, he was kind of cute. The sunglasses swinging out of the car bit. I don't know what he was doing with the accent - it seemed to end up in Dublin, but I always liked the sound of that one.
+ The Cullen's 'here we are, the beautiful people' entrance.
+ I didn't hate Bella's dad.
+ Obviously, the vampire baseball.
+ More obviously, the luminous, adorable Alice.

fandom: meta, twilight, girl-crushing, fandom: film!love, fandom: rantings

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