[Series] Reaching for Happiness, JaredxJensen, (12/?)

Feb 06, 2009 01:59

Author: freedomthisway

Character: Jared, Jensen, JDM, Mike Rosenbaum, Tom Welling.

Category: Angst, Romance, Drama, H/C

Warning: Rape/Non-con, underage, Jensen/OMC

Rating: PG-13 for now. Hard R eventually.

Chapter: 12/?

Jensen is Jared's younger stepbrother. When Jensen was 7, his mother remarried to Thomas Padalecki, the head of the rich and famous Padalecki family.
Their closeness as child changed after they grew older and Jared found out his feelings toward Jensen. Not wanting to ruin the family, Jared chose to keep his love for Jensen inside and avoid him like crazy instead.
While Jensen was struggling to bear his own misery, he too realized his feelings for Jared, but didn't act on it because he assumed Jared hated him.
After 3 years of escaping from the family, hearing Thomas' death, Jensen decided to come back. Only to face Jared's hatred towards him.

All Jensen wants is a happiness and love with Jared by his side. Can he reach it eventually?

Author notes:
I'm keeping my promise, aren't I? LOL

The adorable inkbymidnight is finally get back on her feet, so this chapter is beta-ed. God, she is so awesome~!

Rating will go up as the story goes, but only up to R...

I hope you enjoy it! Comments are loved! XD

Jensen would never have expected things to have developed the way they did. Not in a thousand years.

Yes, sure he came back... but getting half of Thomas’ wealth in the form of inheritance had never even crossed his mind before.

Even without it, Jared already thought of him as a heartless-gold-digger.

Now that his life has taken such a drastic turn, Jensen really has no idea how he can convince Jared otherwise. It’ll be impossible to fix his image now if he accepts the inheritance and even if he tried, all Jared would do is laugh at him. Not to mention all the hostility he felt by every other member of the Padalecki family back in the study.

Jensen knows that he’s not the most favorite Padalecki family member at the moment, but all those hateful looks and sneers from the people he always considered as family was a shock nevertheless. And now things have gone from complicated to disastrous for him.

That’s why he, in a spur of the moment, decided to refuse it.

He doesn’t want Thomas’ money. Never did. Even before all those things happened to him in the past, Jensen has always dreamed of living by himself, independent, self-sufficient.

Jensen doesn’t see any other choice accept leaving this house again. It’s the only choice actually, even if it will only make him look like a coward.

But Jensen won’t go far. He’ll find a job in this town. Maybe work two jobs. And he’ll rent an apartment nearby. He’ll figure how to fix things with Jared then. Take his time with it, approach the problem slowly and calmly.

Though he doubts it’ll be easy. Jared has Jeff by his side now. And to tell the truth, Jensen fears that Jared won’t even spare him a glance.

Jeff is handsome, rich, and clever. He is a well-known lawyer, and must be a very popular figure in society.

As for Jensen..., Jensen is nothing compared to him.

Jensen is just a nobody. And even worse? He has been tainted.


Part of his reason to never tell Jared the truth is because he fears how Jared will look at him after finding out. Jensen shudders just by thinking about it.

But he has made up his mind. No matter what, he has to try.

He doesn’t know how else to achieve his own happiness if he gives up now.


Jeff takes a relieved breath when he finally finds Jensen in the garden, sitting with a frown on his handsome face, and he approaches him carefully.

The younger man seems to be deep in thought because he doesn't notice Jeff until he's standing right in front of him.

“Hey, there.”

Jensen looks up, his eyes widening at the sight of Jeff, but he gives him a weak smile anyway. “Hey.”

Jeff gestures with his chin at the empty seat beside Jensen. “May I?”

Jensen looks at him long, gaze assessing, before finally nodding at him.

“I’m sorry for my rudeness back there.” Jeff hears Jensen say as he sits down on the bench, grinning in answer.

“Don’t sweat it, Jen.”

“But I’m serious about what I said.” Jensen’s expression is hard and stubborn and Jeff doesn’t say anything. Jeff shudders as a cool breeze blows over his suddenly chilled skin.

“You’re the lawyer.” Jensen continues. “Just tell me what to do or what to sign in order to legalize my intention.”

“Is it because of the things I said before?” Jeff questions. “You know, things about me and Jay?”

Jensen stares at him sharply. “No.” And Jeff can see Jensen’s eyes cloud for a second before he looks away to break eye contact.

Jeff sighs. “Listen, Jen. Jared and I… sure we were a couple once but it’s all in the past now and we’re simply just best friends. That is God's honest truth.”

But Jensen doesn’t say anything. He didn't even know what he was expected to say in response to that.

He couldn't tell Jeff that he was relieved to hear that because even if he was, the knowledge that Jeff knew how it felt to be held by Jared, to be kissed by him and wake up next to him and have Jared smile only for him... that knowledge stung, and burned and Jensen couldn't say that he was relieved when he was so horribly jealous of him.

Jeff sighs at Jensen's silence before reaching to the side and grabbing an envelope. He pushes this envelope into Jensen's hands who shoots him a questioning look.

“If you already have your heart set then there’s nothing more I can do, Jen. But I still have one last thing to do and that's the envelope you have in your hands.” Jeff explains.

Jensen frowns and looks at the envelope again.

“It’s for you. Thomas told me to give it to you after his will is read. So there you go.”

Jeff's words bring the clouded look on Jensen's face back. He can see Jensen pale; his hands shake a little as he gripped the envelope in a white knuckled grip.

Jeff has noticed it before but seeing Jensen's reaction again he is more than sure that something horrible must have happened between Jensen and Thomas. And Jeff is so certain that he would bet all his belongings that Jensen's leaving had more reasons than what met the eye.


In his room, Jensen is sitting on his bed.

The texture of the envelope is soft as he brushes his palm over it. And there is almost no sound when he tears it open.

Jensen tries to still his suddenly trembling fingers, takes a deep breath and starts to read.

And by the time he is finished, he can't stop the tears falling from his eyes.

Apparently Thomas can hurt him even beyond the grave.

Jensen wipes his tears unsuccessfully. Gritting his teeth, he knows that what he had planned to do earlier would be the best way to go about things for now. So he reaches over to pick up the phone by his bed and punch some numbers.

If he’s going to go with his plan, first he has to tell Mike and Tom about it.


Jared hasn't stopped frowning since this morning... not since after Jensen told everyone that he won’t accept his inheritance and then stormed out of the common room with Jeff at his tail.

Jensen's reaction had thrown Jared for a loop, confused him because Jared's plans for Jensen are based on the impression that Jensen is a selfish gold digger.

But Jensen's actions earlier have ruined that image enough that Jared is confused. He can feel the dull throb of a headache forming from all the questions forming in his head now.

Enraged by all of these doubts, Jared is close to slamming his fist on the table in front of him. Because so what if Jensen said all that? It could’ve been a facade.

Maybe it’s one of Jensen’s sneaky ways to earn his trust.

Jared won’t be fooled anymore because what reality had showed him was that Jensen had abandoned this family. Jensen owes his father’s life to him. And nothing in this world can change that.

Actually his father's will turned out to be a little unexpected.

And no, it’s not the fact that even if Jensen had left his family in the past, his father was still going to share his wealth with him that surprised Jared.

Jared knows his father loved Jensen too much, unfairly so, to do anything else.

Therefore Jared’s plan was pretty simple, though for his gold-digger brother, Jensen, the plan would be highly unpleasant.

Jared had been planning and studying ways to take away Jensen’s inheritance. Some are legal, some aren’t. But the conditions in the will that followed the inheritance are the one thing that is unexpected for Jared, and it means he has to start to make some adjustments to his plan.

Jared has no clue whatsoever on what made his father set this kind of condition. The only reason Jared can think of is that maybe his father thought this condition could help mend Jared’s relationship with Jensen.

If that's the reason then Jared knows he’ll disappoint his father because now that he thinks about it, Thomas’ will is actually going to make Jared’s plan go smoother than he had expected. Because right now, all he has to do is just make sure Jensen won’t be able to stand living together with him under the same roof for 6 months.

Jared smirks, satisfied, because in one way or another, he’ll make sure Jensen lives through same hell as he did.


It takes six rings until finally somebody answers the phone at the bar Jensen used to work with Mike and Tom at.

“Port Locke Bar, can I help you?”

Jensen smiles when he recognizes the voice belonging to Marty, Port Locke’s friendly bartender. “Hey, Marty. It’s me, Jensen.”

“Jenny! Man, it’s been ages since I heard your voice.”

Jensen laughs. “Tell me about it. Sorry for not contacting you sooner. Things have been kind of hectic lately.”

“Nah, it’s okay. Things are starting to get crazy in this hell hole as well. Without Tom, these customers are going berserk. Hell, dealing with these bastards is not in my job description!”

Jensen frowns. “Tom doesn’t work there anymore?”

There is a moment of silence on the other end of the line and Jensen suddenly has a bad feeling.

“Oh, you don’t know?” Jensen can hear the doubt in Marty’s voice.

“Marty,” Jensen’s grip on the receiver gets tighter. “What happened?”

“I don’t think I'm the best person to tell you this, Jen. Hold on a minute, will you?”

And Jensen has to pull the phone away from his ear for a moment as Marty calls out Mike’s name loudly.

“Hey, Jen.” Mike’s voice is heard a moment later and Jensen frowns deeper because Mike, the hyperactive-bouncing-all-over-the-place-Mike, sounds tired and spiritless.

“Hey, Mike. I’m sorry for not calling you for a while. Where’s Tom?”

Another silence stretches over the phone and now Jensen feels dizzy with fear because something bad has happened for sure.

“Um,” Mike speaks softly. “Yeah, well. I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but the job gets demanding here and I need the money. So…”

Jensen grits his teeth. “Skip the small talk, Mikey. Where’s Tom?”

“He’s in the hospital.” Mike says finally, and his voice cracks a bit at the end.

“What?” Jensen gapes. “Why? When? How?”

Jensen can hear Mike sighing. “You know he has a weak heart, Jen. And I don’t know what caused it, but the day after you left, he had a heart attack.”


“It almost made me have one too, you know? Seeing him sprawled on the bar floor like that in the middle of our shift, for a moment I didn’t even know what to do. Then Marty and I brought him to the hospital right away, and after a couple of hours, his condition was stable.”

Jensen can hear that Mike isn't finished so he waits, worrying his bottom lip.

“He’s fine now. But he still needs to be hospitalized for further treatment and the doctor said that his heart has reached its limit. If he doesn’t get operated to fix it soon, then…” Mike’s voice wavered.


“Doctor said he only has three months left, give or take.”

Jensen’s legs suddenly feel rubbery and he decides that he needs to sit down.

“How much?” Jensen asks, voice trembling, and he almost can’t hear Mike’s answer because it’s mixed up with Mike’s crying.

“I’ve tried, Jen. Hell, I even work double shifts now and I’ve begged John to allow me to cover Tom’s shift. But you know the pay at the bar sucks big time and I’m not sure I can find another job if I quit. At this rate, I can never afford the operation cost.”

Jensen can feel tears starts to form in his eyes and he rubs it away. “Mike, how much?”

“A hundred grand.” Despair is clear in Mike’s voice, “Fuck, Jen. How can I get 100,000 dollars in three months?”

Jensen closes his eyes tightly for some seconds before opens it again. Strong will in his voice as he is asking Mike. “Which hospital is Tom in?”

For a second Mike doesn’t answer. “He’s in East General Hospital, room 203. The treatment is better there.” Hope and doubt mix in his next words. “You’ll come?”

Jensen starts calculating. “I’ll leave tonight by bus, and if the trip runs smoothly I figure I’ll meet you guys there tomorrow night?”

“I’ll see if I can get off my shift faster, but yeah. We’ll see you there.” For a moment none of them say anything.

“Hey, Jen.” Mike breaks the silence finally. “Thanks.”

Jensen smiles. “See you tomorrow, Mikey.” He says before ending the call.

Sighing, Jensen stands up to start packing for the trip. He doesn’t feel like meeting Jared right now so maybe he’ll just leave him a note, inform him about his leaving for a couple of days which is probably unnecessary because Jensen doesn't think Jared even gives a damn.

So, Jensen thinks sadly as he zips up his duffel bag, looks like there won’t be any new plan for me.


Tom looks so pale, even paler than he used to be.

Jensen looks at all the tubes running from Tom's arms into machines that beep quietly through blurry eyes, and he tightens his hold on Tom's hand, reminding himself that he's sick but he's still here, and there's still time to help him.

“I don’t believe it.” Mike sounds awed behind him. “That bastard passed on millions of dollars to you?”

Jensen shrugs a bit. “I was surprised too.”

“But, but…” Mike starts to pace back and forth, annoyance clear on his face. “What’s with that stupid condition? And that cruel shit he wrote in his letter? He’s sick; I’ll tell you that, Jen.”

Jensen gives him a don’t-I-know-that?-glare.

Mike stops his pacing and stands across Jensen on the other side of Tom’s bed.

“So,” His hands folded on his chest as he stares at Jensen. “What’ll you do now?”

But Jensen doesn’t answer. He just stares back at Mike and it takes him a full minute to recognize the meaning of that stare and his eyes widen.

“Oh, no.” He says angrily. “No fucking way, Jenny. You can’t do that.”

“I have to, Mikey.” Jensen smiles sadly and turns his gaze to Tom. “Tom needs the money.”

Jensen can see Mike does the same and beeps of machines are heard clearly as silence fills the room.

“I’m sorry to say this, Jen. But from what I’ve gathered from your story, he hates you even more now.” Mike shakes his head. Hints of bitterness can be heard in his voice. “You’ll just be suffering again if you decide to stay.”

Jensen looks at Mike whose face scrunches with sadness. It scares him how Mike looks so helpless. Mike used to be a carefree guy and nothing could bring him down. But apparently the burden of Tom’s sickness is just too much for him. Jensen decides to use his last tactic.

“Don’t you want to see Tom back on his feet again, healthy and smiling? Don’t you want to see his soft smile again?” Jensen knows he's playing dirty. But it’s the only way he knows to make Mike agree with his plan.

Mike glares at him and Jensen’s heart twinges in pain when he sees tears brimming in Mike’s eyes.

“I do. Damn it, Jen, you know I do.” Mike hisses. “But I’ll be damned if it means making you go through that hell once again.”

Mike wipes at his tears angrily and begins to pace again. “Screw this. Tom’s condition needs to be stabilized more and the doctor said the operation can only be done two months from now.” He stops and looks stubbornly at Jensen. “I’ll figure something out by then.”

“We both know it’s unlikely, Mike, and I know you won’t have the heart to gamble with that idea... not with Tom’s life at stake.” Jensen says softly and at that very second, he can see Mike’s defense crumbling down. Jensen knows he's won the argument this time.

So he lets go of Tom’s hand and walk towards Mike. Raising his hands to grip Mike’s shoulders, Jensen gives him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be just fine, Mikey.”

And Jensen can see that Mike doesn’t buy it but he says nothing because they both know it’s the only way.

Jensen just has to make sure he’s ready for what’s to come.


“I’ll stay.” Jensen says and he can see Jared’s eyes slowly darkened beneath his raised eyebrows.

Jared feels so stupid because the hidden hope in his heart, that Jensen is actually different from what he has thought all this time, is suddenly crushed upon hearing Jensen’s words.

“Why am I not even the slightest bit surprised?” Jared snorts. His face is grim. “You almost got me when you said you don’t want any share of my father’s wealth, but I should have known better.” The sarcasm is thick in his words. “I bet right now you’re thrilled knowing how you’ve become so rich in just one night.”

Jensen fists his hand, fingernails digging deep into his palm as he tried to bear all the hatred and disgust reflected in Jared’s stare. “I meant what I said back then. But I have my own reasons to change my mind.”

Jared doesn't say anything for a while... but when he breaks the silence, his eyes are dark with anger, his jaw tight with disgust and his body rigid with tension as he sits behind his desk, regarding Jensen standing in front of him.

“Do what you want, Jensen. But remember this.” Jared leans forward, hostility coloring his every word. “I hate you. So much, and I will never let you have your peace.”

Jensen walks out of the study soon after that because he doesn’t want Jared to see even a single tear falling down his cheek.


PS: I don't know when the next update will be because my muse is running away right now and I'm in the middle of chasing it. But I'll try to post next chapter before the end of February.

Thanks for all of you who stays and comments on my fic. I love you all~!

series fic, fangirling western, my muses flows, fandom: supernatural, ultimate otps, fandom: wincest and j2, pairing: jaredxjensen, angst

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