quickie thought on House 2.22 "Resignation"

May 08, 2007 22:03

Okay, okay, I wasn’t going to, and I’m not, because I need to be in bed four hours ago, but just a little fist-in-the-air first, because ( spoiler )

house: commentary: s3

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Comments 18

nightdog_barks May 9 2007, 02:14:42 UTC
Like the last scene should've been House going to see Wilson at the bar to hang out and help him feel better, not going on a fake-interview date with the hot nutritionist. It's Pizza Night all over again.


I ... God, this episode really disturbed me. House didn't know Wilson's current medical scrips, and HE GAVE HIM FUCKING AMPHETEMINES!

Am I spelling "amphetemines" right? I haven't looked it up.

Parts of this episode I loved -- RSL has one hell of a flair for physical comedy that he's apparently kept under a rock for most of these three seasons, but ... HOUSE COULD'VE KILLED HIM. Jesus Christ.


bironic May 9 2007, 02:21:46 UTC
House didn't know Wilson's current medical scrips

Yeah. Uh. I figured House *did* know Wilson's medical history, but clearly he didn't know about the anti-depressants before Chase pinged his brain, but then he did know or at least suspect he was taking them when he dosed him with the amphetamines ("a" in the middle), so, he was still being his own version of careful but only sort-of caring?

Got to admit, trauma aside, Wilson on speed was a funnier route to diagnosis than House breaking into Wilson's office and going through all his stuff trying to find the pills.

Speaking of Wilson on speed. Partly awesome, partly over-the-top, I thought. I liked him talking too fast to Foreman and shaking over label placement, but the wink and some of his lines to the girl in the exam room seemed... more RSL than Wilson? Which threw me out for a little bit.


bironic May 9 2007, 02:24:32 UTC
And also Wilson all disheveled in House's apartment, doing the wavy-hands "I'm on speeeed!" thing.

speaking of being on drugs. got to go to bed. 'see' you tomorrow.


deelaundry May 9 2007, 03:15:20 UTC
Namaste said an idea on TWOP that I swear I thought of too during the epi, but then forgot so I'll give her the credit:

"Wilson outthinking House -- knowing he'd better dose both cups of coffee"

What if Wilson's not really on anti-depressants; he's just doping both cups of coffee so he can be sure House will get them? That is LOVE, unconditional and fairly well insane love.

And I'm 99.9% sure Wilson needs them anyway, so it's all good.


deelaundry May 9 2007, 03:19:05 UTC
Oh, one more thing. Continuity monkeys were hopped up on something, because just a few episodes back we had Wilson drinking super-sweet coffee and House scorning it. But now Wilson is drinking House's espresso just fine, so either House made both drinks sweet (?) or Wilson decides he doesn't need sugar.

Oh, the little details that strike me.



bironic May 10 2007, 00:03:20 UTC
Don't be sorry -- that struck me too. From little things like that to huge Wilson character developments that get dropped, lack of continuity is one of the biggest and most consistent disappointments of the show. I know I'm not alone in that. It is sad. :( <-- sad face. like wilson before he started his prescription


deelaundry May 10 2007, 00:25:12 UTC
TV shows supposedly have people on staff whose job is to ensure continuity. But I guess that must mean if the folder is Wilson's right hand in Take 10, then it's in his right hand in Take 35. They really need to hire someone (say, um, you, or me) to enforce character continuity and establish a reasonable timeline.

I'm dreaming, aren't I?

PS. Come take a peek at the latest meme I did: http://deelaundry.livejournal.com/47925.html


bironic May 10 2007, 00:30:20 UTC
Oh, I'm sure they have people on staff for shot-to-shot continuity as well as season and series continuity, but the latter group must need some augmentation, or coffee, or training, or replacement, because really, that is just not this show's forte, and that's one way to lose your hardcore fans.

Meme, eh? *floats over*


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bironic May 10 2007, 00:05:06 UTC
Tell me about Chase=Wilson. I mostly only noticed the big Chase=House stuff. Unless perhaps you refer in part to Chase laughing at House's jokes and things.

P.S. Speaking of people being like House, WTF with the preview voiceover plugging the fact that the POTW is just like House? Hello? So is every patient ever.


daasgrrl May 9 2007, 04:48:59 UTC
I didn't even consider spoilers, but maybe that's at least part of why so much canon seems predicted by fic lately. Not that I'm not loving it (while simultaneously wanting House to STOP BEING SUCH A COMPLETE ASS AND GO LOOK AFTER WILSON RIGHT NOW DAMMIT). I also really felt they hadn't 'resolved' that Wilson thread properly, but House hitting on someone is faaar more important, right? Sigh. The whole H/W this ep left me sad and amused and outraged and pissed off and... I just have no idea what chapter I'm in right now :)



nightdog_barks May 9 2007, 14:44:45 UTC
The whole H/W this ep left me sad and amused and outraged and pissed off ...

Best description I've read of how I felt too.




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bironic May 10 2007, 00:24:17 UTC
Um... the yawning is a recent symptom when Wilson's been taking them for a few weeks? Okay, no, you win on that one.

With the show's continuity being as good as it has been lately, who knows, maybe we'll get to hear more about Wilson's depression.

I thought you were being sarcastic at first, but then I realized you weren't! I agree that continuity has been better these past few weeks than at other points during the season, so there's a better chance they'll stay with the Wilson-and-House-are-depressed theme (though they're way more likely to drop Wilson's half and focus on House) than, but it's still not great. You know --

Wilson/Cuddy - dropped
House/Cuddy - dropped
Chase/Cameron - dropped
Wilson/Robin - dropped
Cuddy!baby - dropped
House worrying about the worsening side effects of his Vicodin usage - dropped
House trying to find alternative pain management/rehabilitation methods - dropped

etc. And I do, I do see what they have kept. Just saying, I wouldn't necessarily praise the show's continuity.


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