Exam time blues

Jan 24, 2007 11:06

I forgot how addictive this game is. TETRIS!!I used to be so good at it when I had it on my computer. I got the the highest level every time. Now I suck. ;_ ( Read more... )

suckytimes, wrestling, school

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Comments 3

bustix2000 January 24 2007, 17:22:50 UTC
I'm going to look up some hotels in Detroit now. Melissa keeps saying she will, and then never does.

I keep TELLING her to, and she doesn't. The deal was, I get the tickets, she deals with the hotel. That was the deal. I can't believe this...

And about the Team Extreme shirts? Yeah, those are up there all the time. I hope she didn't waste her money. She could get them individually for way cheaper. If she did bid... she's a sucker. Ha.


bishie_addict January 25 2007, 17:19:39 UTC
She ended up not getting them. Thank god. I think I would've pummelled her if she did. ^^

And yeah... refer to last night's conversation. ^^ Cool stuff. But yeah, I'm still going to look up some hotels and such just-in-case to have a back-up plan if we end up doing what you said.


bustix2000 January 26 2007, 00:28:52 UTC
Dude, check out #43 here:http://go-avi.livejournal.com/4404.html#cutid1

Cool, just so we're prepared. GAAAAAH. LOL


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