Finding Endless Love - An Eroica Troll fic - Part One

Jul 26, 2008 00:45

Margaret is joined by her son, Jim, and the Eroica cast for this MISTie. Comments in BOLD

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Hey i’m new to the fandom! my favorite character so far is caesar and Klaus hehe.

Dorian: I’m rather insulted to’ve been overlooked in this intro.
Klaus: I’m insulted to’ve been lumped in with that wimp Caesar!

anyway i wrote a fic and I really hope everyone likes it!!!

Klaus: I hate it already.
Dorian: Give it a chance, Major.
Klaus: *snort*

Finding Endless Love

Dorian: Oooo, a romance!
Klaus: Spare me.


Major Klaus dem Eberbach paced his office.

Jim: I’m not even in this fandom and I know that’s wrong.

Annoyed as usual by his new mission. He would be forced to work with a contractor for NATO--someone he never wanted to see again.

Dorian: That narrows it down to everyone you’ve ever worked with, Major.
Klaus: Idiot.

He watched as Dorian Red, the Earl of Gloria walked through his door he sneered at him. “I suppose, you want my painting as payment Eroica,” the Major growled.

Dorian: I think a few commas in there would’ve been helpful.
Klaus: I think deleting this would be more helpful.
Jim: Dreamer.

Eroica twittered melodically, “You need to not pay me, Eberbach, someone else will be doing NATO’s bidding this time.”

Klaus: When the hell did you start calling me by my surname!
Dorian: I’d rather call you by your forename.
Klaus: *glares*

Eroica twittered melodically, “You need to not pay me, Eberbach, someone else will be doing NATO’s bidding this time.”

Margaret: I think I’m having an acid flashback and I didn’t even take LSD in the 60s.

Klaus looked at him questioningly.

Jim: He’s not the only one.

“I thought you worked alone!”

Eroica gang: Since when?
James: Waaaaaa!

“Oh, I do but I have pupil now.”

Dorian: Oh, I can’t wait to hear this.
Klaus: I can.

Klaus blinked. A pupil?! Eroica!? Who could it be? “Who is it!?”

Jim: Blinks. Pupil. The eyes have it!
Margaret: Ouch.
Klaus: The suspense isn’t killing me.

Dorian smiled mirthfully,

Dorian: Come again?

“She’s my cousin from France,” he opened the door, “You can come in now, darling.”

Dorian: SHE!?
Klaus: *bursts out laughing.*
Dorian: *sputters*
James: Waaaaaa!

A girl with a slender figure appeared from the door with dark ebony hair trailing against the floor. Black bangs hung in front of her blue purple-speckled eyes which gleamed like amethyst gems. She had a pale face almost as white as the moon and she was very young with a delicate face. She wore a black dress with kimono style sleeves with a blue ribbon around her waist. She wore knee-high boots that were black and high heeled.

Dorian: I think she’s overdone it with the blue and purple.
Klaus: What the fuck is she supposed to be?
Agent G: Is she your Ninja cousin, Lord Gloria?

She had a lavender colored gemstone necklace around her pale long neck and a beaded blue bracelet covering her moon-shaped birthmark. She quickly covered it modestly.

Margaret: Covered what modestly?
Dorian: The bracelet?
Jim: Her necklace?
Klaus: *points* The birthmark.
All: Ooooooh.

Klaus suddenly felt himself get very hot. He stared as if stunned because her deep blue/purple eyes almost seemed to bore themselves into his own.

Klaus: *sputters and flails*
Margaret: Oh, dear God, she’s a Mary-Sue!
Klaus: What?
Jim: She’s bewitching you with her perfection.
Dorian: WHAT!?!?!

She looked stoic but in reality she was as stunned as the major.

All: *groan in unison*

He was tall-taller even than Dorian!-

Dorian: Only by an inch or two!
Margaret: Yeah, he’s hardly Wilt Chamberlain.
Jim: Who was a foot taller.

with long black hair that stopped at his broad shoulders. He had a beautiful and masculine face with piercingly soft green eyes and pale skin. He was skinny but not too skinny.

Klaus: That’s supposed to be me!?
Dorian: Apparently.
Klaus: Where’s my gun?

“Well don’t just stare at each other introduce yourselves!!!” Dorian said.

Margaret: Obviously, this Suethor doesn’t realize Dorian is supposed to be doing the introductions.
Klaus: Just get her the hell out of my office.
Dorian: Yes, we want to be alone.
Klaus: Fine, I’ll leave.

“I’m Countess Lenore Red 愛 (ai) Magnolia,”

Jim: And she’s from France?
Margaret: I’m not sure where the random Japanese/Chinese character comes in.
Jim: Anime.
All: Ooooooh.

Lenore’s voice was soft and she looked down as she introduced herself as if too shy to look again.

Margaret: Awww, she’s a shy Sue!

“Klaus,” dem Eberbach said, shaking his head.

Klaus: That’s Major!

What had gotten into him?

Jim: He was in this fic!
Margaret: And with the wrong name!
Klaus: Don’t just sit there, write me out of it!

he looked back at Eroica, “How old is she?”

Margaret: If she’s a Sue, she’s a teenager.

“I’m only 19, sir,” Lenore spoke.

Dorian: Bang on! Oh, good show.
Klaus: *snorts indignantly*

“But she’s a a damn good thief! I taught her myself afterall” Dorian’s blue eyes shimmered along with his long wild blonde hair.

Klaus: Fine. Now get her out of my office!

“But can she do her job well?? It will be a dangerous mission”

Jim: Like that’s something new.

Klaus looked at her lithe figure, “I doubt she can defend herself.”

Margaret: But, she’s a Mary-Sue!
Jim: Which means…
Together: She! Can! Do! Amazing! Things! *high five*

Within a blink of an eye and a flash,

Jim: Is she a Pokémon now?

Lenore had Klauses arm behind his back,

Dorian: *perks up* More than one Klaus? *rubs hands together*
Margaret: The world will never be ready for that.
Jim: Quiet! I think there’s some action going on.

pinning him to the desk with her heeled boot on his back. He looked up at her shocked.

Klaus: Whaaaaaa?
Jim: Can I see this maneuver on a diagram?
Agent G: Oh, she’s a Ninja contortionist.
Margaret: No, she’s just a Mary Sue.

“Anymore questions?” Lenore asked, letting go of his arm.

Klaus: Can I kill her now?

Klaus straightened himsef up and adjusted his tie, “No.”

Dorian: Himsef?
Klaus: *facepalm*

“Well then lets get started shall we?” Dorian chortled. Klaus sighed. This was going to be one long mission!

Margaret: And an even longer fic!
Jim: They found the thesaurus but lost spell check.
Margaret: Why is everyone sighing so much in this?
Klaus: Do you really care?

*** END PART ONE ***

Part Two Here

from eroica with love

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