*clings to you all*

Sep 12, 2009 18:39

omg internets I missed you. As may or may not have been clear, the flat move didn't coordinate well with getting the internet connected. Because Virgin Media suck, and why new-flatmate didn't already know this is beyond me. It's also possible I will kill new-flatmate (T) because he has been following me from room to room attempting to strike up conversation like someone who doesn't get that we've known each other for years and we're supposed to both be frakking introverts. This is why I agreed to move in with him! Gah!

I have four (!) nearly finished fics which are now missed-deadline for cliche_bingo because of this stupidity. I may do fact-checking/post-readiness this evening (so beware of a bunch of posts). Alternatively I may run to my room and hide with a DVD. I have never seen Alien and am going to rectify.

Tell me things I may have missed, trying to read LJ from the BlackBerry? Or reasons not to kill folks and bury their bodies in the garden.

technical difficulties, writing: process stories, oxford

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