
Nov 09, 2007 13:02

Think of this as my "way, way, way too busy for NANO" stab at NANO.

Okay, so I'm theoretically busy with a research paper. It's Murphy's Law, right? I haven't really been in the writing mood at all for the last month, and now that I have other things I really need to do, naturally I'm full of the urge.

Don't feel bad about requesting. I'll be good. No big-time fulfilling until the paper's done. This is just to keep me sane. :D

ETA: Just for fun now. X3

Here are series I know and would totally write for:

Bleach (obviously)
Buffy and/or Angel
Harry Potter
Kingdom Hearts
Sailor Moon

Obviously I'm feeling a little retro today, but I wanted everyone to know. :3 For some reason, saying "I'll write anything I know, just ask" doesn't seem to help people. X3 Or maybe everyone just really really wants KH fic from me.

(Aside from Bleach, I'm pretty much an anime-only gal, so manga-exclusive characters are a no-go. D: The one exception is, like. Akari from Ranma. I know her!)

I do gen, and pairingfic. I'm slash, het, and femmeslash friendly, and uh. I totally do pr0n. I do have certain pairings I absolutely love, and others I'm less fond of, but part of the fun of these things is experimenting, so honestly. If you want it? Request it. :3


Tatsuki/Orihime: Cyrano de Bergerac
Harry/Hermione: in the stacks
Thirteen/Cut-Throat Bitch: friendly fire
Rei/Mamoru/Usagi: the way we were
Axel/Roxas: ice cream headache
Ginji: static cling

And you'll get a drabble! Two per person, 100-500 words, GO GO GO.


All Year Round (Aizen/Gin; sex)
Collector (Ichigo/Tatsuki; sex)
Devil Inside (Gin/Rangiku)
On the Subject of Bladelike Things (Kyouka Suigetsu, Zangetsu)
Kingdom Hearts
But Don't Be Afraid, and Remember... (Antiform!Sora/Kairi/Riku) NEW
Ixion and Nephele (Marluxia/Larxene)
Shall We Dance (Kairi/Olette) NEW
Darkly-Lit (Kazuki/Juubei/Toshiki) [GetBackers]
Pedestal (Neville, Dennis Creevey; dark) [HP]
May I Cut In? (Buffy/Spike) [BtVS] NEW

.slash, .gen, .het, !bleach, !kh, .femslash, !drabble challenge, -zomgporn

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