omg internets I missed you. As may or may not have been clear, the flat move didn't coordinate well with getting the internet connected. Because Virgin Media suck, and why new-flatmate didn't already know this is beyond me. It's also possible I will kill new-flatmate (T) because he has been following me from room to room attempting to strike up
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Comments 5
I hear that the plants grow funny if you do that.
I've mostly been getting crazy addicted to Criminal Minds (and writing fic about such. Including a TWW crossover) and actually getting a job interview, which was nice.
But I've been hiding in my room to watch it on my wee TV because otherwise T will hunt me down and try and talk through it. Or organise a movie night or a flat meal. Argh.
We need a commune of some kind. Where everyone has their own space and everyone's introversion is respected but hugs and shared Criminal Minds squeeing are still freely available.
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