Based on the talent involved, the new FOX television series Dollhouse has the potential to extraordinary. The show is created by Joss Whedon, who was responsible for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly/Serenity, all of which I have a certain devotion to. Further, Dollhouse stars the absolutely beguiling Eliza Dushku (Tru Calling, Faith in
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Comments 21
Firefly should have been Joss's next big hit, but it got screwed around by the Network and just didn't take. Serenity made up for that, but was not a substitute. I love Eliza Dushku as an actress, but I'd be muc much more interested in seeing her do something as Faith. I suspect that Joss Whedon is a lot like J. Michael Straczynski - they've both done their masterpiece but have extreme difficulty in doing follow ups or further projects.
Straczynski couldn't get Crusade to run over a season, and for a long time wrote for Spiderman at Marvel. I liked his stuff (the 9/11 stuff was just right) but it did seem to be a lot of "reinventing the wheel" in the stories, and his last story (where more or less Peter Parker gets a "reset button") was unforgivable.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Dollhouse seems like a flawed vehicle from your description. If it can last long enough then that might change. First season Buffy isn't that great. but it grows on one.
I didn't start watching Buffy until the very end of season 5, when Willow goes dark. Then I went out over a period of time about bought copies of everything, and watched it one episode a day (later interleaved with Angel) until I was done (did the same thing with B5 and Andromeda too). You get a much better overview of things that way, and seeing the characters develop is one side effect.
When I'm under a lot of stress, I'll sometimes sit down and watch 1/2 a season over a few days. Seems to calm me down.
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I can imagine a version of Firefly where the Serenity film is the overall arc for a whole season, which shock ending of losing long term characters. That's a Whedon trade mark - really get the fans into a character (think Tara, or Fred) and then cut 'em down like a sack of meat.
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