On being inadvertently drawn (in)to fandom wank: when you have friends on both sides

Jul 31, 2007 16:47

I have friends who don't know each other who are entrenched on either side of a major fandom wank right now, and it is a very weird place to be. Not that it is about me at all, or the individuals involved*, but I find myself wondering at the social politics of it more than the actual issue at stake. Namely: How do you take a side? (Why) must you ( Read more... )

thinky, complaining, meta, fandom is scary

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bironic July 31 2007, 23:41:54 UTC
then I tend to just stay away from it and fret.

Et voila. Me too. Fortunately, neither side asked me to join in -- it is/was more a matter of wondering whether I should feel personally obligated to join in since people I knew are/were involved. I do hope nobody is upset that I stayed out of it!


daasgrrl August 1 2007, 00:18:53 UTC
Fascinating. I also do my very best not to get involved in wank - I did have the experience once where I contradicted a friend's opinion in the interests of what I saw as being fairness and objectivity to others, only to get rebuked quite strongly for it. I left it at that - I for one tend to form very strong opinions on the rightness and wrongness of the parties involved regardless of my personal affiliations, but IMO it's better not to voice them if you want to continue to be on speaking terms *g*.

Summary: RUN AWAY!!!


bironic August 1 2007, 01:34:50 UTC
Like in Finding Nemo? "Swim away!"

Yeah. Wading into the fray just felt like inviting trouble, and it seems that's just as well, since things are settling down now.

Sorry to hear about your getting slapped down for voicing your opinion independent of friendship. Suckage.


daasgrrl August 1 2007, 01:49:56 UTC
Like in Finding Nemo? "Swim away!"

I was thinking 'Monty Python' myself, but the principle holds *g*


thewlisian_afer August 1 2007, 01:16:09 UTC
Wank? Where?! XD I kind of get a kick out of wank most of the time because I tend to be able to see both sides and rarely think one is right and one is wrong. Being honestly neutral is very helpful when trying not to take sides because of friends. Heh.


bironic August 1 2007, 01:22:16 UTC
'Course, the trouble with being neutral, or at least with seeing the points both sides are making, is that you get angry at everyone.

It's been all over metafandom; you can't miss it.


swatkat24 August 1 2007, 05:22:33 UTC
I hate this wank. I like it when wankery is about marrying Snape on Astral Plane - this one just leaves you with a bad taste on your mouth. It's worse if you know people involved - the only way, perhaps, is to keep your mouth shut and your head down. Remus Lupin would approve. *g*


bironic August 1 2007, 12:40:27 UTC
So long as no one gets almost eaten, AK'd or sent to Azkaban because of it, I agree.

(Has there really been wank about marrying Snape on the Astral Plane? Sounds like fun!)


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