Based on the talent involved, the new FOX television series Dollhouse has the potential to extraordinary. The show is created by Joss Whedon, who was responsible for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly/Serenity, all of which I have a certain devotion to. Further, Dollhouse stars the absolutely beguiling Eliza Dushku (Tru Calling, Faith in
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I was disappointed by the way Whedon handled Shepard's character. He had so much potential and based based on the first few episodes I thought there were going to be some big time theological fireworks between he and Mal. I actually thought that there might be a long term storyline where Shepard might eventually help Mal regain his faith. It always seemed to me that this was a step Mal would have to take-- moving beyond his bitterness over the war and being able to beleive in a higher power again-- before he'd ever really be capable of putting aside his habitual jerkassness and being able to express love. Of course none of this happened Shepard more or less faded into the background and relegated to being a comic foil for River before he got killed off...
I can imagine a version of Firefly where the Serenity film is the overall arc for a whole season, which shock ending of losing long term characters. That's a Whedon trade mark - really get the fans into a character (think Tara, or Fred) and then cut 'em down like a sack of meat.
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