Exam time blues

Jan 24, 2007 11:06

I forgot how addictive this game is. TETRIS!!

I used to be so good at it when I had it on my computer. I got the the highest level every time. Now I suck. ;_;

I'm so stressed out right now. I hate exam time so much. I always feel like ripping out all of my hair and screaming. I screamed into a pillow yesterday, I was so frustrated.

I'm very worried about how well I do, too. Because I have to get good. I have to get at least one scholarship, somewhere. I have to.

The only one I'm not as worried about is my French exam, because it's grade 11, so it doesn't matter as much. I'm still expected to do well though. Mme Lazarek still brags to people that she taught the student that got the highest grade 9 French mark in Sacred Heart history, got perfect on the exam, blah blah blah. It's annoying. But I need to do well on that too, or she might not be as easy on my next semester. Guh.

Earth and Space Science isn't hard, it just has a lot of information and facts and process steps that you just have to memorize, there's no other way around it. Studying for that is incredibly tedious and I get bored really quickly.

And Calculus...is Calculus. I'm aiming for an 83-85 mark, so I pretty much have to ace the exam and get an 86-90 on it. I'm going to study that the most, and do shitloads of questions. Wish me luck, please? ;_; I'm so friggin scared I'll get a 70. If I get a 70, it's bye-bye Waterloo and Queen's, my two top choices. And my mark is an 82.5 right now so it could happen. It better not! ;_;

I stayed at home yesterday because I woke up with a muscle in my back hurting like hell. It hurt so much I cried. It sucked. It was a muscle right between my spine and my right shoulder blade, and it just would not STOP KILLING. I was getting really freaked out because it hurt when I breathed in, so I only took shallow breaths, and as a result I almost started hyperventilating a few times. I sounded like that kid in a wheelchair on Malcolm in the Middle. My mom told me to go have a rest in bed, and it was really hard to find a position where it didn't hurt. You don't know how much you use a muscle until you can't. It hurt with the slightest move, it was pathetic. I couldn't bend my arm to a 90-degree angle and could barely lift it up, so when I wanted lunch, I had to get on a chair to get the tea out of the cupboard at shoulder-level. I could usually reach, so..yeah. It sucked.

And then of course my mom got mad at me when she came home on her lunch break and saw I hadn't gone to school. She was all, "I said you could rest for a little bit, not fall asleep for two hours and lounge about at home!" First off, I did NOT sleep. It hurt too fucking much. Secondly, she didn't say I had to go to school. It wasn't like I was going to take a short rest and then pop up all okay and go along my merry way. FUCK THAT. I was in pain. Unless she wanted to come get me when someone found me curled up sobbing on the floor, I was not going anywhere.

It still hurts a little, but it's only an occasional pull now. Thank god.

I want the Era Banner to publish my letter. That would be cool. ^^ I really hope they do also just because I want people to read it and to get my message. I don't mean to preach, but honestly. Have some respect.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Exams suck.

I'm going to look up some hotels in Detroit now. Melissa keeps saying she will, and then never does.

OMG speaking of which! She called me four times yesterday because she found a set of Team Extreme shirts on eBay, all in small. She was freaking out seriously. At first, she was all, "I'm bidding I'm bidding I'm bidding!" and then "Who is this fucker that dares come between me and my Hardys?" which progressed to "Should I keep bidding? I want it, but it's so expensive...but I want it! But it's so expensive..." That last call was at 10:30 pm. When she called, my dad gave the best "Are you kidding me?" look ever. EVAR. I kept telling her, Don't buy it. You can't afford it. It was like, $100 Canadian when there was still a half hour left. I wonder if she bid. I'll kill her if she did, seriously. Geez...

suckytimes, wrestling, school

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