Tagging the Supernatural Newsletter on del.icio.us.

Sep 16, 2007 07:45

spnnewsletter on LJ, Supernatural_fic on del.icio.us, Launch Post - Pie Charts
Supernatural_fic detailed tagging information and error reporting post, comment here with the correct information to have a tagged link updated/fixed.

The Rough Plan:
  1. Tag all fic in spnnewsletter including RPF; will not be tagging news, meta or vids etc.
  2. URLs will be cleaned of extras such as #cutid, ?style=mine, ?format=light etc.
  3. Only one instance of a story told in parts will be tagged. I would like, in an ideal world to link to a master post that links to all chapters of a fic.
    ** I don't automatically ignore a fic if it has 'part 2' on it - I check to see if it's already tagged by searching Supernatural_fic by Author and then I ignore it.
  4. Authors who have since deleted their journals / left LJ will be included for stats (tag = LJ:Deleted).
  5. Warnings such as deathfic, darkfic, rape, evil!sam, girl!Dean and mpreg will go in the Description/Notes field if noted in spnnewsletter.
  6. Put the spnnewsletter edition number in the Description Title field (it's tidier) of the last fic tagged on that edition.
The Detailed Plan:

Title: (fic title)
  1. Taken directly from the newsletter; no extra header information included.
  2. Words like epilogue, prologue, chapter 5, 9/? and so on will be removed.
Tagging: (search filters)
  1. Author. I am using the author identified in the newsletter and add alternate names haphazardly if I know them and if the the author has linked those names publicly - for example the LJ profile identifies the connection. If this is a problem I can change it.
    1. I get conflict when a fic is listed with an author that doesn't match what I can see in the URL, in these cases I try to put in both names.
  2. Fandom e.g. Supernatural or Supernatural Firefly Dark:Angel Crossover.
    1. For this purpose CW:RPF is a fandom.
  3. Category e.g. Gen, Het, Slash and Genderfuck.
    1. Gen cannot be combined with any other Categories, it is defined for these purposes as a story that does not focus on a romantic or sexual relationship. Gen is not a Rating.
  4. Pairing if not Gen e.g. Sam/Dean; note Pairing:Not:Known if no pairing listed and not explicitly Gen.
    Separated into Conventional (arbitrarily defined as the 15 most popular), Threesomes (which includes all permutations of group sex) and Unconventional.
    1. Threesomes/foursomes: I'm using the entire list eg. Sam/Dean/Jess and also putting in Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess and Dean/Jess so that the threesome still shows up when you search on Sam/Jess. For obscure characters I'm not breaking them down - I figure you can go look at the threesomes section.
    2. Genderfuck: this tag covers any situation where the canon character was a particular gender and isn't anymore for whatever reason. I'm tagging them as Slash if the canon characters were both male to begin with and as Het if the sex is het.
    3. Shape-shifters and Possessions: the pairing is MotW if the pairing is with a supernatural entity. e.g. Jo/Possessed!Sam - Jo/MotW and Sam/shapeshifter!Dean = Sam/MotW. This may turn out to be a problem but thankfully the numbers are low enough that this can fixed later if a better system presents itself.
  5. Rating: See below. Ratings that fall between will always be upped.
  6. Challenge: will tag completed challenges when inspired - this will probably involve me becoming aware they exist through a completely random process. Please FEEL FREE to pimp challenge communities to me.
  7. Character: (ongoing as of 20th February 2008) this applies to Gen fic only and will include all characters listed in the header, if no characters are listed I will include what I can see from the first page/chapter.
Rating: (suitability for audience)
  1. Rating:NC-17 (includes NC-16, 18+, adult liek woah and XXX)
  2. Rating:R (includes Adult, Teen and Mature)
  3. Rating:PG-13 (includes PG)
  4. Rating:G (Includes All Audiences - you don't get this automatically for being Category = Gen)
  5. Rating:Not:Known (applies to all fic not explicitly labeled otherwise)
  6. Rating:Not:Possible (applies to all locked/since deleted fic I have been unable to rate)
Accuracy: (this is how to fix things)
  1. Yeah it's a problem. Even if I assume 95% accuracy that's still a crap-load of errors. I'll data cleanse as I go but I'm not planning anything systematic right now.
  2. If you identify something that is incorrect: post here with the correct information and I will update it.
Progress: (this is to keep me motivated)
  1. 01 Oct 07. 123/574 = 451 to go or 21.43% complete
  2. 05 Oct 07. 152/580 = 428 to go or 26.21% complete
  3. 12 Oct 07. 210/586 = 376 to go or 35.84% complete
  4. 19 Oct 07. 250/592 = 342 to go or 42.23% complete
  5. 27 Oct 07. 300/600 = 300 to go or 50.00% complete
  6. 02 Nov07. 350/606 = 256 to go or 57.76% complete
  7. 10 Nov07. 400/614 = 214 to go or 65.15% complete
  8. 11 Nov07. 450/614 = 164 to go or 73.29% complete
  9. 16 Nov07. 500/620 = 120 to go or 80.65% complete
  10. 20 Nov07. 550/622 = 072 to go or 88.42% complete
  11. 25 Nov07. 600/627 = 027 to go or 95.69% complete
Stats: (this is for fun, yes, fun)
  1. Ed 152. Slash = 46.88%, Wincest = 34.98%, Het = 07.48%, Gen = 31.62%, Pairing:Not:Known = 15.59%
  2. Ed 210. Slash = 47.18%, Wincest = 34.25%, Het = 07.96%, Gen = 33.63%, Pairing:Not:Known = 12.80%
  3. Ed 250. Slash = 47.72%, Wincest = 34.39%, Het = 08.72%, Gen = 33.71%, Pairing:Not:Known = 11.38%
  4. Ed 300. Slash = 49.01%, Wincest = 33.87%, Het = 09.50%, Gen = 33.36%, Pairing:Not:Known = 09.88% Femslash 0.05%
  5. Ed 350. Slash = 50.42%, Wincest = 34.15%, Het = 10.10%, Gen = 32.96%, Pairing:Not:Known = 08.45% Femslash 0.07%
  6. Ed 400. Slash = 50.71%, Wincest = 33.96%, Het = 11.21%, Gen = 32.44%, Pairing:Not:Known = 07.63% Femslash 0.10% RPF 15.58%
  7. Ed 450. Slash = 50.35%, Wincest = 33.75%, Het = 12.50%, Gen = 32.15%, Pairing:Not:Known = 06.53% Femslash 0.14% RPF 15.31%
  8. Ed 500. Slash = 50.41%, Wincest = 33.39%, Het = 13.11%, Gen = 32.01%, Pairing:Not:Known = 06.75% Femslash 0.16% RPF 15.74%
  9. Ed 550. Slash = 50.81%, Wincest = 33.23%, Het = 13.64%, Gen = 31.62%, Pairing:Not:Known = 06.42% Femslash 0.17% RPF 16.42%
  10. Ed 600. Slash = 51.15%, Wincest = 33.40%, Het = 13.95%, Gen = 31.39%, Pairing:Not:Known = 06.15% Femslash 0.19% RPF 16.64%
  11. Ed 650. Slash = 51.43%, Wincest = 33.27%, Het = 14.42%, Gen = 31.39%, Pairing:Not:Known = 05.58% Femslash 0.24% RPF 17.04%
  12. Ed 700. Slash = 51.87%, Wincest = 33.32%, Het = 14.57%, Gen = 31.37%, Pairing:Not:Known = 05.13% Femslash 0.26% RPF 17.38%
  13. Ed 750. Slash = 52.18%, Wincest = 33.45%, Het = 14.67%, Gen = 31.34%, Pairing:Not:Known = 04.79% Femslash 0.29% RPF 17.58%
  14. Ed 800. Slash = 52.30%, Wincest = 33.32%, Het = 14.68%, Gen = 31.28%, Pairing:Not:Known = 04.70% Femslash 0.31% RPF 17.87%
  15. Ed 850. Slash = 52.52%, Wincest = 33.05%, Het = 14.74%, Gen = 31.18%, Pairing:Not:Known = 04.59% Femslash 0.30% RPF 18.44%
    Does not add to 100% as you can have het and slash in the same fic.
Backups: (eh)
  1. Archive backup 30 November 2007 9:50 pm
  2. Archive backup 30 December 2007 9:24 pm
  3. Archive backup 01 February 2008 7.34 am
  4. Archive backup 05 May 2008 10.02 pm
  5. Archive backup 07 June 2008 8:07 am
  6. Archive backup 07 July 2008 7:37 pm
  7. Archive backup 19 October 2008 8:36 pm
  1. Firefox
  2. del.icio.us plugin 1.2.1 (tag direct from Firefox)
  3. Greasemonkey scripts for Alpha sort and Tag/Bundle management. (useful but by no means essential)
Account Problems:
  1. Tags only displaying when 2 or more tags present - emailed customer support 30 Dec 2007.
    - Rebuilt the account, this did not solve the problem.
    - Only happens for certain browser/operating system combinations.
    - Reinstall of Firefox and plugins fixed it.
  2. Search 'Your Bookmarks" failing - emailed customer support 30 Dec 2007.
    - Rebuilt the account, this changed the error message but did not resolve the problem.
    - Customer support advises it is a known problem and will be addressed in the next build.

fandom:supernatural, fandom:supernatural_fic

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