It still astounds me

Jan 16, 2007 13:13

I can't believe I forgot to post about this! D:

This past weekend I went to the mall and I got hungry, so I went to the food court and stood in line. There were some bratty-looking pre-teens in front of me, who were talking so loudly it was hard not to overhear them. I was horrified when I realised they were laughing openly and loudly at an old woman infront of them, who had accidentally tucked her skirt into her underwear/stockings.

I couldn't believe it. They were openly doing it in front of everyone, and everyone was giving her side glances because they heard. How rude could you get?

Since NO ONE ELSE WAS (which still pisses me off) I went up to the lady and quietly told her about her situation. The poor woman realised who everyone was giggling at and ran away in embarrassment. I felt so bad for her. And even as she went off, one of them kids went, "Geez, she finally noticed!" loud enough for the lady to hear.

Christ. I wanted to tell those kids off so badly. I should've!! I think someone else did though, thank GOD. But it was so horrible. I know kids can be immature, but these ones were just mean. Like bullies. It was awful.

I'm writing to the Era Banner about this. New generation or not, kids still need to have at least a basic respect for their elders. Fucking...and for everyone else too, for that matter.

Thinking about this has gotten me all pissed off. It had to be said though.
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