Finding Endless Love - An Eroica Troll fic - Part Two

Jul 26, 2008 01:12

Margaret, Jim, and the Eroica cast continue with the MISTie. Comments in BOLD. Part One

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ok I got my sister to beta read for me so the grammar is better.

Margaret: I hope she’s as good as my sister.
Jim: Didn’t she shred your first fic?
Margaret: Totally.

i got rid of the “ai” in her name YES IT IS JAPANESE but i guess since it got everyone so mad i just dropped it. i originally had her name like that because the OCs original name was “ai” and she WAS japanese.

Klaus: And you didn’t leave her that way because…?
Jim: Then it would’ve made sense.
Klaus: Ah.

but yeah eroica doesn’t really have japanese people in it lol except for that one detective guy and he was weird...

Margaret: So, you changed her from Oriental to Occidental, but still left the stray Japanese bit in her name.
Jim: And her description.
Agent G: And her Ninja skills!
Jim: I still say she’s a Pokémon.

i dunno really what to change without just scrappinbg the story all together.

All: Do it! Do it! Do it!

but this next part as yaoi and i really like it so i wanted to see if you guys did to....
so yeah yaoi warning!

Margaret: Just get on with it!

Part Two

The mission was of utmost importance.

Dorian: That’s hardly a news flash!

They have to gather five orbs that are said to hold an ancient power not yet known. Powers that NATO wants to harness.

Klaus: They want to harness them but they don’t know what the power is?
Margaret: It’s called a gaping plot hole, Major.
Klaus: There’s a plot?

The problem?

Jim: This fic!

They were located all over the wworld in five different museums.

Jim: They’re the Dragonballz!
Klaus: What?
Jim: Are they orange with black stars inside?
Margaret: I thought they were Pokéballs.

The first one is in London. They would go to the first musem that night.

Jim: Wow, behold the action!
Dorian: Didn’t this start out in the Major's office?
Margaret: In Bonn, West Germany?

Lenore was excited because she had never been to London before.

Margaret: She’s his cousin and hasn’t been to London?
Klaus: Dimwit lives in London!
Dorian: Major, I didn’t know you cared!
Major: I don’t!

“Eroica, what’s it like there?” she asked him.

Dorian: Just tell the whole world who I am, why don’t you?
Klaus: The whole world already knows, you narcissistic bastard.
Margaret: Wouldn’t your cousin call you by name?

“Oh, it’s wonderful. Here!” he handed her a tour-guide.

Margaret: A very annoyed tour guide, I’ll wager.
Dorian: I suspect that was supposed to be tour guidebook.
Klaus: Where did you get-? Never mind, bloody thief.

He sighed, thinking about Caesar. He hadn’t seen the boy in months now. He sighed remembering his long platinum blonde hair, long legs and lithe body, fit with a beautiful face sculpted like art.

Margaret: And the sighs continue in this chapter.

He remembered his soft lips... then he looked down. “Great.” He walked into the bathroom while no one was looking.

Jim: To jack off?
Dorian: Oh, how vulgar!
Klaus: Pervert!

Just as they exited the airport a young man passed.

Jim: Gas?
Margaret: The plate?
Klaus: Away?

His eyes widened, “Eroica? Is that you?”

Klaus: As if he would get lost in a crowd.
Dorian: *preens*

Dorian gasped, eyes widening at the sight of Caesar, still beautiful and innocent. He quickly looked away, walking quickly.

Margaret: Welcome to the Recycle the Word Club, she quickly said quickly.
Klaus: Finally, Eroica, you get some sense and dump that wimp.

Lenore looked back at Caesar, seeing him look sadly at Dorian, her and Klaus. She broke away from the both of them,

Jim: And threw herself off a cliff!
Klaus: We should be so lucky.

“I’ll be right back.”

Klaus: No rush!
Dorian: Don’t hurry on our account.
Margaret: They only have a mission of utmost importance.

She walked to Caesar. She smiled softly at him, “You’re in love with Eroica, aren’t you?”

Caesar: How could she possibly know that?
Margaret: Her Mary-Sue sense was tingling.

Caesar gasped, then blushed. He nodded slowly. “But he didn’t notice me!”

James: Hurrah!

Lenore looked at him sadly. He obviously didn’t have much self confidence. he was beautiful but didn’t even realize it. “I think I have an idea.”

Margaret: Kill yourself now.


Klaus: I told her not to rush, but what the fuck!?

“You look so cute!”

Margaret: I don’t want to know.

Caesar blushed he was dressed in tight denim jeans. He wore high heeled boots under them and a red halter top. Gold earrings glittered on his ears and he wore gold bangles on his wrists.

Dorian: Poor Caesar. He’s being turned into a manwhore.
Caesar: AAAAaaaaaaaaaa! *faints*
Klaus: Wimp.

“Thank you so much Lenore. Do you think Eroica will notice?”

Klaus: He couldn’t miss you, even if he’d been struck blind!
Jim: A better question would be, “Will he not die laughing?”
Dorian: *giggle*chortle*snicker*

“Oh, he’ll notice,” Lenore giggled, then grabbed Caesar, going over to the hotel that Eroica and Klaus were staying at.

Jim: How did she know where to get these clothes if she’s never been to London before?
Caesar: And why did I let a total stranger dress me like a slut?
Klaus: You expect logic from this load of crap?
Dorian: Good point, Major.

“Lenore, I’m neverous,” Caesar said, biting his lower lip, “I don’t know what to say to him! I just freeze up!”

Klaus: Or faint.
Dorian: Or cry.

“Just relax...” Lenore pushed him through the door, ‘And don’t worry I’ll be there telling you what to do!’

Caesar: And I thought Sugar Plum was pushy.
Margaret: I suspect that the single apostrophe instead of a quotation mark is supposed to denote a telepathic conversation.
Jim: Italics would’ve been better.
Klaus: Nothing would make this better!

Caesar gasped, ‘You have telepathy too?’

Margaret: Here it comes…

It was true; Lenore had powers like Caesar, only she could use them less and didn’t tell anyone about them--except Caesar, of course.

Jim: Of course!
Klaus: A perfect stranger.
Dorian: She didn’t even tell me, her own cousin!
Margaret: Special Sue power number eleventy billion.

‘Yeah--but don’t tell anyone okay!’ Lenore winked and gave thumbs up to Caesar as he walked down the hall and knocked on Eroica’s door.

Margaret: She gave a thumbs up to his back?
Jim: It was a telepathic thumbs up.

Eroica gasped as he answered the door. Caesar looked absolutely delicious; the jeans made his legs look longer than ever and the halter top showed off his creamy white skin and as Dorian peered closer he saw that his taut nipples were showing through the top, glistening like red rubies on his chest.

Margaret: Oh! My! God!
Jim: Ewwww!
Dorian: Is that supposed to be…erotic?
Caesar: She turned me into a whore! *weeps*
Klaus: *offers handkerchief*

Caesar stood transfixed at the Earl of Gloria, who had a broad slightly tanned chest showing through his shirt.

Margaret: I keep saying you need a better tailor, Dorian.
Dorian: James won’t let me buy new clothes.
Klaus: You can steal something better than that!

Caesar felt his already tight pants go tighter still.

All: Ewwwwww!

Dorian stiffened himself,

Jim: Please, tell me he’s standing more erect…
Klaus: Don’t encourage this!

“Ahem. Caesar is there something you need?”

Caesar: New clothes.
Margaret: Boy, have you gone to the wrong door.

‘Tell him you wanted to talk.’ Lenore watched from across the hall.

Dorian: Phooey, I forgot about her.
Klaus: I wish we could all forget about her!
All: Hear, hear!

Caesar gulped. “I wanted to talk.”

Margaret: Yeah, the outfit is just so casual.

Dorian nodded and let him in. Inside Dorian’s room, candles were lit and it was dim.

Klaus: No comment.

A bottle of wine was sitting on a set table.

Bonham: M’lord, are you psychic, too?
Dorian: Anyone know what a set table is?
Jim: I think they mean a table that’s been set.
Margaret: Clear as mud.

“I was just having dinner,” Dorian said.

Dorian: A romantic candlelit dinner…
Klaus: With yourself? Shallow wanker.

“It’s so fancy,” Caesar said, then sighed. ‘I’ll never be good enough for Eroica’s high tastes...’

James: Finally, he understands. Now, shoo!

‘Don’t think that!’ Lenore berated him. ‘You look great--did you see his face?! Now go up there and tell him how you feel.’

Jim: Petrified?
Klaus: Like an idiot?
Caesar: Like a slut?
All: Bingo!

Caesar looked at Dorian who had taken a glass of blood red wine and was swirling it around.

Dorian: When did I become a vampire?

He looked so beautiful, Caesar could barely breathe.

Margaret: Die now. Don’t fight it, just die!

“Would you like some wine?” Dorian sweatdropped as Caesar gasped at the sound of his voice.

Dorian: I what…?
Klaus: Is that even a word?
Jim: I was right. Anime.
Margaret: Nah. Too many manga.

“N- no thank you Eroica,” Caesar stepped up to him, looking him in his deep blue eyes. “Eroica...”

Dorian: That’s Lord Gloria, dear.
Margaret: Everyone’s getting called by the wrong name in this thing.

As soon as Dorian looked into his eyes he knew.

Dorian: Knew what?
Margaret: The future?
Jim: That it was all crap?
Klaus: That I would kill that idiot cousin of his when I got my hands on her?

He took Caesar by the shoulders, savoring the feel of their softness.

Margaret: Was he Snuggly soft?
Jim: And April fresh, too?
Klaus: Don’t make this any longer.
Dorian: They can’t make it any worse.

He kissed him deeply, moaning. Caesar’s lips were warm and he moaned too.

All: *groan*

Eroica slipped his tongue passed Caesar’s lips and plunged inside, tasting and teasing inside of his mouth.

Jim: Is there any way to fast forward?

From outside in the hall, Lenore blushed. She could see everything from Caesar’s perspective. She left giggling.

Margaret: She must’ve read ahead.

Caesar moaned more as Dorian removed his clothes and hugged him to his firm body. He felt so warm and safe. Dorian kissed him again and another moan escaped him along with a single tear rolling down his soft cheek.

Margaret: Oh noes! Not the single emo-tear!
James: Waaaaa!
Klaus: Not from you!

Dorian kissed it away.

Klaus: Good. Now, hit the delete key.

“Will it hurt?” Caesar asked softly.

Margaret: Who cares! Just get on with it!

“I’ll be gentle.” Dorian kissed him and they went on the bed, blowing out the candles.

Jim: The end?
Dorian: THAT was the yaoi part?
Margaret: Not even decent slash.
Klaus: Not even decent anything!


Yeah i kno its still not that good but you find out more about Lenore in the next chapter


so yeah. NO FLAMES PLEASE!!!! i worked really hard on this and I dont appreciate it being crapped on by total strangers!!

Klaus: If you don't want to be crapped on, stop writing crap!
Dorian: Oh, Major, that’s almost poetic.
Klaus: Idiot.

**** END PART TWO ***

To Part Three

from eroica with love

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